donttouchthirdrail t1_j6ei6az wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Free transit service works in cities where the RR is in the single digits, as is the modal share. KCATA is not useful service, it’s welfare for the destitute, who are the only people would take a bus that comes every two hours, because they have no choice otherwise. SEPTA is currently making ~280 million a year from fare revenue, and need to be going after riders who choose to use it because it’s convenient.
There’s a mental exercise I like to do that helps me illustrate this point. It’s called years of free transit instead of “X”, where x is the thing you want to build.
Would you rather have 4 years of free transit, or a fully ADA accessible regional rail with high level platforms.
Would you rather have 4 years of free transit, or a fully ADA accessible trolley system with new low platform cars, fully replacing the Kawasaki LRVa from the 80s.
Would you rather have 7 years of free transit, or an extension of the Broad street line up Roosevelt boulevard, serving roughly an extra 100k people per day
4 years of free transit, or new rail cars on el or the subway
donttouchthirdrail t1_j6e5luj wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Both of my grandparents live in New York City and are completely dependent on the subway and buses for travel. The MTA is already reducing service on the lines they live on due to budget issues, impart due to a massive increase in fare evasion. Fare dodging has real material effects on people’s lives. Making Septa free would completely annihilate their budget and mostly act as a massive subsidy for wealthy 9-5 commuters in the suburbs. Harrisburg has little interest in supporting septa and it has historically been one of the most underfunded transit agencies in the country, with a massive backlog of repairs and worthwhile expansions that have been on the back burner since the 60s. Any dollar you can get from Harrisburg should be dumped into increasing service before making fares free.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j6e3y1w wrote
Reply to Philadelphia spends money on anti-violence efforts. It must invest in making sure they work. | Editorial by User_Name13
Non profits must not be given public funds
donttouchthirdrail t1_j6e2ax9 wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Are you or any members of your family dependent on septa for transportation. As in don’t own or have access to a car.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5rocv3 wrote
Reply to comment by ConfiaEnElProceso in Former Philly Mayor John Street endorses Rebecca Rhynhart by ConfiaEnElProceso
Nah man, the old machines were great. Get you a job, build a subway, might even get you a job building the subway. Now we don’t get any of the patronage, but we still have all the corruption. Sure, a bunch of guys named Mikey O’Donnelly are in city payroll, but if you’ve got a problem you call up your ward leader and Mikey takes care of it
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5rfrxv wrote
Reply to comment by ConfiaEnElProceso in Former Philly Mayor John Street endorses Rebecca Rhynhart by ConfiaEnElProceso
Political corruption is abstract and doesn’t effect people’s day to day life very much. If someone can get the abandoned cars off the streets and sweep them idgaf if their dumbest cousins on payroll.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5mwsn1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Real-time countdown clocks coming to SEPTA subway platforms this spring by ModestAugustine
They improve the rider experience a lot. It feels a lot better to know when your train is arriving.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5mgi5c wrote
I’ll believe it when I’m literally seeing the clock.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j2ewazk wrote
Reply to comment by jpstanton93 in City Council is more concerned with cars than public transit | Editorial by LurkersWillLurk
The city gives very little money to septa and only has two seats on the board, which means they don't have the ability to council it up like they normally do.
Unfortunately this is also reflected in septa's capital and operating budget, so we kind of get screwed anyway.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j2blvi8 wrote
Reply to comment by cruelhumor in DAE feel like the city is about to explode and experience massive growth? by ticonderoga-
I hadn't heard anything about fixing the place up, so I assumed they were just cooling their heels until they could sell the place. I hope they fix it up - I'm a big diner guy, and its been pretty sad to see the destruction of diner culture over the last few years.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j2bkscd wrote
Reply to comment by cruelhumor in DAE feel like the city is about to explode and experience massive growth? by ticonderoga-
They pulled demo permits, its not long for this world. I'd guess same with the melrose.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j29ri0a wrote
Reply to comment by JBizznass in Nearly half of Philadelphia seniors still working to meet new state graduation requirements by User_Name13
Having no high school degree or equivalent is basically a guarantee of a lifetime of poverty. It’s not good that they pass kids who aren’t qualified, but dumping them on the street with no degree isn’t a great solution either.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j29o93d wrote
Reply to comment by MarketMan123 in Grand Central Madison will not open in 2022, MTA says by WatchesAndNYC
They were planning on a running shuttles between Jamaica and Grand Central to have it technically open, but they’re not allowed to do that now.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j279jyz wrote
I generally agree with this, purely on the basis that people are bailing here cause they can’t afford nyc/dc anymore. Crime is a problem but pretty orthogonal to growth. Plenty of high crime cities are are also high growth.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j274dwl wrote
Reply to comment by oliver_babish in Philadelphia mayoral candidates on gentrification: Parker, Gym, and Quiñones Sánchez talk solutions by outerspace29
The lower northeast has much higher poverty rates than it used to.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j20zrnw wrote
Reply to comment by actualtext in Opinion: New York finally has momentum on housing and it’s time for a breakthrough by King-of-New-York
And also in the city itself. Looking at you, Forest Hills.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j20ij5x wrote
Reply to Opinion: New York finally has momentum on housing and it’s time for a breakthrough by King-of-New-York
I grew up with my parents and brother in a variety of 2BR apartments in buildings with no parking ranging from 8-14 stories and no one has been able to give me a good answer why that kind of building shouldn't be allowed to be built anywhere in the city.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j1qn4yw wrote
I am begging you people to put up wire and run trolley buses
donttouchthirdrail t1_j0z41eg wrote
Reply to comment by ofxemp in Adams warns migrant flood will impact NYC’s safety and ‘basic services’ by NYY657545
It’s not policy, it a constitutional right in the state of New York
donttouchthirdrail t1_j0x8rlo wrote
Reply to comment by Aromat_Junkie in Philadelphia's Economic Recovery Continues by LFKhael
Can’t run a good a good business district without solid data.
donttouchthirdrail t1_izzerrs wrote
Reply to comment by actualtext in Ground broken on new $3.2B station that will take riders from Bronx-to-Penn Station in one ride by elizabeth-cooper
I saw an estimate for ~30 million a year. On Twitter, so grain of salt, but that doesn’t seem wholly unreasonable.
donttouchthirdrail t1_izz9l7z wrote
Reply to comment by actualtext in Ground broken on new $3.2B station that will take riders from Bronx-to-Penn Station in one ride by elizabeth-cooper
City ticket should be 2.75 and transfer with the buses/subway. City could just subsidize it as a line item in the budget.
donttouchthirdrail t1_izxy3k3 wrote
Reply to comment by MrPhilNY101 in Ground broken on new $3.2B station that will take riders from Bronx-to-Penn Station in one ride by elizabeth-cooper
This project is a lot simpler than east side access. The only actual changes they need to make are building these stations, the rest of the stuff they’re doing is just so Amtrak will give them trackage rights.
donttouchthirdrail t1_iyxgxgv wrote
Reply to comment by danthefam in Airbnb likely to lose more than 10K listings in NYC under tight new rules by NecessaryMistake9754
A negligible amount of people use Airbnb as housing, it’s almost all tourists who we can and should soak for as much as we can.
donttouchthirdrail t1_j6erzzx wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
SEPTA has e tickets on phones now:
Any they'll eventually give you the ability to pay with credit/debit cards, like new york city does already.