
drewbaccaAWD t1_itv6s7h wrote

I wouldn't release my medical record either, certainly not every last detail. The thing is, unless you release every last detail there will always be someone there claiming you aren't being transparent... so it's more of a game than it is actual transparency. It wouldn't tell us anything anyway because the dust still hasn't settled post-stroke... so what you are really saying is that his injury is disqualifying because you're not willing to give him time to fully recover. There's nothing sketchy here. I'm all for transparency but some things really do need to remain private.

He doesn't speak well, I didn't need a debate to know that, It was clear just from the interviews he's done over the last few months. When he's asked a question he doesn't respond to the question and it's not the usual political dance around an answer, it's been clear that he's not understanding the question asked. I'm willing to take his word that it's an auditory processing issue; he otherwise seems able to understand and think clearly. But I agree, Fetterman isn't 100%, I'm just saying I've known this even before the debate.

I've watched at least 100 of these sort of debates in the two decades I've been eligible to vote and I've yet to see a single one that was worth my time; I've given up on the format. Some of the local ones have been ok but it seems like the closer you get to the top elections the more nonsensical they get. There's too much disingenuous bs, too many attempts at "gotcha!" I just can't be bothered.


drewbaccaAWD t1_ittbs0v wrote

My expectations were 0, so I didn't tune in. Polished tv doctor who lies through his teeth vs honest guy recovering from a stroke that would rather make twitter style superficial jabs than discuss actual policy. Plus I just hate these "debates" more generally even with different candidates as two minutes or whatever isn't enough time to really discuss much of anything.

I'm glad there was only one debate and I'm not looking forward to hearing all about it. lol


drewbaccaAWD t1_itt7jlv wrote

If you can withhold your vote and make it blatantly clear that an election was lost because you and however many others made a stand on the basis of campaign outreach, more power to you.

But I really doubt your withholding of a vote will teach them a lesson...

That's one of the problems with elections analysts, unless there's an active study monitoring how you vote and why, they're never going to catch what led you to a given outcome. If you aren't asked at an exit poll or something, your vote will just be statistical noise to them.

If you really care, the first step is to sort out where the call(s) is coming from and get a discussion going. I'm in no way arguing that a "remove me from your list" request shouldn't be honored and something you can follow up on as it likely violates laws.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itr4c8i wrote

Not starting a career because your family has sufficient resources isn't a grift, especially compared to Dr "Buy my vitamins and supplements" Oz. Grifters tend to be individually wealthy from their grift... wrong term.

If you want to bitch that he's not a career oriented guy, or that his only experience of record is politics, or that his "working class" label is based on 2nd hand knowledge... those are fair critiques. Calling him a grifter is not.

The sad reality is that no one is getting out of high school or college and entering a single job for the next three decades any more... those days are gone. Not starting a career is not a sign of laziness or lack of work ethic if one has the means to get by or other priorities that don't pay enough to live off of.

You're here calling people "simps" but you're the only one being a partisan hack in this thread.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itr2m8x wrote

If you had a chance to catch Fetterman in person and vent over this, and if he blew you off and was like "so what? shut up peon" then you're annoyance would be valid. There's a good chance that he doesn't even know this is happening or that the calls are coming from more than one organization. It's a complex problem and you are acting like he gets out of bed and directs his staff to make 10,000 texts each day.

I'm not saying it's not annoying, but bitching about it on reddit isn't going to make it stop and it's a much bigger problem than a single candidate in a single election.

I know one thing for certain, that Fetterman is more likely to read a letter asking for him to look into and change regulations regarding campaign calls and texts, robocalls, and that sort of thing. Get him in office, write him a letter, and judge him on his response to your letter... not on some teenager sending you a text on his behalf.

It's a close election, if you throw away your vote you get what you voted for... nothing. I'd rather have someone in office that I think there's even a remote chance that they'll listen to my concerns if I contact their office. We have a choice of someone running to represent us vs someone running to add another title to their name in order to satisfy their ego.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itm12qc wrote

What's nearby now, I think a Ross? So probably another one of those types... Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. At least that would give an option for some basic housewares. Wouldn't be a bad spot for an Ollies.

Not a huge fan of Walmart either but sorry to see it go, it was convenient although I haven't lived/worked in that area for half a decade now.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itlmtkz wrote

IUP or Westmoreland County Community College have copies, according to WorldCat.

There's a link on the other end of your link to find in a library.

Penn State has a copy too... disappointingly low number of libraries in PA, overall. I'm surprised.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itd2o7a wrote

It was a pretty straight forward choice for me, as I disliked Oz even before he decided to run. McCormick, I would have actually given an open mind and the possibility of winning me over. I would have preferred Lamb over Fetterman.

A decade ago I would have called myself a swing voter (I've voted for R's in the past) but I find that increasingly hard at this point in history. I'm not on the left "the right was always bad" lines of thinking but at this point I don't think there's much of a middle remaining. You either side with the party falsely claiming "it was rigged" or you do whatever it takes to push the fanatics back into obscurity.

The fact that Trump is still the favorite for 2024 after everything while the Dems pushed Biden over someone like Bernie clearly shows the difference between the two parties at this time and place. Anyone endorsed by Trump should automatically be written off.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itd0wly wrote

Get to know more people. I'm a registered Democrat (now) and may never vote for another Republican if they continue on this Trumpist path where their platform is just trolling and praising dictators.

Voted for an R as recently as 2016 although that was the last one; voted for several before that. I'm a moderate, six year Navy veteran, and totally done with what the GOP has turned into.


drewbaccaAWD t1_ir9je1n wrote

I didn't even know this was a theory until a few days ago when something auto loaded into my YouTube feed discussing it... but whatever I was watching only made the case that there wasn't a military invasion or evidence of fighting; they never said there was no evidence of large peaceful migration. Has that been rolled out by some other source?