drxdrg08 t1_j9q62g8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
> Just a small correction from your link, $122,004 as the highest salary - not $225,000. All the other numbers look good!
$122K is the highest salary on page 2. The superintendant is on page 1 at $225K.
There is a math teacher making $166K in just salary, or $269K with benefits.
drxdrg08 t1_j9q1osr wrote
Reply to comment by FawltyPython in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
> Nah like 60k a year direct, then add 20k for ira, healthcare, training, etc.
Nah. Not even close.
For regular programs, $93,753,240 for salaries, $57,724,761 for benefits.
Benefits are 62% of the salary.
>Highest salary at Central Bucks School District in year 2022 was $225,000. Number of employees at Central Bucks School District in year 2022 was 1,432. Average annual salary was $89,910 and median salary was $94,472.
The median salary is $94,472 and $58,573 in benefits = $153,044 total compensation.
drxdrg08 t1_j9naduw wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro says his office made a criminal referral in East Palestine train derailment by randomnighmare
Even a preliminary report on the causes of the crash is not released until tomorrow.
And Shapiro already knows laws were broken?
drxdrg08 t1_j9hyl8x wrote
Reply to comment by lynny_lynn in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
Well I'm a 16 year old and I've been to two Antifa meetings this month and you are totally wrong. Charters are literally fascism. Case closed.
drxdrg08 t1_j9hxsj0 wrote
Reply to comment by wooferstee in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
> and they still can’t read or do simple math
Who's they? You need to be more specific.
US is very unlike most countries. The population is not homogeneous.
We have an obesity problem. But if you look at people of German ancestry in the US, their rates of obesity are similar to Germans living in Germany.
Education is no different. Some groups have problems. Some do not. Even when they go to the same school.
drxdrg08 t1_j9he4k8 wrote
Reply to comment by theavengedCguy in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
> Nope, not bullshit logic at all. Test/performance anxiety is a very real thing and is very well documented. People shouldn't be punished for their inability to perform under pressure, especially not kids.
We've been doing it wrong for hundreds of years. Tests have been a thing for a very long time.
It's dishonest to even say that it's about "anxiety". It's a recent movement linked to "equity".
drxdrg08 t1_j9gsvmb wrote
Reply to comment by theavengedCguy in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
> Not everyone performs well on tests
Bullshit logic that is failing kids.
> or having high enough grades in your regular education
And creates a path for schools to teach nothing and still grant diplomas. Tests is how you test how well a charter school is working.
drxdrg08 t1_j9gj0n4 wrote
Reply to comment by wellarmedsheep in Pennsylvania Cyber Charter Owners and Operators Get Rich While Students Receive Poor Education by Open_Veins_8
> These charters cost taxpayers obscene amounts of money to educate habitually absent students who graduate after literally doing nothing.
Tom Wolf got rid of state mandatory testing to graduate.
drxdrg08 t1_j9g4b8k wrote
Reply to comment by ktxhopem3276 in Court ruling puts Pottstown Hospital back on the tax rolls by byndrsn
> 5. Operates entirely free from private profit motive
This criteria is impossible to achieve.
Every single employee that is working at a non-profit and draws a salary (it doesn't have to be a high salary) has a presumed profit motive.
They want their employers to remain solvent, which would mean they continue to receive a paycheck, and/or they want their employer to grow so they can be better compensated or giving them a chance to move up in the hierarchy.
drxdrg08 t1_j9fgbet wrote
> Pennsylvania requires charities to be "institutions of purely public charity" to qualify for exemption. HUP test, which has 5 criteria ...... 5. Operates entirely free from private profit motive.
What is the definition of private profit motive?
> "The “eye popping” compensation paid to executives at four hospitals owned by Tower Health LLC disqualifies the nonprofits from charitable tax-exempt status, a Pennsylvania appeals court ruled in four related cases.
So highly compensated employees is the bar? Then let's remove non-profit status from all universities and colleges then.
Every single non-profit of note requires highly talented professionals to run it. Everyone knows how difficult it is for non profits to hire competent people as it is. So let's attack that aspect of non profits even more?
drxdrg08 t1_j8x3gyy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Governor Shapiro vows to "not issue any execution warrants during my term as Governor". Also urges Assembly to abolish death penalty. by Canopenerdude
> basically the entire field of forensics is a pile of pseudoscientific nonsense
Besides you, who else shares this opinion?
drxdrg08 t1_j8sl35h wrote
Reply to comment by eMPereb in Railroad Giant To Skip Town Hall On Train Disaster, Citing 'Physical Threats' by hahahoudini
> Yeah more 🤡💩GOPer horsehit
Did you miss the part where rail transport regulations are under Democratic control?
drxdrg08 t1_j8sbes0 wrote
Reply to comment by ManfredsJuicedBalls in Railroad Giant To Skip Town Hall On Train Disaster, Citing 'Physical Threats' by hahahoudini
Before you go start revolutions I'll remind you that the Federal Railroad Administration, which sets safety regulations for trains, is under Democratic control. And has been for 10 out of the last 14 years.
So is the governorship in Pennsylvania, which can also regulate rail inside the state to an extent, has been Democratic for the last 8 years.
drxdrg08 t1_j8sa1by wrote
Reply to comment by hahahoudini in Railroad Giant To Skip Town Hall On Train Disaster, Citing 'Physical Threats' by hahahoudini
> town they destroyed
It seems strange for them to want to crash the train they own. What did they do?
drxdrg08 t1_j7xeqae wrote
Reply to comment by Luke_Orlando in Temple University deactivated health insurance of all striking graduate workers today by TransFattyAcid
> If this is the case, what Temple did is illegal.
You are right. Temple doesn't have an HR department or the legal department that would have cleared this. Now they are in deep trouble!
drxdrg08 t1_j7x9ttr wrote
Reply to comment by Luke_Orlando in Temple University deactivated health insurance of all striking graduate workers today by TransFattyAcid
There is no source you can provide because you can't "deactivate" health insurance.
The students that are striking are no longer employees, since they are not coming to work anymore. They have been notified twice in writing that not coming into work means they will be fired. Now they have been fired.
Were their paychecks also "deactivated"? They can continue under COBRA, that's the law, just like every other terminated employee.
drxdrg08 t1_j7x6pjf wrote
Reply to Temple University deactivated health insurance of all striking graduate workers today by TransFattyAcid
So if I Tweet that Fetterman ate a baby, then post a link to that Tweet, that makes it true?
drxdrg08 t1_j7s0kka wrote
Reply to comment by Phl_worldwide in How do you feel about all the warehouses and other land development? by conifer0
> I want them to build as many warehouses as they can in the old industrial parts of Philadelphia near the highways.
Honestly, I don't think they can get enough people hired from the surrounding neighborhoods that would reliably show up for work real early in the morning and not high.
And that's in addition to all the other usual "problems", like the cost to put up a warehouse using city union labor is significantly more expensive.
drxdrg08 t1_j7liq9a wrote
> Was there every any serious discussion of doing this
Is there any serious data to support that there is enough demand to pay for it using fares?
drxdrg08 t1_j7l7xey wrote
How much of it is genius and how much of it dumbing down of the high school curriculum?
Look at Reddit. Even college graduates don't know the difference between revenue and profit.
drxdrg08 t1_j7j0xik wrote
Reply to comment by steelceasar in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
I'm explaining basic economics, sometimes even basic math.
drxdrg08 t1_j7hxpby wrote
Reply to comment by julietteskyerose in So its safe to say as of 2023 theres No more stimulus checks coming right? by ODDBOY90
> Just saw a headline that big oil is making record profits
That's how inflation works.
If inflation was 20% in the last 2 years, but your business is -10% in the same time, you still can set a "record" since it is measured in inflated dollars.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ytevx wrote
Reply to comment by Pink_Slyvie in PUC launches investigation into PPL billing issues by SonGoku_USA
> Rotting in the ground releases the CO2.
Some. And it takes a very long time. All cars will be electric by the time a tree that dies today will be converted back to co2 from rotting. So burning now is a bad idea.
> I was reading a study however, saying that, if properly done, a single acre of land could provide enough wood to heat a home indefinitely, I don't recall the details past that though.
How big is the house, how insulated, what temperature inside, what temperature outside. This is probably a bad idea too since it takes a lot of energy to go from a tree outside to it heating up your house. And that energy has a carbon footprint too. I would not be so fast to say that burning fossil fuels in a very efficient and clean way is worse than burning wood even in theory. In practice virtually nobody wants to do that.
drxdrg08 t1_j6ynrtd wrote
Reply to comment by Pink_Slyvie in PUC launches investigation into PPL billing issues by SonGoku_USA
> Please provide data for PA.
69.2% ownership rate
drxdrg08 t1_j9q73ro wrote
Reply to comment by EmperorOfNada in Central Bucks SD playing the victim card after losing their communications firm by Pennzingers
It appears to show the highest salary on the currently selected page, but the average and median is calculated across all pages.