
dreww4546 t1_iuy90y0 wrote

Reply to Car Chargers? by Hurlaroid

There's an apt near me in museum district that just run some sort of cord out the window. I'm not sure how they make it work.


dreww4546 t1_iujd181 wrote

Reply to GRTC by tall4win

As a cyclist, I've almost been run down by them, like it was a sport .

But, as a passenger on a bus, I've seen 12 kinds of crazy harass the bus driver (and there have been a couple of assaults on drivers as well)

I think with the time schedules they have to keep, it's a tough job and not for everyone.


dreww4546 t1_iu7bll9 wrote

We all have bad days and my natural state is semi grumpy, but we should all try to be nice, or at least civil I'm our daily journeys.

Otherwise we will drown in a sea of assholeness


dreww4546 t1_iu69v2v wrote

First you build a Derrick out of bamboo, then you use pulleys to help you lift and move the shed. Then disassemble the Derrick and...you don't need more than 1 friend and lots of rope


dreww4546 t1_itxx8lx wrote

Those street sweepers don't exactly sneak up on you. They are loud and slow.

On a related note, this afternoon, I watched a pedestrian stumble across Franklin in front of a moving car, forcing it to lock up brakes, then stumble back to sidewalk and back in front of another car. He almost got hit twice in under 2 minutes. And I don't think he was ever aware of it.


dreww4546 t1_itsqn8w wrote

Sounds like a scam. I've gotten things like that (not from VCU) and have ripped them all up because they were always for a smallish amount from companies that I didn't do business with.

My understanding is that scammers can use these checks to gain access to you checking account.
