
drawkbox t1_iv113cx wrote

Oil/gas cartels work hard to control the amount of refineries down as well as take out leases they never utilize. Then they blame others and other factors for "lack of refinery capacity".

Smaller amount of refineries and fewer companies that control production of refineries that control those, keep the price of gas high or the margins tight, that is desired by the oil/gas cartels the most out of anyone.


drawkbox t1_iuht4z9 wrote

On "The Movies That Made Us" A Nightmare On Elm Street episode, they talk about how the producer put in scenes that Wes Craven didn't want. A few are the blowup doll/mom being ripped through the window, the gooey stairs and the bed scene at the end I think.

The documentary is amazing and shows just how random and amazing that the movie even got made.


drawkbox t1_iucw5x0 wrote

> then why are the telecom companies bitching?

Because they oversell and their infrastructure is pressed constantly, they'd rather you not use it.

They'd rather de-prioritize throughput, put in data caps and limits for rent-seeking than actually build up infrastructure. If you have a node overloaded it takes a long time to even know, and they drag their feet on upgrading it while they turn up the latency causing de-prioritization (throttling though not directly).

We have allowed ISPs to incentivize themselves to not increase network infrastructure throughput, slow progress benefits them. Rather than upgrading for better service, rent-seeking for slower and slower service compared to market/user need.

Without innovations like DOCSIS, like DOCSIS 3.1 + DOCSIS 4 and other throughput multiplexing technologies, we'd be even worse off on infrastructure. These ISPs will just not run fiber.