
ell0bo t1_j38sj29 wrote

You really don't this Pittsburgh feels like a midwest city? Indianapolis, Omaha certainly feel like Pittsburgh, they're just a hell of a lot flatter. People are the same though.

Maybe it's the fact I few up in Appalachia and moved to Philly that I don't see Pittsburgh being Appalachian, but I've always felt it as being the start of midwest culture. That's where people start saying pop.

Now, if you asked me if the surrounding area feels like midwest, no. You drive 20 minutes and you're back in Appalachia, but the city itself feels more like a midwest town. When culturals begin to change, I expect there to be a patch work, so it doesn't phase me to say 'midwest culture' begins there. If you're talking census, it begins at the ohio border, 30 minutes away. I don't think it's a stretch to say that culture begins 30 minutes away from where the physical border is.

Columbus... that place always makes me feel like if you combined state college and Harrisburg. It's a weird outlier.


ell0bo t1_j38p8kq wrote

Lancaster county, not city. That's easily and hour from there.

so it takes be an hour 1:20 to go from Philly to my mom's place (if I time traffic right) in Lebanon. I'd expect Ephrata, an exit earlier to take about 50 minutes or so.

So maybe I'm getting to KOP in 20 and KOP to Ephrata in 40.


ell0bo t1_j2n6jiz wrote

Back in the 60s we paved a lot of roads, many of which should have been left as dirt. We've let a good few go, but still maintain more than we should. That's our problem.

Our economic centers are Philly and Pittsburgh, with some in the middle, but we spend a lot to maintain infrastructure in between.


ell0bo t1_j1jfzsh wrote

Republicans have been that way for a while. Republicans just played the refs to where, if anyone pointed it out, it was usually met with a "well both sides..." or "no good options".

Republicans have been a corrupting force for years, their voters are complicit even if it's through ignorance.


ell0bo t1_j0o9byf wrote

Unfortunately wearing a mask isn't statistically significant in regards to being prophylactic. Mask reduce spread if the wearer is infected, less so the person that's getting infected.

Think of it this way, the mask is a filter. When it first comes out of your mouth, it's going to be bunched up in droplets, not fully aerosol. However, once it's in the air, it'll be able to get through the mask or at least on its surfaces that you inevitably touch.

People should wear masks if they are sick or have been around sick people. Telling people to wear masks to protect themselves gives them a false sense of security.

Edit: The person below me accused me a lying. Yes, your doctor might tell you to wear a mask, but it does statistically very little. However, some people need that little very little.

Wear your masks, be safe, just don't think it's a safety blanket. Location can override a mask easily.
