earhere t1_j51tpix wrote
Reply to DeSantis administration rejects inclusion of AP African American Studies class in Florida high schools | CNN Politics by Yevon
Can't have students learning about the historical atrocities the country committed against non-whites; lest they realize that maybe the United States isn't the bastion of freedom and liberty after all, but rooted in white supremacist ideals and the furtherance of wealthy capital owners at the expense of just about everyone else.
earhere t1_j4r5duy wrote
Reply to comment by Thereferencenumber in Hundreds of UK police face sack over sexual, domestic abuse offenses by BecuzMDsaid
If a cop does a bad shoot, they just plant a gun next to the body.
earhere t1_j4qotv7 wrote
Reply to comment by asdaaaaaaaa in Hundreds of UK police face sack over sexual, domestic abuse offenses by BecuzMDsaid
You joke, but I watched a documentary about police training in utah; and the trainer literally said "if you can't shoot a grandma or a little kid who has a gun, you need to find another job." It was so insane.
earhere t1_j4qlaow wrote
In the US, domestic abuse is required to be a cop.
earhere t1_j4b0mxz wrote
Reply to comment by PPQue6 in Brazil Supreme Court includes Jair Bolsonaro in riot probe by PEVEI
It's going to take Trump murdering someone with 100 witnesses for him to get cuffed at this point
earhere t1_j32ktak wrote
Reply to comment by thedeathmachine in Pennsylvania officer killed, 2nd wounded; suspect shot dead by cloud_coder
so you just get beat up and harassed by cops then.
earhere t1_j32j0bx wrote
Answer: You live in America. Guns are school supplies now.
earhere t1_j32hb14 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in US jobless claim applications fall to lowest in 14 weeks by AudibleNod
I don't even think economists know how economics work.
earhere t1_j2un70f wrote
Reply to comment by thedeathmachine in Pennsylvania officer killed, 2nd wounded; suspect shot dead by cloud_coder
That the fear mongering and copaganda perpetuated by the media is unfounded
you are more likely to get killed delivering a pizza or being a spouse of a cop than being a cop.
earhere t1_j2ss4j6 wrote
Reply to comment by Dillatrack in Pennsylvania officer killed, 2nd wounded; suspect shot dead by cloud_coder
oh my bad sorry
earhere t1_j2snall wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania officer killed, 2nd wounded; suspect shot dead by cloud_coder
Covid was and likely still is the top killer of cops. After that it's heart attacks and traffic accidents.
earhere t1_j2kxnmx wrote
Reply to [Image] Words to live by by obtuseApathy653
There's a difference between being alone and lonely
earhere t1_j1gvarn wrote
watching hasan debate dj akademics and fresh and fit guys was the best part of this whole debacle
earhere t1_j19gsdc wrote
Reply to comment by No_North_8522 in After Arrest of 7 Cops, LAPD Reminds Its Own Officers Not to Drink and Drive by Exastiken
This feels like a failing of policing in general. It's not that much of an ask for a police officer to be able to articulate the law that a person is being ticketed/arrested for. It's also a failing that a police officer can just enforce their will against the public regardless if their actions are lawful or not, and the civilian has to argue in court or have a lawyer argue on their behalf to show that the cop's actions indeed were not lawful; and they'll still have to pay court costs.
earhere t1_j18er9w wrote
Reply to comment by dodexahedron in After Arrest of 7 Cops, LAPD Reminds Its Own Officers Not to Drink and Drive by Exastiken
Cops are notoriously ignorant when it comes to actual laws, and it doesn't help that the courts decided it's okay for cops to be wrong about the laws they're enforcing.
earhere t1_j15eg1d wrote
Reply to [image] Experience by _Cautious_Memory
not sure how this is motivating.
earhere t1_j10dnfg wrote
All children deserve parents.
Not all parents deserve children.
earhere t1_j0crp0u wrote
Reply to comment by Schrecht in D.C. Bar panel tentatively finds Giuliani likely committed ethics violation with false election claims by Pomp_N_Circumstance
In this case, they're using the vague wishy-washy language because the panel hasn't made a final decision yet; but they want to get a news article out without sounding concrete and final.
earhere t1_j09rkz3 wrote
Reply to Five people arrested on domestic terrorism charges in clash at Atlanta's 'Cop City' site by Poctz
Why do the cops need an 85 acre facility just to teach cops how to throw flashbangs at cribs and shoot unarmed innocents?
earhere t1_j09mb0z wrote
Reply to Feds file lawsuit against Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers by AudibleNod
what do conservatives want regarding the southern border, I'm genuinely asking? Do they want a wall from California all the way to Texas? Do they want border patrol to have gun towers and just shoot any migrants approaching? conservative media pundits are constantly crying about there being "an invasion" but don't say what they think should happen and what would make them happy. Can anyone tell me?
earhere t1_j06t07v wrote
Reply to comment by imsotiredlmaooo in Oregon governor commutes all 17 of state's death sentences by Slavic_Dusa
Who hurt you?
earhere t1_iy9ntoi wrote
What if everyone in attendance wore rainbow colors
earhere t1_ixht5zt wrote
Reply to comment by robmacgar in LPT: If you know you will be late for a meeting (personal or professional), it’s always better to inform the person in advance than trying to make it on time. by gorney_huy
"I'm running a bit late. I'll be there in about 9 hours."
earhere t1_ixeg7fq wrote
Hopefully Michael Mann gets to direct more episodes. The ones he did were fantastic. I found the show kind of lackluster. Didn't really care for the girl trying to start her own club arc.
earhere t1_j524j3y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in DeSantis administration rejects inclusion of AP African American Studies class in Florida high schools | CNN Politics by Yevon
and what about after it was abolished?