drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ktc34 wrote
Reply to comment by HeyZuesHChrist in The Philadelphia Inquirer: What the Jan. 6 report says about Doug Mastriano, Scott Perry, and other key Pa. Republicans by boundfortrees
Not to nitpick, but it's a "brake line." Since you wrote it more than once that way, I assume it wasn't a typo.
Totally agree with the comment though, not trying to serve red-herring or derail your great analogy.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ksglx wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: What the Jan. 6 report says about Doug Mastriano, Scott Perry, and other key Pa. Republicans by boundfortrees
>Just like when next year when there at committees investigating Biden corruption
Oddly, unlike Trump, the Biden family isn't being investigated by any states, the FBI, or any other agency. Maybe because there is no corruption to be investigated? NO, THAT can't be it, it must be a conspiracy.
Given that Jim Jordan and co. are trying to prove a pre-determined conclusion, rather than following any actual evidence? They've already made it clear that this investigation into Biden was a farce and you reacted exactly how the GOP wants you to, to think that just because the GOP runs false investigations like "BENGHAZI!!!" that the Democrats must be doing the same thing.
It's not a fallacy, but if it were, it would be called "appeal to cynicism."
You also deflected from the above comment. The GOP had an opportunity to place people on the committee and didn't. It was clearly unacceptable that they'd place anyone actively being investigated and tied to 1/6 on the committee and that's what McCarthy attempted to do. When that plan didn't work, he refused to send anyone. Being upset about this is like being upset that the defendant's brother wasn't permitted to sit on a jury.
And even before that, the Democrats didn't even want to do this at the congressional level, they wanted to form an independent committee but that was shot down by the GOP as well, at the Senate level.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kqma3 wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: What the Jan. 6 report says about Doug Mastriano, Scott Perry, and other key Pa. Republicans by boundfortrees
>If the committee came up with opposit conclusions you and the rest would be saying all the same shit
When Trump won in 2016, there were calls for verification and transparency, for recounts, etc. And then 99.9% of us accepted the results of the election, even if we didn't like it, long before Trump's inauguration (which Hillary went to, btw, after conceding and congratulating him).
We're more than two years out from the 2020 election and you still have like 1/3 of the GOP claiming that Trump actually won. There's no "both sides" thing going on.. the left actually lives in reality.
So no, if the committee would have came up with the opposite conclusions the vast majority of us would have accepted that conclusion. And if you think the Mueller report is some evidence to prove otherwise, then you clearly never read the report which blatantly stated that obstruction took place which is why we didn't accept Barr's deranged and misleading summary of the report.
*edit to add* And I'll repeat what I said above. You are free to ignore the committee's conclusions but you aren't doing yourself or this country any favors if you block out all the shit reported by witnesses who are neck deep in Republican party politics and gave an honest account that you choose to ignore.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kpx6d wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: What the Jan. 6 report says about Doug Mastriano, Scott Perry, and other key Pa. Republicans by boundfortrees
>lol Cheyney and Kinzinger aren’t R’s.
No TRUE Scotsman!!
The only metric by which they "aren't R's" is if you define a Republican as "someone who always supports Trump no matter what." If that's how you want to define it, that's your prerogative.
Fuck.. Cheney's voting record is about as hard right Republican BS as you get. She'd still be no.3 in the Republican House had she not gone against your wannabe King Donald. I want to like her for having an ounce of integrity, but even as she's on her way out the door she's still voting along party lines on everything.
Kinzinger is relatively moderate, which is probably a reflection of his military service.
>but if you think the committee was impartial then you’re an idiot.
And if you think all the Republican witnesses that were willing to go on record weren't impartial, then you are an idiot.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kdyml wrote
Reply to comment by WRWhizard in First Christmas alone post-divorce by PghKbl226
>This is why God hates divorce.
I doubt God gives two shits one way or the other. It's funny how mankind always speaks for God with false authority.
>You need to find fellowship.
You don't need to belong to a religious institution to find a social outlet. I'm not even knocking the idea of a "church family" as that's absolutely a thing and a place to find support... but you can find support from many institutions be it hobby groups, places you volunteer, work, school, or whatever.
Tying the two things together... for all we know, OP left their partner because the partner was abusive and the reason they don't have a social outlet at this time.
And even if you did have somewhere to go, a person is still going to feel alone if it's their first Christmas without a partner. OP didn't give us much context so "alone" could really mean any number of things.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0o5y0o wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
I left my last set of chains in Seattle.. actually regretted that a couple of storms back here in PA.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0o5m33 wrote
Reply to Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
Currently.. front wheel drive, automatic trans, all season tires.
Ideally.. front with limited slip or AWD, manual transmission, and winter tires.
Winter is definitely better than all-seasons with the added benefit that you only use them in winter so they tend to have better tread. I don't mind swapping wheels around twice each year but not doing that at the moment.
But I'd stick with all-season if you don't have an extra set of rims.
I see no reason to get 4wd unless I'm driving off road for fun or using it for utility, like towing someone out of a ditch.
When I lived in WA I had to use chains any time I went up into the mountain passes but around here that's overkill, I'll just stay home if it comes to that.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0mn1y1 wrote
Reply to Scariel by me by OwneTrick
I'm 100% certain I smoked a cigarette with this mermaid at the DMV.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0m0x12 wrote
Reply to comment by Matt-33-205 in Philadelphia School District To Require Masks For 10 Days After Winter Break by ZebZ
I know, we're barbarians... we also make them wear shoes, shirts, etc. We're monsters.
I'm not arguing with stupid.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0k2ae9 wrote
Makes sense to me. Kids aren't learning if there's an outbreak causing half of them to call off for a week. I'm sure rightwing partisans will roll their eyes but would you rather do everything in our power to mitigate the spread and otherwise go to school as normal or would you rather we have to start the home schooling shit again when a good chunk of the population falls ill at once?
An ounce of prevention can pay off with significant benefits and avoid a much worse outcome.
To anyone who would say "masks don't work at all," get away from your facebook memes and look up some actual peer-reviewed studies on the topic. We aren't doing this for fun; it makes a difference. For example, we saw a significant reduction in flu cases during all the Covid restrictions; there's data that virus concentrations are reduced (no, flu is not covid, but we have decades of data and trends to analyze there).
drewbaccaAWD t1_j0jntfu wrote
Reply to comment by Bond_Enjoyer in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
This is what I do as well.. pretty much ensures I never accidentally leave them on because it's just my habit.
Only real down side to running them when you don't need them is they will burn out faster... which is less of an issue as more and more cars move to LED lights. Of course some of the Halogen lights will last for years even if you run them anytime you drive but my lights are awful so I have to buy the brighter ones that only last a year or so and for that reason tend to use my daytime running lights more frequently or use my high beams during the daylight hours to conserve my lowbeams.
drewbaccaAWD t1_j05r278 wrote
Reply to comment by trxrider500 in Sen. Pat Toomey blocks landmark reform legislation to fight global money laundering by cpr4life8
I agree in spirit.
But the sad reality is that unrelated packaged bills and reconciliation on budget bills is about the only way to get anything done so long as they continue to allow the filibuster to be a tool of near endless opposition.
He blocked this but what did he offer up in return?
drewbaccaAWD t1_j05qrlu wrote
Reply to comment by goplantagarden in Sen. Pat Toomey blocks landmark reform legislation to fight global money laundering by cpr4life8
He's a jackass, but he isn't a Trump brown-noser https://archive.vn/xeAvA
drewbaccaAWD t1_j05qkwe wrote
Reply to comment by Matt-33-205 in Sen. Pat Toomey blocks landmark reform legislation to fight global money laundering by cpr4life8
I'm only left-leaning because the GOP took a hard turn off the cliff for Trump.
Also find that Toomey is a POS.
drewbaccaAWD t1_iy8w3v7 wrote
Reply to comment by queensekhmet in Can I get a PA state ID and have a DL from another state? by [deleted]
It's par for the course, you can only have one official residence and you can't physically live in two places at once. It's not like a dual citizenship across two countries where you pay taxes to both, states require you to be a resident of just one.
You can live in another state and keep your registration, plates, license, etc. if it's a temporarily thing... students, military, etc. but outside of those situations, ANY state, note just PA, would require you to change everything over within some timeline.
When you "surrender" your previous DL, they just punch a hole in it and give it back to you. Although I do agree that it's a bit antiquated now that all 50 states are on board with the REAL ID driver's license thing, so it's now a federal database. But it made sense to require this back when 50 states all handled their licensing differently... if someone didn't meet the qualifications in one state but did in another, honoring another state's laws can undermine your own state's laws.. you see it with other things outside of drivers licensing, like whether or not states honor another state's concealed carry for guns or whatever. The entire point is to be able to enforce your own laws and regulations when someone new relocates on a permanent basis.
Sometimes you just have to change it if you want something, in your case MM. I had to change mine over while living in WA so that I could get in-state tuition while I was there in the military (although states have since changed their laws regarding instate tuition for military/vets). Regarding your vehicle registration, you may want to look into that... it's usually a two out of three sort of thing where you don't have to change everything over. I don't recall my specific scenario now but I was legally ok to keep my car plates in PA when I lived in WA despite changing my license and my state of record for insurance purposes.
drewbaccaAWD t1_iwf29dy wrote
Reply to comment by Onlyroad4adrifter in To the random man by the children’s hospital bus stop who asked me to fuck off back to my country because that’s what Donald Trump would want me to do.. by stickittothe
Best to just ignore... you never know what nut job is going to pull a gun or knife out.
drewbaccaAWD t1_iwf1v3y wrote
Reply to comment by stickittothe in To the random man by the children’s hospital bus stop who asked me to fuck off back to my country because that’s what Donald Trump would want me to do.. by stickittothe
Western PA has no shortage of racists and xenophobes... it's incredibly sad considering this city's history as a cultural melting pot. Miserable people want to drag everyone else down with them; don't let them bring you down, and you win.
drewbaccaAWD t1_iw1fkbf wrote
Reply to Analysts entirely misread the Fetterman-Oz debate. These graphs show how wrong they were by immigrantpatriot
Also worth mentioning that anyone who had been following Fetterman's recovery didn't see his performance in the debate as a snapshot but rather a positive trend on his road to recovery. I remember his first interview after the stroke, I was concerned; it was clear he wasn't really listening. But every subsequent interview he seemed a bit more comfortable in his own skin and was adapting. Eventually it became known that he was struggling with auditory processing and then it all made sense.
Was he great in the debate? No. But he was better than he had been in the interviews leading up to it and the trend was promising. Then add on top of that the (lack of) favorability of Oz as the article points out... and then add on top of that how Fetterman made it a slogan about getting knocked down and standing back up... cue Chumbawamba (They Might Be Giants cover of Tubthumping).
drewbaccaAWD t1_ivl0oux wrote
Reply to comment by Lord_Kano in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
No, but I don't think Trump is capable of looking at a tax form either. He hires more intelligent people to do actual work he isn't capable of.
Several of his inner circle, most notably Steve Bannon, are on video stating this was the plan well ahead of the election.
drewbaccaAWD t1_ivi71ol wrote
Reply to comment by cocksherpa2 in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
It was state senator Boscola's (D) bill and ultimately signed by Wolf (D).. It was a bipartisan bill in which state R's were initially willing to accept the no excuse required absentee voting that the D's wanted in exchange for eliminating the party line vote, amongst other things. It wasn't an R bill and the expansion of mail in voting was something the D's were pushing, not the R's.
Granted, the R's did ultimately vote for it. And a good number of D's upset with the amendments ultimately chose to not vote for it. Ironic that it's now the R's who want it deemed unconstitutional and thrown out. They claim they were "duped" and the bill doesn't represent what they voted for... Mastriano has written a couple of op-eds on the subject.
Perhaps it's not an issue that falls along a strict partisan divide but you need to look beyond just PA to GOP opinions across the board. Jeff Essmann, the Montana GOP chair didn't hold back his thoughts when his state was debating this in 2017 (long before Trump weighed in on any of this). I lived in WA state for a while and all the pushback I saw to the mail in ballots were coming from R's... and this was back in 2008ish when I was stationed there. Here's Texas AG Ken Paxton's take on the topic granted this came after 2020's general election.
There's also the issue of GOP obsession with voter ID laws which don't line up well with any sort of mail-in ballot which dates well before the 2020 election and any input from Trump sycophants.
And of course there was also this slip up to the SCOTUS, in which a GOP lawyer admits that more restrictions benefit the GOP... reducing mail-in ballots is one form of restriction although maybe the PA GOP wasn't in on the game in 2019 when they ultimately voted for Act 77 before turning on it.
drewbaccaAWD t1_ivgwssh wrote
Reply to comment by uraturdcutter in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
Whoever downvoted you is an idiot or a liar.
drewbaccaAWD t1_ivgw79s wrote
Reply to comment by demichr in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
GOP isn't a fan of vote by mail and they were against this even before Trump. Lower propensity voters tend to vote Democrat and they are more likely to vote by mail than on election day... GOP is aware of this and tries to stop it from happening. They don't want it to be easy, they want the party faithful willing to crawl over broken glass to be the only ones to show up. The fewer the number of voters, the more it inherently benefits the GOP.
What changed with Trump is that he actively saw voting by mail as a way of creating chaos in the midst of a pandemic, knowing that by discouraging his supporters from voting that way there would be a larger disparity than usual between in-person voting and mail in ballots. It was all part of his master plan to just claim victory with many votes left uncounted... the only possible way this tosser could ever win by anything remotely close to the landslide he claims.
drewbaccaAWD t1_ivgt9he wrote
Reply to comment by oldschoolskater in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
I think counting mail-in votes starting when the polls open on election day is reasonable... what I think is unreasonable is that there's only one election day. So, I don't know that I agree with you that it should start two weeks early but I can't think of any reason not to start at least one day early so that we have an accurate count when the polls close on Nov. 8.
I'd really like to see some additional early voting options, at least in the larger cities, a few days before election day... options other than mail-in which I just don't personally trust. But regardless, I don't see any reason not to start counting the day before and not releasing any results until polls close on election day.
drewbaccaAWD t1_iuai2aa wrote
>I know you typically need at least a 3" pipe for sewage
Just a little context on this statement, i.e. "at least" often a 4" pipe is problematic because it's too big and shit gets stuck to the sides and there isn't enough water flow with newer efficient toilets to fill the pipe and flush it out. So 3" is like the happy medium, rather than a bare minimum.
I have no idea about using a 2" pipe for this purpose so can't weigh in on that. What does the code say?
drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ktrag wrote
Reply to comment by RipTide275 in The Philadelphia Inquirer: What the Jan. 6 report says about Doug Mastriano, Scott Perry, and other key Pa. Republicans by boundfortrees
Unless Nancy left the door open and sent everyone home for the day (which didn't happen) then you aren't really adding anything constructive here, you're trying to change the subject.
The fact that you'd rather focus on whether Nancy had enough foresight to hire extra security, rather than how Trump was aware that there were armed protestors and wanted security to "let them in" is quite telling.
But I'll bite on this red herring... is there any actual evidence that Nancy Pelosi failed to have sufficient security that was within her power to request in the first place? Mike Pence wasn't on the phone asking Pelosi to send help, he called the White House... weird, since apparently this was all up to Nancy Pelosi according to you. Fortunately, Pence actually did his job that day and called everyone while Trump apparently just watched things unfold from his private dining room and did nothing the entire day (after he riled everyone up).