draculamilktoast t1_jcpd1bv wrote
Reply to comment by Criticalhit_jk in Heavy workloads make employees feel a greater need for a break, but new research finds they may actually discourage employees from taking breaks at work despite causing high levels of stress, fatigue, and poor performance. by Wagamaga
If you're a billionaire and your victim has $1000, it's easier to take $500 away from them than to make another billion, because ultimately only relative wealth matters to human beings. If you're the victim, it's better to perform poorly by not taking breaks because you can claim to have done nothing wrong while punishing your owner by performing poorly. Working extremely hard without producing actual results is basically a form of quiet quitting which is immune to detection because all metrics point towards the quiet quitter being extremely productive.
draculamilktoast t1_jclas5m wrote
Reply to [Image] We need to realise this. by RutbaIsBored
That old man should definitely stop being enslaved by literature. /s
draculamilktoast t1_jax290y wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: A cat with a helmet getting its claws trimmed. by ihaveabaguetteknife
Cat: "the day will come when you will pay for this"
draculamilktoast t1_ja9ctyh wrote
Reply to comment by zoobernut in My girlfriend wrote I love you in my banana by ForeverStrangeMoe
I hope she doesn't communicate a lot with people.
draculamilktoast t1_ja8la4v wrote
Reply to comment by PapaBePreachin in US 'develops' AI-powered facial recognition tech for military robot drones - The drones are to be tasked with expeditionary roles, including special operations, to "open the opportunity for real-time autonomous response by the robot." by Gari_305
Let russians do it.
draculamilktoast t1_ja3jli3 wrote
Reply to comment by FartAttack911 in the penultimate girl by HeliSieni
draculamilktoast t1_j9tgupi wrote
Reply to comment by Timely-Huckleberry73 in Mice Choose Mating Over Food, Even When Hungry by molrose96
Mates are mobile, food is generally less so.
draculamilktoast t1_j8i79au wrote
Reply to comment by PrayForMojo_ in Just a little high five by Kuthibale
Your grandma has sharp teeth.
draculamilktoast t1_j8hwuok wrote
Reply to comment by boiler95 in Economist: War and subsidies may have knocked as much as ten years off green transition by 10drinkminimum
It's ironic that war accelerates the transition away from dictator farts far more effectively than anything else.
draculamilktoast t1_j7z0dt7 wrote
Reply to comment by a-kiwi-fan in [IMAGE] by Lucadris
At least you know you physically cannot get things done for a reason. Maybe it's time to be mentally okay with it rather than try to force yourself to be a highly achieving slave for people who hate you.
draculamilktoast t1_j7v7fc2 wrote
Reply to comment by Imprettystrong in Just mixing people. by ooMEAToo
> CEO making 45 million dollars a year comes in and cleans out the gears
The CEO making 90 million dollars a month apologizes profusely that the gears aren't grinding people painfully enough and then has somebody else randomly fire 10% of the workers, the gear cleaners being the first to go.
draculamilktoast t1_j7ajbxc wrote
Reply to comment by countafit in [Image] Life is like a camera by Jellybabyman
Every day is another chance or another downfall depending on what you choose. You deserve to choose to go upwards and that remains true no matter how many times you chose to go down in the past.
draculamilktoast t1_j73oxt8 wrote
Reply to comment by ovscrider in Germany to send 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine by urbanskyline09
You know who loved to see America isolated in WW2? Hitler. It was the most important requirement if he was to conquer the planet that America remain neutral for as long as possible. Now that Hitler 2.0 is trying to conquer Europe again, keeping America isolated is literally straight from the playbook of Putin. So if something keeps the new Hitler contained it really is uplifting. Only Putin can or has the responsibility of deescalating as everybody else is defending against his aggression, not the other way around.
draculamilktoast t1_j73av9k wrote
Reply to comment by CantThinkOfOneUs in New satellite to police carbon dioxide emitters from space by AbbydonX
I have the perfect solution for such people and it is to write everything in a single extraordinarily long sentence that just doesn't stop when normally you might think some punctuation would make sense but it just keeps on going like the world is about to end in an instant because sometimes all you get is a single thought that contains so many ideas in it that splitting it into more than a single sentence or paragraph would feel unnatural but writing it all out in one giant single mental breath makes sense and as you do that your reader is bound to have a mental collapse of proportions that are enough to make them question reality in a way that ensures they either have to ignore what you say or accept it as their new reality and that is what happens with sentences that just never end as it feels you must be running out of air internally but you don't do that as the human brain is capable of incredible feats of self-deception if motivated properly
draculamilktoast t1_j6mh9xc wrote
Reply to comment by beefnar_the_gnat in happy birthday jonathan banks by mommamia245
I put on this silly hat for you Waltuh. Come eat cake with me Waltuh.
draculamilktoast t1_j6m7e55 wrote
Reply to comment by Dwarfdeaths in The internet has become essentially 5 giants sites all sharing screen shots of each other and not much else. by DominosFan4Life69
A drone flying a package home to you doesn't require expensive infrastructure and can theoretically carry a package of any size. The real advantage to a tube system might be in speed and maybe requiring less energy per delivery but plumbers are not rich for no reason.
draculamilktoast t1_j6kddw6 wrote
Reply to comment by mayormcskeeze in The internet has become essentially 5 giants sites all sharing screen shots of each other and not much else. by DominosFan4Life69
> It really is a shame how completely useless the internet has become.
Yeah you can only use it for entertainment, employment, education, socializing, communication, research, file transfer, commerce, distributed supercomputing, telepresence and controlling teapots. Completely useless. What we really need is a series of pneumatic tubes! The tubes could contain actual cats, none of this digital nonsense that doesn't even exist.
draculamilktoast t1_j6hol1a wrote
Reply to comment by AxialGem in Piglet is a small pig, but bullet is definitely not a small bull by tmhn89
So it should really be called a ballet?
draculamilktoast t1_j6et3nh wrote
Reply to comment by amazingsandwiches in Twins, 1987 by Alatarial
Judging by their expressions you need a new diet
draculamilktoast t1_j63bwdd wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Lady Gaga clubbing in Paris by IaryBreko
She's what the devs use to test clothing glitches with.
draculamilktoast t1_j550piw wrote
Reply to comment by khamelean in ChatGPT really surprised me today. by GlassAmazing4219
That's what counts as thinking for 99% of people so it's basically sentient.
draculamilktoast t1_j47jcnh wrote
Reply to comment by WraithCadmus in Skeleton of man who dreaded becoming a museum exhibit will finally be removed from display by BadAmateurBirder
The injuries and damage was everywhere, just like his internals.
draculamilktoast t1_j47ho61 wrote
Reply to comment by Flash635 in PsBattle: President George Bush presenting a bag of crack cocaine by inebriatedferret
He was force feeding him it until the proper pronounciation of nuclear was no longer possible, at which point the reptilians agreed to select him as the scapecoat for the atrocities of the new millennium.
draculamilktoast t1_jd94a0m wrote
Reply to comment by No-Owl9201 in TIL that on April 1st, 1906, American newspapers ran prank articles reporting that Chicago had been "invaded by hordes of prehistoric monsters dealing death and destruction", illustrated with doctored photos showing dinosaurs attacking the Windy City. by TJ_Fox
When every day is fools day.