electric_ranger t1_j73ec4i wrote
Reply to comment by AcquiredImmuneSystem in 96-Unit, Adaptive Reuse Project Planned at Delaware Ave and Spring Garden by ColdJay64
You have me up until the last 4 words lol. I'm chaining myself to that flag mural before they tear it down!
electric_ranger t1_j71mquw wrote
Reply to comment by Raecino in I ran into the most suspiciously delicious looking sandwich at 13th and market by Melissajoanshart
Did you notice a box with a large stick? And perhaps a Wiley coyote?
electric_ranger t1_j6zmeqe wrote
Reply to Septa Soothsayer Has Spoken - The Eagles Win by peetahvw
Hell no! Change that sign immediately
electric_ranger t1_j6nppwn wrote
Reply to comment by NoWarrantShutUp in Carjackers were no match for a brave SEPTA driver and his 15-ton bus by TreeMac12
He wouldn't need a flight, hotel, etc. Can watch in the comfort of his home, and then shotgun beers with Kelce on a float?
electric_ranger t1_j6npmgr wrote
Reply to comment by UnknownEerieHouse in Carjackers were no match for a brave SEPTA driver and his 15-ton bus by TreeMac12
Whoa whoa whoa, SEPTA already said 3 billion dollars is out of the budget.
electric_ranger t1_j6noydv wrote
Reply to comment by PhillyPanda in What’s the scoop on Big Charlie’s? by doughnutsgoat
They've actually kept Eagles Fans out for previous Chiefs-Birds games.
electric_ranger t1_j6jn0kz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Inglis House sale to Tryko Partners is now pending in Philadelphia Orphans Court by [deleted]
Sorry, we don't allow go-fund me links or petitions. We don't have the time or resources to verify the money is going where it should.
electric_ranger t1_j6jlv6n wrote
Reply to comment by lawgirl3278 in Where's the best place for a solo woman to watch the Superbowl around Broad Street? by latenightsnack1
I love that for them.
electric_ranger t1_j6jlou9 wrote
This one was really pushing the limits of today's Birds related shit-positing amnesty, but I giggled so you win.
electric_ranger t1_j6il6pd wrote
I wish the As were still around. The toxicity of two baseball fandoms in Philly would make the Israel/Palestine look like a polite disagreement.
electric_ranger t1_j6ifxp2 wrote
Reply to comment by CathedralEngine in I like to think that whoever makes the signage on the El is a fan of French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre by justneedausernamepls
SEPTA: “Eh bien, continuons”
electric_ranger t1_j6idjnj wrote
Reply to I like to think that whoever makes the signage on the El is a fan of French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre by justneedausernamepls
One hell of a play
electric_ranger t1_j6fsivk wrote
Reply to This dog is a bird! by eggjacket
Bird dawg
electric_ranger t1_j5jpxfi wrote
Reply to comment by dankwildlife in Philadelphia eagle overlooking the Delaware river by dankwildlife
Is it not? It’s go BIRDS not go humans!
electric_ranger t1_j5jpv5r wrote
Reply to comment by fatcat111 in Philadelphia eagle overlooking the Delaware river by dankwildlife
I was just saying that to my dad yesterday. Saw one just chilling on the exit sign on the blue route
electric_ranger t1_j55sjeo wrote
>Punxsutawney Phil began his forecasting career in 1887
This immortal groundhog must be stopped!
electric_ranger t1_j2shuuq wrote
Reply to comment by PhillyPanda in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
That would be it then. Tweets don’t have enough substance, and then you run into issues with “duplicates” so going forward no tweets or screenshots, articles only.
electric_ranger t1_j2s9unv wrote
Reply to comment by helium_hydrogen in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
I replied below with an exhaustive list, but if I had to recommend one book it would be Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Bouey. It's a really good thriller.
My average book length was like 340 pages, so that would be like 4-5 days of reading 30 mins before bed. Part of my routine is no phone before I go to sleep, so I spend my last hour before bed reading and journaling.
I also listen to loads of audiobooks when I'm walking or riding or driving.
electric_ranger t1_j2s9c4g wrote
Reply to comment by helium_hydrogen in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
RIP Sher-e-Punjab in Drexel Hill. Pandemic killed them off.
electric_ranger t1_j2s8zkn wrote
Reply to comment by darkwoke215 in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
Who says you have to?
electric_ranger t1_j2s7fjg wrote
Reply to comment by SweetJibbaJams in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
That's definitely the same hunt, some of those people are even mentioned in the article.
electric_ranger t1_j2s56sq wrote
If any of you still read magazines, and also happen to read Field & Stream, there was a really good article about mentored bow-hunting in the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge in the most recent edition. Was neat to learn about.
electric_ranger t1_j2s3san wrote
Reply to comment by PhillyAccount in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
Yeah, he's very much in her lane and they worked together in the past. Absolute worst case would be those two splitting their support and letting some idiot win.
electric_ranger t1_j2s3n4e wrote
Reply to comment by Brahette in Chat Around and Find Out: Tuesday Casual Chat Thread by AutoModerator
I hope this NOLA trip is less drama-filled than the girls trip to NOLA that wasn't
electric_ranger t1_j7zgks4 wrote
Reply to comment by TheBigBigStorm in bald eagle spotted in Grantville right outside of harrisburg by stoned_hardscaper92
Go biiiiiiirds