
dreww4546 t1_je854fo wrote

I know there are state programs to help the blind in some areas. They could be run out of Richmond Behavioral health authority or DARS.

I would call both and see where they send you.


dreww4546 t1_ja5u8l0 wrote

From my understanding, it's hard for landlords to evict tenants if rent is being paid. They would have to go court and prove these people pose an actual threat to other tenants, and since the police didn't charge them with a crime, that's a hard thing to prove

And frankly, a lot of landlords don't care if rent is paid and damage is not being done to the apt.


dreww4546 t1_j9roi41 wrote

Iandlords are petty and hold grudges. If you plan on renewing your lease and staying there, wait it out. But if you plan on moving, point out the law and understand they will most likely be slow to respond to maintenance requests until the lease runs out and then will jack up the rent.


dreww4546 t1_j9buhdu wrote

I would be careful how I describe this. It sounds like 1) he was never inside your abode and 2) you knocked him out as he was fleeing.

Sometimes criminals actually sue over this and even win. And there is a decent chance he won't be prosecuted...so there goes that part of your legal defense if he does sue.

That being said, play up how you were frightened and how fight or flight rage took over when you retell this to authorities.

And honestly, you did what all of wish we could have done. Just be careful.