dreww4546 t1_j92gnu3 wrote
I spent a summer there in late 1980s (yeah, I'm old). I only learned the essential phrases of please, thank you, hello, and Where's the bathroom. Fortunately most Koreans learn English in high school. Though some of it is as bad as our high school French.
That being said, good luck with learning the language. I understand there are only 24 letters and they are always pronounced the same way. So you can learn how to pronounce things without knowing what you are saying.
dreww4546 t1_j8wi177 wrote
Reply to Broad & Boulevard 7-11 by momthom427
2 options 1 a car outside drove into it 2 a car was inside and drove out
dreww4546 t1_j8kw52f wrote
Reply to Where to dispose of a broken window AC unit by JWyattMcC
My apt in the fan has an alley behind it that scavengers hit every Saturday. They scoop up anything of any remote value. Perhaps you can sit it near the trash and it will get scavenged
dreww4546 t1_j8eakie wrote
Reply to comment by fluufhead in Any companies able to help me figure out why water pools in my backyard for days after it rains / storms? by techknee
Ah, a fellow francophone
Perhaps add some rain barrels to collect rain and reuse it in watering flower bed and such during summer
dreww4546 t1_j8bubeo wrote
Reply to comment by Ese_Americano in Can someone please explain what is happening by the flood wall. by Cardolini
After Gaston, the army Corp of engineers pretty much said there is no pump system that would be able to manage a foot of rain being funneled down into the bottom in an hour. But politics being what they are more money was spent
I really don't know what is happening in the pic. I just wanted to chime in on Gaston flooding.
dreww4546 t1_j8an7wu wrote
Reply to comment by Ese_Americano in Can someone please explain what is happening by the flood wall. by Cardolini
The problem wasn't that generators failed, it was that this has been a flood zone since richmonds first days as a city.
Rain came down at an unprecedented rate during gaston and there was no where for the water to drain too.
dreww4546 t1_j89stca wrote
Shockhoe bottom cleansing itself? Think Noah but on a smaller more localized scale
dreww4546 t1_j89cos7 wrote
There are a ton of obligations for modern governments and not enough revenue to fund everything. And no one wants tax hikes.
dreww4546 t1_j7fk7xu wrote
Reply to comment by moderatehill in Did anyone just hear what sounded like an explosion in the museum district? by [deleted]
Damn that diamond...so inconsiderate
dreww4546 t1_j6pdyuz wrote
Reply to PSA: Indecent exposure at Byrd Park by Lavenderlaurel
I know of (a friend of a friend) who had the misfortune of changing in his car for an after work run and got caught and prosecuted because there had been a series of car masturbators in the park recently.
The fact that he was a different race did not stop the prosecutor from trying to pin the whole string of incidents on him. He lost his security clearance at work as a result of his bad decision to do a quick change in a corner of the parking lot.
dreww4546 t1_j6oqgmv wrote
Reply to Stolen Moped by Murky_Pack9675
Is Ursula the moped or the passenger?
dreww4546 t1_j6eydp5 wrote
Reply to Holy shit we finally found her by fannypax
I thought bagel was made up, just like the Joe Morrisey dressed as Bob fett sticker that I often saw next to the dog fliers
dreww4546 t1_j6d2dh2 wrote
Reply to comment by LouieKablooie in What are some best paying server jobs in all of central Richmond area? by [deleted]
I love finding cigarette ashes in my food.
dreww4546 t1_j6d21dk wrote
Dillard's. You could spend more elsewhere, but it's probably not needed. They can set you up with good shirt and slacks and even bow tie.
If you want more unique bow tie instead of traditional black one, spend some time on the internet
dreww4546 t1_j691llo wrote
Reply to comment by RyloBreedo in Biden protestors at the Children's Museum this morning. by RyloBreedo
There's a drag queen musem?
dreww4546 t1_j65b2a3 wrote
Reply to comment by Bluejay929 in date night ideas? by Sweaty_Telephone_618
The question is not where but when.
dreww4546 t1_j60ebuy wrote
Reply to date night ideas? by Sweaty_Telephone_618
Underground fight club behind lowes
dreww4546 t1_j5uleh0 wrote
So, if the city built a few safe ways to cross broad and Belvidere, a lot of these would be eliminated.
Hopefully the city will paint the crosswalks a cool color that compliments the red pulse lanes. I vote Green.
dreww4546 t1_j5r00tl wrote
Reply to comment by JVorhees in Update: Henrico boy, 16, pleads guilty to fatally shooting Lucia Bremer, 13, in inexplicable killing by Charlesinrichmond
Thanks for sharing. I read psych cases at work and have never seen a diagnosis of "something funky going on" before. I'll have to share tomorrow w coworkers
dreww4546 t1_j5pg7x3 wrote
Reply to comment by NuttingOnNutzy in Update: Henrico boy, 16, pleads guilty to fatally shooting Lucia Bremer, 13, in inexplicable killing by Charlesinrichmond
He was diagnosed as "funky"?
dreww4546 t1_j5mxaab wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Trial begins for Henrico officer, Timothy Grant Million III, for shooting & killing Tony Elliott Singleton of Norfolk. by ImpoliteArchitect
Thats what I remember reading too.
dreww4546 t1_j5muju4 wrote
Reply to Picnic Location ideas! by 8retts
I like the shelter on the south Bank of the river as you approach nickel Bridge. It's a great view
dreww4546 t1_j4hxxdr wrote
Having lived 3 houses down from people who kept chickens in an urban neighborhood, I can tell you that keeping them will piss off neighbors. They are louder and smellier than people claim.
dreww4546 t1_j2e61hw wrote
Reply to comment by Nothing2SeeHere4U in New move in, what do people refer to when they say MILF island? by just_looking_aroun
I thought the location was proved by the secret hyrogliphs on Belle Isle that only crazy shouting man at the river can see and decipher.
dreww4546 t1_j943c1i wrote
Reply to comment by resident16 in Can I get in trouble for (non offensive or suggestive) sidewalk chalk? by [deleted]
There's a special police task force that shows up in the middle of the night and "disappears" people for chalking on sidewalks.