
driftingwood2018 t1_iyamo1z wrote

Yes. PILOT program and tax abatements of the past have screwed us for the future. Of course elections matter but Unfortunatley no matter who you vote in, you can’t undue past mistakes that will plague this city for many years


driftingwood2018 t1_ixz8wdk wrote

Sorry. I was being awfully too pragmatic. You’re right. In order to sell my house without paying $15-20k to replace service line, I’ll have to wait until the city gets around to doing the work for me which will then allow me to sell my house without a penalty essentially. So I’m on the city’s clock on this. Sounds like a great deal. I’ll wait for them to fix the schools while I’m at it too!


driftingwood2018 t1_iuwzz7w wrote

Well. Timing is everything. You make your money on the buy not the sell. But given todays dynamics you’d have to be a real idiot to become a landlord here. Or you are simply naive in thinking you can raise rents every year without any fear of them stabilizing or going down