
earhere t1_j51tpix wrote

Can't have students learning about the historical atrocities the country committed against non-whites; lest they realize that maybe the United States isn't the bastion of freedom and liberty after all, but rooted in white supremacist ideals and the furtherance of wealthy capital owners at the expense of just about everyone else.


earhere t1_j19gsdc wrote

This feels like a failing of policing in general. It's not that much of an ask for a police officer to be able to articulate the law that a person is being ticketed/arrested for. It's also a failing that a police officer can just enforce their will against the public regardless if their actions are lawful or not, and the civilian has to argue in court or have a lawyer argue on their behalf to show that the cop's actions indeed were not lawful; and they'll still have to pay court costs.


earhere t1_j09mb0z wrote

what do conservatives want regarding the southern border, I'm genuinely asking? Do they want a wall from California all the way to Texas? Do they want border patrol to have gun towers and just shoot any migrants approaching? conservative media pundits are constantly crying about there being "an invasion" but don't say what they think should happen and what would make them happy. Can anyone tell me?