downwardspiralstairs t1_iultkeo wrote
Reply to comment by Peeeculiar in Any other subs for Boston besides r/Boston? by [deleted]
As long as you don't mention bicycles
downwardspiralstairs t1_iue8mwe wrote
It's means that it's run out of coal
downwardspiralstairs t1_iu3p6iu wrote
Reply to A Spike in Demand After Amazon’s ‘The Rings of Power’ Finale Bodes Well for Season 2 | Chart by Plane_Willingness_25
Me falling asleep during almost every episode doesn't bode well that I'll be interested in watching a second season.
downwardspiralstairs t1_ityuyya wrote
Reply to I read once that a person watching The Sopranos would skip the Melphi scenes. Are there parts of programs you just skip? by cheyne_stoker
Kinda funny but it was pointed out to me that I'll fast forward romantic scenes that don't show anything.
downwardspiralstairs t1_itvd6h4 wrote
A Black-capped Chickadee
downwardspiralstairs t1_ituekr1 wrote
Reply to For those who've gone to the RMV to register a new vehicle, how long did it take to get your new plates and registration? by AKANightwing
They give you the plates and registration right then and there. The new title will come in the mail in about three weeks.
downwardspiralstairs t1_itue9rr wrote
Jet ski
downwardspiralstairs t1_itpbdsi wrote
I dumped cvs after getting one to many messages that my Rx was ready for pickup when it wasn't.
downwardspiralstairs t1_itg6wmr wrote
You did, the foliage was very early this year due to the draught but you can still see some great sights.
downwardspiralstairs t1_itfzfp5 wrote
Outside the cost of the bathtub no more than $1000 for the labor.
downwardspiralstairs t1_itfz2je wrote
Reply to Question about city terminology. by [deleted]
Yes there are neighborhoods within the neighborhoods. FYI Dorchester was founded before Boston.
downwardspiralstairs t1_isy2ul6 wrote
Reply to Massachusetts lottery retailers receive about 5% back from winnings, so does that dictate where you buy it? by nebirah
I only play for jackpots over 350 million dollars and I couldn't care about where I buy my ticket from. It's usually at the grocery store. If I won I'd go back an give a cash tip to the worker, and they would never see me again.
downwardspiralstairs t1_isp4p22 wrote
Reply to Casual sale tax on cars by tapemeasure43
It's taxed at the same value that the auto excise tax uses. If it's KBB or something else I'm not sure.
downwardspiralstairs t1_ir6tt15 wrote
Reply to comment by DramaKindly4338 in The Hingham Coyotes by GnrlPrinciple
ahhh, ok
downwardspiralstairs t1_ir5ovo5 wrote
Cheating at a casino called Hustler?
I never would have imagined it
downwardspiralstairs t1_iqvvrvw wrote
Reply to Driving thru Salem: what is a flashing green traffic light supposed to mean? Instead of solid green. by human-potato_hybrid
The short answer is that it means yeild.
downwardspiralstairs t1_iv0tdnv wrote
Reply to Do you think Charlie Baker will run for President? by BoringAccountName78
Nope, he'll go into the private sector.