ecnecn t1_j6k9503 wrote
Reply to If we achieve AGI in the next ten years, and if we achieve the singularity in the next ten years, will there be an option to entering a hive mind with people who we only know? Also when we achieve AGI and singularity, will there be options to control or modify our mental health(anxiety, depression? by pipe2057
Mergebook - Merge your brain with friends, colleagues and family members!
You must allow visual ads in your Occipital Lobe as well as marketing messages in your subconsciousness regions of your brain in order to enter Mergebook!
Warning: Your NeuralLink doesnt support Quantum-USB 5.0
OP: Two, I wouldn’t want to go through surgery and get cybernetic technologies like prosthetic limbs, and exoskeletons. However getting these cybernetic technologies without surgery would be great. Would this be possible?
I would accept a temporar body for the brain till an advanced 3D bioprinter prepares my next youthful body replacement.
ecnecn t1_j69evvj wrote
Reply to Myth debunked: Myths about nanorobots by kalavala93
I dont know the article is very short and just two small blocks.
The famous ETH Zurich University is already testing Micro and Nanorobot models.
ecnecn t1_j69dq6f wrote
Reply to comment by SoylentRox in Myth debunked: Myths about nanorobots by kalavala93
This tool by SalesForce called ProGen is a LLM that can create new enyzmes from prompts:
It never learned all the billions of possibilites of tertiary structures or all amino combos, it just interpolates after it learned a few millions from databases. The created / proposed "artifical enzymes" function like their biological counterparts while having derivative structure (molecular configuration) that dont appear in nature but do the same job. This is extremely impressive and I am sure AI will solve greater Nanotech problems by interpolation and pattern recombinations as well.
It may sound super simplistic but you dont need Nanorobots at all with this tool you could create Repair-Enzymes (Membranerepairase ;P etc.) and deliver them with Microrobots or Attached to Nanoparticles that can be controlled by magnetic fields (such tech already exists in cancer research, you bind drugs to iron particles or the drug / iron combo to a nanostructure and control their movement through the body with electromagnetic fields)
ecnecn t1_j67av5s wrote
Reply to Don't despair; there is decent likelihood that an extremely large amount of resources will flow from AGI to the common man (even without UBI) by TheKing01
We will most likely enter a short phase where pioneers make much money with just AI-API-Application and AI-Second Layers Applications... the big AI firms still continue to accumulate money, more and more people will storm social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook because ccreating media becomes super easy, the revenue becomes less. Media and Service jobs vanish, influencers become meaningless, more and more people become unemployed or end up in cheap part time / contract constellations that make nobody happy... Traditional jobs still remain but lack more and more clients from modern businesses and go bankrupt. Big AI tech firms accumulate an incredible amount of wealth never seen before because everyone believes he can make quick bucks through media, 3d printing etc. (but in the end all do the same and destroy the market) and subscribe to dozens of third-party AI services that delivers tools for creations. The bubble bursts for the common people, there are no jobs left and just 2-3 super ultra rich AI coorperations. In the end people will start questioning everything because it makes no sense that individuals become rich through application of knowledge that belongs to the whole mankind. (AGI, singularity). It will be impossible to produce unique products. AI coorperations see that everything is stuck and no matter how much money they have mankind was forced to stop because of them. They take over politics and offers a AI management system as global solution and some form of UBI. People have a private profession and learned multiple crafts in their free time, they are registered by AI and 2-3 days per week AI can use their workforce, the rest 4 days are free and all have enough to live for.
I have a Master of Science in a specific field and most of the hours I work are "bullshit" / "pretend it" hours - and it feels wrong because the environment presses you in a false form thats not your true form. Its not "fake it till you make it" anymore, its "make it then fake it". I would love to change my profession from time to time and work as a street cleaner or train driver. The modern work model binds you to a specific job with specific hours... in extreme cases you are fincancially bound to single person that just wants to become rich with a senseless product but have the ressources to try it... and when I talk to colleagues they dream of avoiding this lifestyle. This work model will be outdated and AGI / Singularity will most likely deliver better alternatives. I hate that low paid jobs have stigmata I would love a "work fluid" society managed by AI.
ecnecn t1_j60rygo wrote
Reply to BioGPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Biomedical Text Generation and Mining by PaperCruncher
This is more awesome than the other news here lol
If you read through the lines they "just" used GPT 2.0 (!!!) to beat all other models with their first run in September 22.
Old models were trained on medical literature (and case studies) in order to produce conclusions for specific sub-medical fields (oncology, neurology, etc.). BioGPT is one of the first generalized models that can produce results for all fields without constraints and beat the old models in their pre-trained domain.
ecnecn t1_j5gxbsv wrote
Reply to comment by visarga in People are already working on a ChatGPT + Wolfram Alpha hybrid to create the ultimate AI assistant (things are moving pretty fast it seems) by lambolifeofficial
There will be a core team of their best lawyers (honors exam lawyers) but the law firms & their consulting contracts will get a direct hit - so some employees of the law department. As of now purpose-trained Davinci reaches an accuracy about 75% the costly consultants had an accuracy about 80% (they actually measured it) ... 5% less accuracy (GPT 3.5) but much less cost. If GPT 4.0 is just a bit better it will change workspace forever. You are right it works better with people but you just need the elite of each department. This bank has like core team of 5 high paid syndicus lawyers and 30 contract lawyers from law firms. They will reduce their core team to 3 and cut the contract. Now interpolate this step to every bank in EU...
ecnecn t1_j5grari wrote
Reply to People are already working on a ChatGPT + Wolfram Alpha hybrid to create the ultimate AI assistant (things are moving pretty fast it seems) by lambolifeofficial
I know some people in a western EU country that train Davinci in order to reduce most of the personel in their legal department of their company and to eliminate contracts with big law firms. Mainly trained on employment law, financial law and EU regulations. The layoff / contract cancel will be between 2023/24. Its a big bank. Saved money from this is gigantic - especially from the big law firms that asked for exorbitant hourly wages in the past. From time to time this bank just offered law firm consultants better contracts because hiring certain people was cheaper than paying the law firms in question. Right now they want to get rid of them through AI. Things move faster behind the curtain than people see... Some of the big names in law business will vanish or massively reduce personel in the next years.
ecnecn t1_j4k1d1i wrote
Reply to comment by SurroundSwimming3494 in When will humans merge with AI by [deleted]
Thursday: Release of "Stable Human Fusion" Biomass-to-AI converter
ecnecn t1_j4gb6zb wrote
hm... MixerAI ? MixerML ?
ecnecn t1_j6loque wrote
Reply to comment by ihateshadylandlords in What jobs will be one of the last remaining ones? by MrCensoredFace
I wonder if they all work together in one big public service tower in the future ;)