eastcoastflava13 t1_iuo0qhg wrote
Reply to comment by HairyEyeballz in Where are best bars to watch World Cup games? by AttackonRetail
Not sure, I don't have any basis for comparison.
eastcoastflava13 t1_iumy8su wrote
Fastnet in Newport is probably a good bet.
eastcoastflava13 t1_iuk3z7l wrote
Reply to comment by ilovebostoncremedonu in Some old unused bumper stickers I found saved in the attic by argument_sketch
I mean, either of them, but the blue one more than the yellow.
eastcoastflava13 t1_iuj5ndn wrote
I want that 95.5 sticker!
eastcoastflava13 t1_iu5ulou wrote
Reply to Best ramen place? by bigbadape
Y noodle bar, same plaza as beer on earth and slow Rhode. So good.
eastcoastflava13 t1_itq4yxw wrote
Reply to comment by GreatAndPowerfulNixy in Thoughts? by FopFiller1312
Dunks 4Life
eastcoastflava13 t1_isbomij wrote
Reply to comment by beta_vulgaris in Providence announces new program to acquire vacant land to build affordable housing by rhodyjourno
Don't feed the troll, he doesn't even live here. Browsing his post history tells you all you need to know...
eastcoastflava13 t1_iwqotj0 wrote
Reply to What’s the best place to get brunch this Saturday? Around PVD preferably. by Substantial_Eye_575
Damn, this post has been up for a while and no one mentioned Julian's yet? We'll, let me be the first then...