
dreww4546 t1_j1s9ng7 wrote

Back in high school I took a date to GLOW. Now that was showmanship. And my date loved it.

Last I heard, my former date was living in France, working as a diplomat, and would be mortified if I reminded her of this outing.


dreww4546 t1_j1f46pz wrote

I used to run a park group, and served in a volunteer advisory capacity with Enrichmond (I moved and resigned 6 years ago).

I got to know the staff quite well and will say that I seriously doubt that their collapse was due to anything other than a bad accounting system and being in over their heads.

I know at one point they were pushed by the city to buy some islands in the James, with no advance notice. And, they were blamed for the 17th street farmers market fiasco but were never given any real input into how that project ran. As for the Apple cider Grove in chimborozo, the neighbor didn't want it, the donor didn't fund it, and it would have been illegal for them to plant a Grove of trees reserved for their business use in a city park.

As the article suggests, I think the city is equally to blame in this fiasco and I truly hope they step in and make the partner groups whole again.


dreww4546 t1_j07ee4u wrote

No, I admit to being sheltered. I walk the museum district and carytown a lot. And the vast majority of my interactions are pleasant. HOWEVER, I readily admit to being sheltered and being able to chose most of my interactions.

I've worked retail before..at a lowes..and met a lot of strange people. 90% of them would laugh at my dad jokes and be nice. But the other 20% were memorable jerks.

YES, I know my math is off. But it's a dad joke. I will say that it takes some work on our part not to let the jerky 10% outweigh the neutral to nice majority. One ood asshole can really ruin a day if you let him.

I'm also older and hopefully wiser and have spent some time working on how I view the world and people.


dreww4546 t1_iy1zz7k wrote

I worked for a temp agency I'm DC years ago. I was hired out for a week to cover phones at an apt rental agency while they were in court being sued (talk about a red flag). Since no one ever called, I read a book. This made them mad, even though there were no other jobs they would let me do, so they refused to pay the temp agency.

Thankfully, the temp agency took my side. An assignment or 2 later, I worked somewhere long enough to get hired.