drkensaccount t1_j3hfq0j wrote
Where can you buy this? I could see something like this given as housewarming presents by the developers to new residents, but I can't imagine there's a market for replicas of JC residential buildings.
drkensaccount t1_j277avu wrote
Reply to A path train to GRO? by allergat0r
TIL that if they ever start a line that start/ends at Grove St. it would be grey.
drkensaccount t1_j25taar wrote
Reply to comment by ddhboy in Is this new or am I just oblivious? by GoHuskies1984
Port Authority owns it, but Silverman has 99 year lease, so it's essentially his. Westfield manages it, but things get extra complicated as the 9/11 memorial committee (or whatever they're called) is the one with veto power. It's like building something with built in historic building designation. I also don't think Westfield has anything to with the PATH station.
drkensaccount t1_j24s8ki wrote
Reply to comment by doglywolf in Is this new or am I just oblivious? by GoHuskies1984
When the Port Authority is the voice of reason, you know you've come to a dark place.
drkensaccount t1_j179c8n wrote
Reply to Any progress on Whole Foods? by Nuplex
There's a big one in Tribeca, a couple of blocks or so from WTC. There's a littler one in Weehawken, across the street from the Lincoln Harbor Light Rail station. That's the situation with Whole Foods in Jersey City. Last I heard, Plan A to convert the garage turned out to be completely inadequate, so they're onto Plan B. I think that's why it looks like an indoor build site right now.
drkensaccount t1_j0i6y0n wrote
Reply to comment by viniciusah in I bet u didn’t know we have the closest cornfields to Gotham! by EliotHudson
There's definitely cornfields between us and Gotham. Probably a bunch of horse farms too.
drkensaccount t1_j0hsjqb wrote
Reply to comment by Justcal89 in what store is a must for jersey city ? by AtticusBD
A Micro Center located nearby (or at least near PATH/HBLR) would be great. Patterson is 2 miles from the train station, which only walkable as long as I don't have to carry anything heavy back home and the other option is in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I keep hearing wonderful things about this place, but I've never been.
drkensaccount t1_iyba7w5 wrote
Reply to Any locksmith recommendations? by LeoJY
Check with your condo board before you change the front door. They may have rules about what you can put in.
drkensaccount t1_iy4k462 wrote
Reply to What are some of the tastiest vegetarian restaurants in town? Which would you bring a visiting vegetarian person to in order to show off our cuisine? by jerseycityfrankie
Sapthagiri is a vegetarian South Indian restaurant, with many vegan options.
drkensaccount t1_iy4j5dq wrote
There's going to be another NJ Cannabis Commission hearing on Dec 2nd at 1pm. This should involve a second round of annual licenses. If you want to speak during the public comment section, you can find info on that here. But, you'll have to register by Nov 30th if you want to do that. Hopefully, there will be more recreational dispensaries approved at this meeting and at least one of them can be in Hudson County, which currently has 0. At the very least, lets hope NJ can approve a 2nd micro-business dispensary as only one was approved last month.
drkensaccount t1_ixxlc79 wrote
Reply to "Somewhere horrible; somewhere corrupt; somewhere no one in his right mind would be caught dead in!" - Gomez Addams (The Addams Family - 2019 by AlcoholPrep
Charles Addams b. 1912, Westfield, NJ
drkensaccount t1_ixwutll wrote
Reply to comment by flipflopfootcramp in NJDOT anti-graffiti coating fail by Mr_Matt_K
Make that three!
drkensaccount t1_ixvw8b2 wrote
Reply to Compost Drop-off Spotted on 2nd Street by Formydad2299
2nd and what? I'd love to have something to do with my old coffee grounds, egg shells, etc, but would rather not have to carry them half-way across downtown.
drkensaccount t1_ixp4rne wrote
Reply to Kura Sushi Jersey City by premier79
Apparently, they have something called Pac Man Bikkura Pon. It seems to be branded Pac Man key chains and t-shirts. Link Below:
drkensaccount t1_ix9osaj wrote
Extend the HBLR, but do it up central/western Hudson county. Have the West Side spur make a right at MLK and head up through McGinely and Journal Squares, through The Heights, and on to Union City, North Bergen, Cliffside Park, etc. It would connect a lot of people, making that area much more accessible.
Also, the extra stop at HOB on weekends/late-nights is as much about track maintenance as it is about cost.
drkensaccount t1_iwju9re wrote
Reply to Rail trails or similar near JC? by thenextstopwillbe
There's one that the state just bought from CSX that will go from Montclair to JC. I think the idea is that it will eventually be used for commuting.
drkensaccount t1_ivlnx51 wrote
Reply to comment by Lilmitten82 in Good date spots in jc? by SilentEwe
Satis is very good for dates. Very romantic and cozy.
drkensaccount t1_iutzw9b wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Kura Sushi Bar Opening? by cosmicluma1
It's a conveyor belt sushi joint. How much staff could they need?
drkensaccount t1_iussm9b wrote
Any of the Indian restaurants on Newark Ave in Jersey City will have several vegan options. Sapathagiri is all vegetarian, with about half of it's menu being vegan.
drkensaccount t1_iu2k4pr wrote
Maybe now that it's falling onto the tracks the PA will do something to fix Newport/Pavonia station. They should rebuild the whole thing, move the entrance to Washington Blvd (which they should have done when they reopened in the '80s), and remove whatever the hell is over the north side of the platforms (a/k/a Dagoba).
drkensaccount t1_iu2drh6 wrote
Reply to comment by TalosBeWithYou in TIL Dry cleaning isn't dry at all and is only called dry because it uses chemical solvents instead of water by balaclavaloungeparty
Wet water is water that has a small amount of surfacant (detergent) added to break down surface tension. It's used in modeling to keep sprayed, water based glue from beading up, so it soaks into whatever it's supposed to be gluing together.
drkensaccount t1_itv43mn wrote
I hope it's not too forgotten. Somebody's has to cut those trees back once in a while.
drkensaccount t1_j4hvd6q wrote
Reply to comment by DialsMavis in TIL that when Weird Al wrote I Want A New Duck in 1985, he went to the library and researched ducks for a week by ElderCunningham
You wouldn't find too many scientific journals at your neighborhood library, but you'd probably find a few "Waterfowl of North America" type general interest books. Maybe one or two on ducks themselves.