dreww4546 t1_ixm4xhh wrote
Avoid new Apts in Richmond. They are remarkably overpriced.
Check the fan and museum district for rentals. These are young walkable neighborhoods with a fair number of singles, and dig friendly
dreww4546 t1_iws4i7j wrote
Reply to found missing doctor id by [deleted]
Hmm, could my dream of becoming Dr Funkystuff be coming true?
If no one else claims it, it's mine!
dreww4546 t1_iw778f5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Does it smell musty outside to yall? by gneiss_try
I think it comes from curing tobacco
dreww4546 t1_ivw8b98 wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Where can you legally hangout at night away from buildings? by dnxugyshejajwoen
Isn't that Pat Benitar song?
dreww4546 t1_iuy90y0 wrote
Reply to Car Chargers? by Hurlaroid
There's an apt near me in museum district that just run some sort of cord out the window. I'm not sure how they make it work.
dreww4546 t1_iujd181 wrote
As a cyclist, I've almost been run down by them, like it was a sport .
But, as a passenger on a bus, I've seen 12 kinds of crazy harass the bus driver (and there have been a couple of assaults on drivers as well)
I think with the time schedules they have to keep, it's a tough job and not for everyone.
dreww4546 t1_iugjfb7 wrote
Reply to comment by 1nquiringMinds in Canal walk has been halloweenified by Top-Experience-8874
A little of both
dreww4546 t1_iugc0lq wrote
Reply to comment by beachhouserva in Canal walk has been halloweenified by Top-Experience-8874
A date drug me on the "haunted "canal tour about 10 years ago. Back then it was just a normal canal tour with really lame ghost stories. Ones you heard at summer camp, but with Richmond forced into them
So, I'm glad someone decided to decorate.
dreww4546 t1_iufwz63 wrote
Not sure this is Halloween decorations. It could be the remains of bird scooter riders lost in canal
dreww4546 t1_iuav9dr wrote
Reply to comment by WontArnett in Trying to make a giant fake cake for Halloween. Where can I find those whip cream charger cartridges locally? by WizardofWood
Nah, you had to understand our relationship. I loved it.
dreww4546 t1_iuap5ka wrote
Reply to Trying to make a giant fake cake for Halloween. Where can I find those whip cream charger cartridges locally? by WizardofWood
One year at work, my boss frosted a cardboard box for my birthday. It was laid out on aluminum foil and looked just like a normal sheet cake. I didn't know till I tried to cut it.
dreww4546 t1_iu7bll9 wrote
Reply to People suck (Begin rant) by CoffeePeddlerRVA
We all have bad days and my natural state is semi grumpy, but we should all try to be nice, or at least civil I'm our daily journeys.
Otherwise we will drown in a sea of assholeness
dreww4546 t1_iu75v2d wrote
Reply to People suck (Begin rant) by CoffeePeddlerRVA
Inconsiderate behavior is on the rise big time in all strata of society. But look at the negative role models we have had lately.
dreww4546 t1_iu6wxux wrote
VCU now owns everything. It is our overlord and we do what it says.
dreww4546 t1_iu6lz9f wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Looking for someone to move my shed by veloton
Brilliant. So all they need is a handful of beavers to build a dam. No friends required
dreww4546 t1_iu6hwxm wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Looking for someone to move my shed by veloton
How about those slick pads you put under a couch to move it. They are on sale at Lowes for under 10 bucks
dreww4546 t1_iu69v2v wrote
Reply to Looking for someone to move my shed by veloton
First you build a Derrick out of bamboo, then you use pulleys to help you lift and move the shed. Then disassemble the Derrick and...you don't need more than 1 friend and lots of rope
dreww4546 t1_itzes6x wrote
It looks like the story has been amended to "hit by truck" or there was a 2nd pedestrian run over yesterday
dreww4546 t1_ityznvx wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in MF Doom might be living too much up to his name by hazyrva
Perhaps they have bad visibility??? But yeah, you're right
dreww4546 t1_itxx8lx wrote
Those street sweepers don't exactly sneak up on you. They are loud and slow.
On a related note, this afternoon, I watched a pedestrian stumble across Franklin in front of a moving car, forcing it to lock up brakes, then stumble back to sidewalk and back in front of another car. He almost got hit twice in under 2 minutes. And I don't think he was ever aware of it.
dreww4546 t1_itxba8p wrote
Reply to comment by burdell69 in Hole in the ground on Mctavish and full of crab shells by theoriginaldr
Always smelling crabs is a warning sign of a stroke...or is it time travel?
dreww4546 t1_itsqn8w wrote
Reply to VCU specific question by [deleted]
Sounds like a scam. I've gotten things like that (not from VCU) and have ripped them all up because they were always for a smallish amount from companies that I didn't do business with.
My understanding is that scammers can use these checks to gain access to you checking account.
dreww4546 t1_itnndpe wrote
It sounds like they went far afield from the normal inspection.
Gol elsewhere
dreww4546 t1_itlg781 wrote
Reply to comment by Canard427 in McRib in RVA? by kilofoxtrotfour
And forget all of my responsibilities, hell yes
dreww4546 t1_ixmqg4i wrote
Reply to Opinions on Cedar Broad Apartments in Shockoe Bottom? by ionosphere777
There are lots of shootings at that McDonald's and gas station. Perhaps monthly.