dojijosu t1_j9m1e5b wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
Only if you don’t accept any help from the doctor and shoot your way out of the womb.
dojijosu t1_j9m18oj wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
Not irony exactly. Tone deafness?
dojijosu t1_j9k5mza wrote
You do you, Free Stater. Just look out for bears.
dojijosu t1_j6tbl6d wrote
Reply to comment by FromTheTreeline556 in Button up! by HazardousWeather
New Hampshire verified.
dojijosu t1_j3xlcgz wrote
Reply to comment by MikeG782 in Business noise complaint by MikeG782
Drive past at various times of day and listen for noises?
dojijosu t1_j27crt9 wrote
Reply to Number of Restaurants by County - From Center for Rural Pennsylvania by WookieeSteakIsChewie
1110 in Delco? It feels like there are that many just in Media.
dojijosu t1_j279u8t wrote
Reply to WMUR Weather Drinking game by icedcornholio
Take a shot every time you have impure thoughts about Hayley LaPointe.
dojijosu t1_j1rpv27 wrote
Reply to comment by Itslehooksboyo in Is there any difference in reputation between the PASSHE colleges? by [deleted]
When I went to / worked at WCU I lived in Media. Not a bad commute and at the time there were lots of options for apartments.
dojijosu t1_j1m05mf wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in WEARE/ Hillsborough County. by PintacOnAcid
Weare is fine. Pine trees are real. Just some people like you live life on a switch when it’s really a dial.
Merry Christmas. I hope Santa leaves some nuance in your stocking.
dojijosu t1_j1lux10 wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in WEARE/ Hillsborough County. by PintacOnAcid
First thing anyone needs to know about living here is to ignore the free state cosplayers like 5nd. It’s all elaborate performance art.
dojijosu t1_j1bf3qm wrote
Reply to New Hampshire care package by AuthorSnow
Handful of 9mm and some maple syrup, bruh.
dojijosu t1_j13ksv7 wrote
Reply to Help with Rent Search by Illustrious-Study237
Nashua has some good lower cost options. I had a 2br apartment there for $1750, but that was 3 years ago.
dojijosu t1_j12ld2j wrote
Reply to comment by SolitudeNH in Recommendations for an adult birthday party venue to host ~40 guests? by swiftsparky
I believe you mean “The Millenium Cabaret.”
dojijosu t1_j11jv5m wrote
You know what’s good for intestinal worms?
dojijosu t1_j0zgs4e wrote
Reply to comment by bubumamajuju in FBI data shows uptick in NH hate crimes in 2021 | New Hampshire Public Radio by smartest_kobold
I knew to blow you off at “moonbat.”
dojijosu t1_j0e56mj wrote
Mi Jalisco, y’all. SO good.
dojijosu t1_j04k1qu wrote
Reply to Town contracted assessors and notified me that my property was chosen as a property to inspect (including interior). Am I within my right to refuse this assessment? by ReauxChambeaux
Yes, but they will then assess the property from the sidewalk and all their estimates will be high.
dojijosu t1_j02saop wrote
Able Ebeneezer. Go for the beer, not the politics.
dojijosu t1_j02s5ws wrote
Reply to comment by InfamousAd1822 in Best breweries in the Manchester area? by AlexTheTolerable
Strong disagree on Liquid Therapy. I found their stuff to be disappointing.
dojijosu t1_j02qxpw wrote
Reply to Potential lawsuit? by [deleted]
You’re already aware that you have handled this in a few different ways that will make it hard for you to get relief legally. If you remember the name of the company on the work van, I would try to contact someone higher up there. They probably want to know why their van was damaged and if their guy was high on the job.
Or it could be it was the owner / owner’s nephew driving the van.
dojijosu t1_izj1c7h wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NH House Democrat Leader Calls On Nashua State Rep. To Resign by matchettehdl
dojijosu t1_izep0np wrote
Reply to comment by manicmonkeys in NH House Democrat Leader Calls On Nashua State Rep. To Resign by matchettehdl
Criminal activity indicating lack of judicial ability in both cases. You think the one wasn’t as bad because more idiots did it?
dojijosu t1_ize7yu9 wrote
Reply to comment by manicmonkeys in NH House Democrat Leader Calls On Nashua State Rep. To Resign by matchettehdl
Well, there were all those republicans who tried to interrupt the electoral college counting of the 2020 presidential election… that was pretty good.
dojijosu t1_j9m1ile wrote
Reply to comment by kauffj in Thank you to the mods for fighting dangerous hatred and bigotry by kauffj
“dO SoME SEarCHes!”