drpvn t1_j61m7s4 wrote
In case anyone’s interested in how Portugal handles this stuff, here’s an interview with João Goulão, the guy who decided Portugal’s approach.
drpvn t1_j61kr7e wrote
Reply to comment by fafalone in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
I mean coerced treatment in the sense that if you reject services, there are consequences to that. They don’t automatically toss you in jail if you reject services, but you can be required to do community service or pay fines.
drpvn t1_j610qqn wrote
> The city has yet to release specific boundaries for the conversion plan, but a map in the task force's report highlights sections of Midtown where housing is barred.
This is the only thing close to such a map that I see in the hyperlink. This doesn’t look like a map that “highlights sections of Midtown where housing is barred.” This looks like an extremely small section of what I consider “midtown,” and mainly looks like downtown, Brooklyn, and Queens.
drpvn t1_j60yu41 wrote
Reply to comment by retiredfromfire in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
drpvn t1_j60gvlr wrote
Reply to comment by m4r1vs in Grand Central Madison, 15 stories underground, saves LIRR riders little time compared to Penn Station commute by bikeskata
There’s one in the story someone posted yesterday.
drpvn t1_j5zxly0 wrote
Reply to comment by colonelcasey22 in Grand Central Madison, 15 stories underground, saves LIRR riders little time compared to Penn Station commute by bikeskata
The videos of the walk to the platforms kind of blew my mind. It’s like an airport.
drpvn t1_j5zw1wd wrote
drpvn t1_j5zv3j8 wrote
Do you mean this?
drpvn t1_j5zfutb wrote
Reply to comment by YaBoiChibi123 in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
They won't find good jobs when they're dead or incapacitated from their drug habit, either.
I really do believe the best way to deal with this is Portugal's approach. But it seems like a nonstarter because it involves both policing (which the progressives don't like) and investments in treatment and safe use sites (which conservatives and many moderates don't like).
drpvn t1_j5zdzre wrote
Reply to comment by YaBoiChibi123 in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
I would support injection sites if it were coupled with a form of coercive treatment. Normalizing public hard drug use is a bad thing for a society.
drpvn t1_j5z8xlt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
> No it doesn’t.
>They spend a few days at rikers, get let out, and do it again.
So you arrest them again. We have over 30,000 cops that we pay salaries.
The best policy, in my view, would be to arrest people who use in public and offer them a choice of treatment or jail. Like how they do it in Portugal.
drpvn t1_j5z7zqu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
It fixes the problem of that junkie shooting up on the corner.
Let me guess: you also believe that going after street-level dealers isn’t going to fix anything?
drpvn t1_j5z6zqo wrote
Sure, why not, it’s essentially legal to shoot up in public now anyway. We need to remove all fear of legal consequences from hard drug use.
drpvn t1_j5wvsf7 wrote
> “Now, when we talk about a sanctuary city that is codified in law, there was a lawsuit, and this is a state and city of law and order. The courts rule that this is a sanctuary city. We have a moral obligation to fulfill that,” Adams said on WABC’s “Sid & Friends in the Morning” radio show.
Word salad.
drpvn t1_j5vf8k8 wrote
Do it in Queens.
drpvn t1_j5upszb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in HarperCollins workers have been striking for over 50 days. Here's how to help by Lilyo
Are management in the union?
drpvn t1_j5ub64a wrote
> Our main demands are a $50,000 minimum salary, diversity and inclusion language written into our contract . . .
What language specifically?
Maybe they want to address the problem of the disproportionately low percentages of men who work in publishing?
drpvn t1_j5u8d1z wrote
Reply to comment by Jigamanpimpc in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
Michigan is a great market from what I’ve seen.
drpvn t1_j5rwoa8 wrote
Reply to comment by AeneasSonofAnchises in Santos claims he was target of assassination attempt in new video by newzee1
drpvn t1_j5qch31 wrote
Reply to comment by iknowyouright in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
>An extra $5 an eighth
drpvn t1_j5q9qin wrote
Reply to comment by AdventurousTwo960 in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
Yeah but on the plus side you get the virtuous feeling of supporting a business owned by a justice involved person.
drpvn t1_j5ptozv wrote
Reply to comment by sparda2110 in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
I was hoping the web site would be on the internet.
drpvn t1_j5prw3b wrote
Reply to comment by sparda2110 in Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
No web site, apparently. 😂
drpvn t1_j5pnxip wrote
Reply to Smacked Village: New York’s second legal weed dispensary launches today by Character_Mall_1966
Good luck competing with the 1,400 unlicensed stores.
drpvn t1_j63sbnz wrote
Reply to comment by supermechace in New York's Bill to Decriminalize Low-Level Drug Possession by greenhousecrtv
I was in Lisbon years ago and it was like the Tenderloin in San Francisco. Junkie zombies everywhere. They’ve turned that around.