donkeylipsh t1_iz1iqcf wrote
Reply to comment by slapshots1515 in Hall of Famer Deion Sanders leaves Jackson State to take charge of Colorado by shellystarzz
None of them signed up to be part of Deion's professional oddysey or play for Colorado.
They signed up to play for an HBCU. They signed up to be part of a movement. They signed up because Deion convinced them it was their calling to be part of something bigger than a college football team.
And now each and every player who signed up because they wanted to be part of what Deion sold them, are now having to give up that dream.
donkeylipsh t1_iz0ja94 wrote
Reply to comment by CUREAZGEORGE in Hall of Famer Deion Sanders leaves Jackson State to take charge of Colorado by shellystarzz
But that's not what Dieon sold Jackson State and the players he recruited. Dieon claimed he was doing this for more than business, for more than money, for more than his career.
Dieon made himself the figurehead of a movement. He grifted Jackson State and every one of the players that he lied to to get them to pass up far better offers to join him and his movement at HBCUs.
donkeylipsh t1_iy4skwx wrote
Reply to Football Has Found Its New Bogeyman: An analytics revolution has made the sport even more entertaining. So why are some fans and commentators against it? by eddytony96
What is the objective metric they're using to measure entertaining?
donkeylipsh t1_iue3ee0 wrote
Reply to comment by Solid_Rice in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
I like how you avoided trying to refute any the reasons why the Valeryons in HotD don't make any sense and jump right to attacking RoP. It's almost as if you have no interest in a holding HotD to the same standards as RoP. But that would mean you're arguing in bad faith, and you wouldn't do that would you?
Throughout the whole show and multiple replies from me. Clearly you haven't been paying attention.
So scared of their own shadows? Tell you didn't watch the show without telling me you didn't watch the show.
They befriended a stranger. Announced their presence to clearly powerful beings. And fought them.
So we have verifiable proof that hobbits will interact with other species.
When you migrate, you will encounter other tribes. If you paid attention. Some get left behind. Not all of them will die. Some will survive and make tribes of their own. Who will have their own genetic traits. And who will also migrate. Having chance encounters with other hobbits form relationships and have offspring.
The fact is, there is more anthropological accuracy in RoP than there is in HotD tokenizing a single family.
But you like HotD and you don't like RoP. And so you demand RoP conforms to your head canon, and you accept whatever the showrunners say for HotD.
donkeylipsh t1_iue2jpx wrote
Reply to comment by Solid_Rice in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
When did you express hate for any race? We're talking about your hate of a show here. The color of your skin has nothing to do with you hating on RoP.
And my overall point, is you are showing a double standard for you evaluations of the shows and how they did representation.
For RoP, You ignore refuse to accept the show runners lore for their representation, you demand anthropological accuracy, and when it's pointed out to you that they've actually SHOWN you how there would be mixing of homogeneous species and races, you reject that evidence.
But alls HotD has is one quote form the showrunners, and you put your microscope down and just accept what they say. You stopped to consider, wait, how the fuck did this one family stay black when everyone else is white? And before you say "incest", the mixing of races would have come long before any cultural norms of incest would ever be established.
Face it: You like HotD so you will accept any shortcomings. You hate RoP, so you will attack it for anything.
That's cool. But don't pretend you're evaluating things objectively. Own your hypocrisy and double standards.
donkeylipsh t1_iua733d wrote
Reply to comment by Fanwhip in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
God damn you're dumb. Read your own source:
>Statistics represent arrests occurring at homeless shelter locations and do not reflect location of offense precipitating arrest or arrestee association with shelter.
donkeylipsh t1_iua10m8 wrote
Reply to comment by ihohjlknk in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
So HoD is allowed to have the first mixed race coupling in thousands of years. And you will completely accept that without any questioning of how they would really maintain this skin tone.
But when RoP goes deep into world building to show you why there would be different homogeneous evolution with uncommon but not unheard of intermingling of species and races, you cry foul and refuse to accept it.
Naw. There is no logical foundation in your argument. You simply like HoD more than RoP. And so when the show runners give you the lore they created for their representation, you choose to just accept what HoD says, but you demand we hold RoP under a microscope and evaluate if what they say is anthropologically correct. GTFO
donkeylipsh t1_iu9xcmo wrote
Reply to comment by Solid_Rice in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
So in HoD they're allowed to have homogeneous cultures with a token family that somehow never mixed, despite the show having lighter skin for their mixed offspring. So the show contradicts your head lore. But you have no problem forgiving it.
But when you incorrectly assess that RoP has strictly homogeneous cultures, you use that as justification for your hate.
Make it make sense.
donkeylipsh t1_iu9r4fs wrote
Reply to comment by AbsurdlyClearWater in Opinion | ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘The Rings of Power’ Both Use Diverse Casting. One of Them Does It Better. by Solid_Rice
So HoD tokenized them, where RoP simply made them a natural part of the world, and the conclusion is HoD did it better?
>How do you have these insular communities in an ancient world where people are not homogenous? Are these cultures strictly against race-mixing?
RoP has multiple offspring of mixed race. Both elf and human, and dark and light. As well as an entire race of elves that migrated from a magical realm. We also have proof of migrating hunters and hobbits. As well as the Southlands becoming refugees and the aftermath of Morgoth's war causing mass migrations.
So if you actually paid attention, RoP is a world where cultures develop their skin tone homogeneously, but will regularly encounter and mix with other homogeneous cultures.
But please, don't let that get in the way of good circle jerk. I'll see my way out and let you haters go off.
donkeylipsh t1_iu9osm3 wrote
Reply to comment by Fanwhip in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
You're not pointing out facts. You're spreading lies you ignorant dumbass.
Homeless people are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than to commit it.
Housed people commit violent crime at higher rates than the homeless.
donkeylipsh t1_iu9l5n5 wrote
Reply to comment by Fanwhip in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
I provided a reason for why they're unable to do the things OP claimed.
You wrote a fictional novel giving every reason you could come up for why they're unworthy of empathy.
If you can't see the difference, I can't help you.
And heres some statistic for your claims that all homeless people are drug abusers: Only 10-15% of homeless people use drugs vs. 13% from the general population
So someone needs to go back and check their statistic and make sure they align with their bullshit stereotypes, and it ain't me.
donkeylipsh t1_iu9kovd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
What in the fuck are you blathering about?
donkeylipsh t1_iu7p6o6 wrote
Reply to comment by bluecollar1020 in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
Boy, it sucks to be the imaginary person in your head you just ripped to shreds.
Did it feel good?
donkeylipsh t1_iu72r64 wrote
Reply to comment by Fanwhip in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
You act as if I said it would. And then you let loose a bunch of pent up classist bullshit.
donkeylipsh t1_iu6t97a wrote
Reply to comment by Grastia in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
I like you're thinking. Let's stop enabling bad behavior by targeting the largest offenders and those getting the largest benefits.
Surely if this homeless man is a problem, then you'll be champing at the bit to go after the corporations who steal $40 billion in wages form their employees every year.
Next, you're gonna love this! We're gonna go after the financial institutions that are speculating real estate and attempting to corner the market for the basic human necessity of shelter.
And if that wasn't enough for you, we're gonna hire another 75,000 IRS agents to go after all the tax dodgers out there and overhaul our tax code to eliminate hoarding of real estate and passive income slum lords.
Oh what's wrong? nOt LiKe ThAt you say?
donkeylipsh t1_iu6ref6 wrote
Reply to comment by bluecollar1020 in Homeless man builds a mini house on Hollywood Blvd by Smacpats111111
You really don't know much about the homeless class that surrounds you. The reality is, the vast majority of homeless people don't have the means to show up 15 minutes before work starts, and have some sort of physical or health problem that prevents them from being physically capable of busting their hump for the entire day in a competent manner.
donkeylipsh t1_iu4wv0i wrote
Reply to comment by Kenobi_01 in A Spike in Demand After Amazon’s ‘The Rings of Power’ Finale Bodes Well for Season 2 | Chart by Plane_Willingness_25
Dragons and titties
donkeylipsh t1_iu4wfm0 wrote
Reply to comment by RyanB_ in A Spike in Demand After Amazon’s ‘The Rings of Power’ Finale Bodes Well for Season 2 | Chart by Plane_Willingness_25
HoD was created in a lab by scientists to attract the kind of fan that drives social media engagement.
You put that level of production quality with episodes packed with dragons, nudity and violence and you get an absolutely rabid fanbase online.
donkeylipsh t1_iu4vfks wrote
Reply to comment by ZachMich in A Spike in Demand After Amazon’s ‘The Rings of Power’ Finale Bodes Well for Season 2 | Chart by Plane_Willingness_25
So all the articles you agree with are the truth, and all the articles you disagree with are gaslighting, apologizing and deflecting?
donkeylipsh t1_its7seq wrote
Reply to comment by Hopsblues in Methane ‘Super-Emitters’ Mapped by NASA’s New Earth Space Mission by CurtisLeow
Depends. If these are existing regulations that they've failed to comply with, then they already had their chance.
donkeylipsh t1_itlu40x wrote
Reply to The first season of Game of Thrones:House of Dragon has ended. What is your opinion about it? by mrnicegy26
Great production and rule of cool distract from the shortcomings. The show is amazing if you just get caught up in the spectacle and enjoy the cool shit for the hell of it.
Dragons, violence, tits, and TV's first butthole shot were the stars of this show. They might as well be selling crack to the teenage and YA fanbois and gurls.
It owns social media and that's all that really matters. Show will be a hit and one of the most viewed and talked about shows for years to come.
donkeylipsh t1_is7q0sn wrote
Reply to comment by fluentindothraki in This Danish Political Party Is Led by an AI | The Synthetic Party in Denmark is dedicated to following a platform churned out by an AI, and its public face is a chatbot named Leader Lars. by mossadnik
I want to live in a world where a chatbot becoming racist is not seen as the equivalent to chatbot supporting shared ownership of resources and legal weed
donkeylipsh t1_iz24oke wrote
Reply to comment by slapshots1515 in Hall of Famer Deion Sanders leaves Jackson State to take charge of Colorado by shellystarzz
It wasn't an either/or decision.
Deion promised them they could have the path to the NFL AND fulfill a higher mission than football.