eekamuse t1_iwvcsfj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NYC councilman urges LGBTQ community to stay vigilant after deaths of 2 gay men in Hell's Kitchen by ShinyGodzilla
They sell drink covers that fit over any glass. It's pretty fucked up that this exists, but here we are.
eekamuse t1_iwuz4k4 wrote
Reply to comment by Multidream in Four bunnies, me, oils, 2022 by TheEdibleDormouse
No. Me.
I probably can't afford them.
So you.
eekamuse t1_iwegly6 wrote
Reply to comment by elephant2892 in I’m in the middle of a mental health crisis. I’ve called a bunch of places and I’ve yet to hear from them. Please help me get services/reach someone soon. by Ok-Elderberry-3704
I agree. If you have a plan and think you might do it, go there to save your life for your daughter. She will not be better off without you.
If you ever think you are going to hurt yourself, don't listen to anyone telling you not to go. Treat it like a heart attack. It is that urgent.
There's a lot of good advice here. A lot of complete strangers trying to help. You can get past this. Impossible to believe now but we know because we've been there
eekamuse t1_iwef67e wrote
Reply to comment by seejordan3 in I’m in the middle of a mental health crisis. I’ve called a bunch of places and I’ve yet to hear from them. Please help me get services/reach someone soon. by Ok-Elderberry-3704
The Anatomy of a Panic Attack
eekamuse t1_iw993xu wrote
Reply to comment by adenoidsremoved in Just a word of advice (or a very brief rant) by 90sAltRockLover
Never a problem with Google
eekamuse t1_ivz74ay wrote
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
eekamuse t1_ivz5iy1 wrote
Reply to comment by orgoworgo in New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
Good question. We give them hell for the things we hate. We need to give them props for this. And more importantly, vote for them, so they keep doing good things.
I'm in awe. It's just so good.
14th street is great, but no bike lane. Now this. Keep it going NYC
eekamuse t1_ivyexgh wrote
Reply to comment by ArkGibson in Alex Gibson - Assistant Director and Background Coordinator - Anything you want to know about the film industry I am happy to share with you. by ArkGibson
What's the big difference between Canadian and American ADs?
eekamuse t1_ivjyggy wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Brooklyn’s library moves to slip books through red state bans by King-of-New-York
Probably needs to use the library sometime.
eekamuse t1_ivjy6s5 wrote
Reply to comment by marketingguy420 in Brooklyn’s library moves to slip books through red state bans by King-of-New-York
eekamuse t1_ivjy4ih wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Brooklyn’s library moves to slip books through red state bans by King-of-New-York
So you support banning books.
This is not a question.
eekamuse t1_ivh4tiw wrote
Reply to comment by Selenea26 in Pink Prada bag found with everything inside. by ModelloVirus
If he just lost it, maybe someone dropped it in a mailbox and it's in the way back to you. One can hope.
eekamuse t1_iujut8f wrote
eekamuse t1_iujula9 wrote
Look up the medallion number here
"Use this number to look up the cab’s management company, a service available on 311. Call the company and, after giving the medallion number, provide as many details about the cab, driver, and your item as you can."
eekamuse t1_iuhrt6u wrote
Reply to comment by TheAffiliateOrder in Begging to get stomped by klausfu
eekamuse t1_iud3bmz wrote
Reply to comment by SuffrnSuccotash in Loose syringes, dropped drugs hurting pets in NYC’s Tompkins Square Park by NYY657545
Yes, Time Cafe
eekamuse t1_iubowlg wrote
Reply to comment by pk10534 in Loose syringes, dropped drugs hurting pets in NYC’s Tompkins Square Park by NYY657545
" Patterson’s videotape from that night of Aug. 6, 1988, resulted in the indictment of six police officers."
eekamuse t1_ithzikq wrote
Reply to comment by striker907 in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
Don't assume my supposed "Fandom" is clouding anything, because you think the show isn't good.
There is no right or wrong opinion. These aren't facts. Go ahead and have the last word.
eekamuse t1_ithr79t wrote
Reply to comment by striker907 in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
That's your opinion.
In my opinion, it looks great. Not just the city, the overall design.
And yes, I go into every show wanting it to be good. Why else would I watch?
eekamuse t1_itgj7qa wrote
Reply to comment by latuya_ in LOST CAT IN HARLEM!!! Please help me find Faust! by latuya_
Those cats are the sweetest, glad he's home
eekamuse t1_itbyiri wrote
Reply to comment by 5l4 in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
I LOVED the first episode. The concept is great, that world is gorgeous, the plot is exciting.
I love William Gibson, and even though I read the book it's still thrilling. And seeing his world come to life in such a gorgeous way is fantastic. I'm all in.
eekamuse t1_itby6rl wrote
Reply to comment by Albator_H in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
Truly amazing
eekamuse t1_it8fxi8 wrote
Reply to comment by Alps-Mountain in ‘The Peripheral’ Is a Grim Vision of the Future From ‘Westworld’s’ Creators: TV Review by TheUtopianCat
A Simple Plan?! That's an excellent film. I just started watching it again,first time in many years. Still good
eekamuse t1_issz55k wrote
Reply to comment by lotusflower64 in Carriage horse Ryder dies months after infamous collapse on Midtown streets by Tasty-Barracuda-6980
Like my kittens when I was a kid.
eekamuse t1_iwvfktz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NYC councilman urges LGBTQ community to stay vigilant after deaths of 2 gay men in Hell's Kitchen by ShinyGodzilla
That's why it's been ignored.