eekamuse t1_isavibu wrote on October 14, 2022 at 3:46 PM Reply to comment by NewClayburn in Channel 4 buys painting by Hitler – and may let Jimmy Carr destroy it by kianworld Someone who's family was killed in the holocaust. But then it's not a comedy show. Well, Hitler, ya know Permalink Parent 2
eekamuse t1_is61vy6 wrote on October 13, 2022 at 3:46 PM Reply to Free Music Stands by Jason_Protell Those are great stands. There's an organization that collects music equipment to distribute to local schools. I bet they'd take stands, too. I'll try to find the name for you. ​ Found it! They list the instruments they need, and don't say anything about stands, but you never know. Permalink 1
eekamuse t1_irw63qo wrote on October 11, 2022 at 2:28 PM Reply to comment by SexyEdMeese in How I almost got scammed getting on the Long Island Expressway by Barnabas_Collins He didn't know he was a scammer until after he pulled over to help. Jfc My father would have died if no one pulled over to help him. Glad you weren't the one driving past. Permalink Parent 33
eekamuse t1_irgck1y wrote on October 7, 2022 at 10:05 PM Reply to comment by TurbulentArea69 in TRAIN CHAOS Panic at Union Square after ‘unknown substance’ causes passengers to cough and vomit and cops shut down station by brooklynlad Because the only place one might use it is on a busy subway car, of course Permalink Parent 20
Found: guy in a suit, running on top of the building Submitted by eekamuse t3_xwogxt on October 5, 2022 at 10:31 PM in nyc 13 comments 42
eekamuse t1_isavibu wrote
Reply to comment by NewClayburn in Channel 4 buys painting by Hitler – and may let Jimmy Carr destroy it by kianworld
Someone who's family was killed in the holocaust. But then it's not a comedy show. Well, Hitler, ya know