drakens6 t1_jce4rw2 wrote
Reply to Identity, Me, Digital, 2023 by redhalftone
nicely done.
like Shepard Fairey meets Dios de los muertos.
drakens6 t1_j9qxgdd wrote
Reply to comment by RunDNA in TIL that in 1554 Elizabeth Crofts hid in a wall on Aldersgate Street, where she pretended to be a heavenly voice. Reputedly 17,000 people came to listen to her give out anti-Catholic propaganda. by Kurma-the-Turtle
> one Drake, Sir Anthony Knyvett's servent
It was Sir Francis!!!!
drakens6 OP t1_j6li7rm wrote
Reply to comment by YARandomGuy777 in knowledge piracy ftw by drakens6
except eatin beans, thats a pretty easy way
drakens6 OP t1_j6kn9e3 wrote
Reply to comment by Key-Abrocoma-144 in knowledge piracy ftw by drakens6
who said anything about being uneducated?
pats giant pile of pdfs and books
drakens6 OP t1_j6kl7p2 wrote
Reply to comment by therussellv in knowledge piracy ftw by drakens6
apparently thats how the game is played right now. Disinform away, o authorized one
drakens6 t1_j6cmaxc wrote
Reply to AI will not replace software developers, It will just drastically reduce the number of them. by masterile
developers will just be actually making apps and tech instead of spending time with the minute conventions of manual codewriting, same thing has happened already with frameworks/libraries this is no different. Innovation is only going to speed up and greater things will be able to be accomplished with less effort. Thought workers are still going to be valued as they always have.
drakens6 t1_j61nn13 wrote
Reply to comment by btbhouston2000 in Danger?, me, Digital (Sketchbook), 2022 by btbhouston2000
hehe ;) the joke was that it looks kinda like the ancient Marduk (martians) described by Sumerian literature like the Enuma Elish (Horus from egyptian culture is an example of one too), they had 4 eyes but the second pair were higher instead of lower.
drakens6 t1_j61l117 wrote
hmm, her 2nd pair of eyes are down, not up... Its not a Marduk, what system did you run into this thing in?
drakens6 t1_j5xp3of wrote
Reply to Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology by AutoModerator
Amateur (albeit incredibly notorious) theology/anthropology scholar here.
Has it been put forth amongst you professional anthropologists that the stories of Sumerian culture (particularly the Enuma Elish) seem to provide metaphorical corroboration of events that closely mirror what we see in geological record?
I for one am particularly interested in the possibility that the tale of Tiamat's destruction was describing the great cataclysm that ended the Dinosaurs' reign on earth.
The implications are immense from that particular interpretation of the text.
drakens6 t1_j5gkdic wrote
Reply to comment by ifitfartsitsharts in Scientists are beginning to unravel the effects of psilocybin mushrooms on bipolar disorder: Findings indicate that many people with bipolar disorder who consume psilocybin, the primary psychoactive component of psychedelic “magic mushrooms,” believe that the experience is helpful. by lolfuys
The critical thing to note about usage of serotonergics or dopaminergics when recommending their use for treatment is that people's baseline levels of those neurotransmitters, their receptor sensitivity, and theirability to convert/process precursors metabolically into active substances can vary wildly depending on a number of different pathological and developmental factors. Just as with anti-depressants, marijuana and psilocybin can be radically detrimental to individuals with specific conditions, and its use can result in real harm to those people
No medicine is beneficial every time, at every dose, to every person. Everything has it's drawbacks and diagnosis considerations, and safer administration protocols with proper harm reduction controls do exist and can be utilized, even in a non-clinical setting.
drakens6 t1_j1f82iu wrote
Reply to comment by tankyogremagi in Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
Speakin the trutru
drakens6 t1_j1et06i wrote
Reply to comment by DopeDetective in Narcissistic tendencies moderate the association between testosterone levels and generosity in men by chrisdh79
Not always, sometimes they keep it from even their families and reflect all of the cognitive dissonance inward, resulting in a "ticking time bomb" scenario
drakens6 OP t1_iye4vf4 wrote
Reply to comment by I-took-your-oranges in pirates of the corporate caribbean by drakens6
give the oranges back m8
drakens6 OP t1_iye1pks wrote
Reply to comment by I-took-your-oranges in pirates of the corporate caribbean by drakens6
rich hands wrote this
drakens6 t1_jcfp848 wrote
Reply to comment by redhalftone in Identity, Me, Digital, 2023 by redhalftone
You're also tackling a very difficult issue.