drxdrg08 t1_j6yk7ke wrote
Reply to comment by Pink_Slyvie in PUC launches investigation into PPL billing issues by SonGoku_USA
> as most people rent now
68% own 32% rent
That's not most.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ug5hu wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
You probably have paranoid schizophrenia or something related. Do you do drugs?
drxdrg08 t1_j6u4907 wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> So you definitely are a cop. Color me shocked.
I'm not a cop. Or a mental health professional. But you are clearly a nut case. Not in a Reddit insult way. Like you should have it check out way if it wasn't diagnosed already.
drxdrg08 t1_j6u3qy0 wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> You're a cop, aren't you?
You have mental illness yourself, don't you?
drxdrg08 t1_j6u1qsp wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> Because policing culture in the US is rotten from top to bottom and keeps anyone who isn't like them out.
So the non gang members are kept out at the hiring stage? Do they flash secret gang signs in the interview? Am I getting this right?
drxdrg08 t1_j6tx3ud wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> Literally anyone
So why are they not applying to be police?
drxdrg08 t1_j6tukeo wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
You didn't answer a direct question. Where are these 1 million people that you think are qualified and that are willing to replace the existing police? What are they doing it right now?
Are they nurses? Are they psychologists? Who are they now? Do they exist?
drxdrg08 t1_j6tjcjh wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> Unironic yes to all of that
Fine. So who wants to replace them? Where are those people?
drxdrg08 t1_j6tgxgp wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> The police are a violent gang who react to everything with violence.
Is this an organized gang? Who is in this gang? Federal police? State police? Local police? School police? Is this a voluntary membership? Do they have gang rules that they have to follow? Killing mental people is one of them apparently?
drxdrg08 t1_j6snzbu wrote
Reply to comment by grv413 in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> but they’re still cops with guns (we don’t need armed police officers responding to these situations)
Are you saying that someone who is mentally ill and is going through a violent episode senses threat from men with guns and it makes it worse? Fine.
So by that logic we need to send someone who does not look like a threat? Who defines what that looks like? Does everyone in a mental crisis respond the same to what we define as non threatening? Is there any quantitative evidence behind any of these ideas?
drxdrg08 t1_j6skdx4 wrote
Reply to comment by MarvelAtTheSky in Mifflin County Regional Police Department adds mental health response to force by greenhousecrtv
> because the ability to know how to prevent further escalation involves an understanding of the cause to know how to interact with that person first
I don't want to call this a nuanced analysis of reality, because it's much closer to common sense than nuance coming from a professional, but this is very accurate.
Sounds like your ex noped out of a hypothetical situation where they go out to 911 calls. Even EMS doesn't come on scene until it is secured by people with guns.
This idea that mental health professionals should arrive first at 911 calls is asinine. Not only would nobody want to do that, but any that did would quickly replace Alaskan crab fisherman from the #1 spot as the most dangerous job.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ow7tl wrote
Reply to comment by HeyZuesHChrist in Pennsylvania latest to eliminate college degree requirements for most state jobs by Created-being
> You need six degrees in finance to understand our tax code.
Not really. You need maybe 3 hours of uninterrupted time to learn 99% of what an individual tax filer will ever need to know to properly file taxes and understand how they work.
But you have know nothing kids spending all their free time on Reddit reading what other know nothing kids write. That why nobody knows shit about anything.
drxdrg08 t1_j6kqu9o wrote
Reply to comment by PivotalPosture in PA Vehicle Inspection: do they really fail a car for rust? by PivotalPosture
> I don’t know
I asked about your opinion, "using all your intelligence and common sense".
drxdrg08 t1_j6kplzl wrote
> There is light rust on the underbody… will that make it fail?
What do you think?
On a scale of 0% to 100%, using all your intelligence and common sense, what do you think is the probability that light rust on the underbody makes a vehicle fail inspection in PA?
drxdrg08 t1_j6it3gd wrote
Reply to comment by GTholla in TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE YOU MUST VOTE; NO VOTE, NO RIGHTS! by LetterGrouchy6053
> nope, never said that. nice try, redditor.
And what was obvious to everyone is again on full display.
You are not looking for a reasonable solution but a radical solution that only a tiny minority wants.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ik7q6 wrote
Reply to comment by GTholla in TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE YOU MUST VOTE; NO VOTE, NO RIGHTS! by LetterGrouchy6053
So if the USA adopts the same rules as France, that would be acceptable?
drxdrg08 t1_j6ic2g6 wrote
Reply to comment by Muscadine76 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
> If I pay $100 a month for house insurance for a year and at the end of that year my house burns down and I’m given $250,000 to rebuild, that doesn’t mean I was never an “insurance payer”.
Your analogy does not make sense. Government means tested benefits are not one time payments.
If your house burns down every year, and you get $250,000 every year while you only pay $1200 every year into the insurance pool... that's an accurate analogy.
If you give $1 to the government in taxes, and the government gives you $10 right back, that doesn't mean you can be counted on as a source of taxes for the next redistribution program that the government comes up with. This isn't rocket science to understand. This is basic math.
But I highly suspect that it's not that you don't understand, you just want to ignore inconvenient facts. That's what Reddit does, come up with a false narrative and ignore basic facts.
drxdrg08 t1_j6hx95w wrote
Does France have abortion rights?
drxdrg08 t1_j6gtlsx wrote
Reply to comment by Muscadine76 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
It's not a position. It's a simple mathematical fact.
drxdrg08 t1_j6g7djn wrote
Reply to comment by Muscadine76 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
> The estimate this year of nonpayers for federal income tax is closer to 40%
The figure is over 50% any year if you factor in redistribution that happens after taxes. If you pay $3000 in federal taxes but receive $30,000 in Medicaid coverage, SNAP and housing assistance, then that doesn't mean you are a "taxpayer" in the context of paying for new government programs.
drxdrg08 t1_j6g5zek wrote
Reply to comment by bushwhack227 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
That's not true. Social Security is a re-distributive system.
Lower income people get more benefit out of it than they paid into it. In other words, the system skews payments towards the lower end at the expense of the upper end.
drxdrg08 t1_j6fgnsl wrote
Reply to comment by bushwhack227 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
They do. And state and local taxes, which are less progressive. But the major difference between federal income taxes and Medicare/FICA taxes is that they are generally paid back when someone retires.
It's more of a mandatory government savings plan than a tax that goes who knows where.
drxdrg08 t1_j6faria wrote
Reply to comment by cabinetsnotnow in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
Because contrary to popular opinion on Reddit, the federal tax system in this country is highly progressive, and highly re-distributive.
The top 20% of income earners pay 75% of federal taxes. And roughly the bottom 50% of income earners pay no federal taxes at all.
Almost 60% of households paid no federal taxes in the last 2 tax filing cycles when the economy was going through the pandemic.
drxdrg08 t1_j6f6l1i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
And all other non-profits. Tax them on revenue.
95% tax on revenue like it was in the 1950's.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ykkr6 wrote
Reply to comment by Pink_Slyvie in PUC launches investigation into PPL billing issues by SonGoku_USA
> I'm probably just a bit sentimental about wood.
Burning wood is the worst method to heat if you care about global warming.
Wood is literally made from co2 captured out of the atmosphere. You can make things out of it. You can let it rot in the ground. But don't burn it.