
drkensaccount t1_j25taar wrote

Port Authority owns it, but Silverman has 99 year lease, so it's essentially his. Westfield manages it, but things get extra complicated as the 9/11 memorial committee (or whatever they're called) is the one with veto power. It's like building something with built in historic building designation. I also don't think Westfield has anything to with the PATH station.


drkensaccount t1_j179c8n wrote

There's a big one in Tribeca, a couple of blocks or so from WTC. There's a littler one in Weehawken, across the street from the Lincoln Harbor Light Rail station. That's the situation with Whole Foods in Jersey City. Last I heard, Plan A to convert the garage turned out to be completely inadequate, so they're onto Plan B. I think that's why it looks like an indoor build site right now.


drkensaccount t1_j0hsjqb wrote

A Micro Center located nearby (or at least near PATH/HBLR) would be great. Patterson is 2 miles from the train station, which only walkable as long as I don't have to carry anything heavy back home and the other option is in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I keep hearing wonderful things about this place, but I've never been.


drkensaccount t1_iy4j5dq wrote

There's going to be another NJ Cannabis Commission hearing on Dec 2nd at 1pm. This should involve a second round of annual licenses. If you want to speak during the public comment section, you can find info on that here. But, you'll have to register by Nov 30th if you want to do that. Hopefully, there will be more recreational dispensaries approved at this meeting and at least one of them can be in Hudson County, which currently has 0. At the very least, lets hope NJ can approve a 2nd micro-business dispensary as only one was approved last month.


drkensaccount t1_ix9osaj wrote

Extend the HBLR, but do it up central/western Hudson county. Have the West Side spur make a right at MLK and head up through McGinely and Journal Squares, through The Heights, and on to Union City, North Bergen, Cliffside Park, etc. It would connect a lot of people, making that area much more accessible.

Also, the extra stop at HOB on weekends/late-nights is as much about track maintenance as it is about cost.