enduring_student t1_iuk46hy wrote
Reply to [Image] On the thoughts of others by Thunor_SixHammers
I think this one's pretty good.
It is important to consider many, many angles. If lots of people hate you, something has likely gone very wrong even if you intend no harm: you're opinion, the information you based it on, how you're acting on it, when you're saying it, what else is going on at the time, etc, etc.
The answer could be as difficult as you have some bias that hurts a lot of people and you need to root it out, or it could just be you have an angry tone to your voice all the time even when you're not angry and you just need some speaking practice.
It may be as simple as 'haters gonna hate' but you won't know unless you look carefully. So look. It is badass to look at yourself because it's scary and difficult.
Edited for clarity.
enduring_student t1_iuglksj wrote
Reply to [Image] Who you are becoming is more important than who you have been. Never forget that. by sylsau
Fuck yeah!
Because of this subreddit I am fast becoming a fan of motivational billboards.
enduring_student t1_iuccr7x wrote
Reply to [IMAGE] The time to start by ThePinkParadox
I find that this is especially good when the stakes of failure are slow start or low.
E.g.: Start eating healthier now, right now. Sure order a healthy cooking book and maybe a meal kit subscription if you want, but also just say no to the last doughnut, throw it away if you have to. Just start.
You have permission to just go for it.
Edited for spelling
enduring_student t1_iucc23e wrote
Reply to So I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are. - Ram Dass [Image] by javelizasze
Thanks! This is a concept that is so difficult to articulate, and it's so well explained here. Beautiful, just beautiful.
enduring_student t1_iuc9i64 wrote
Reply to [Image] Don't be rash by pureSerbia140
Wow. This gave me chills, in a good way.
enduring_student t1_itwlvk8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Image] It's okay to start now by juniordaboo2g1
I really like that idea, that it feels more impactful. All three are good ideas, basically the same idea, but I agree that the first phrase feels like it lands better. Maybe because it give a concrete example and context.
enduring_student t1_ittevsy wrote
Reading this while eating a fave food and wearing a fave hoodie. Life is good.
enduring_student t1_itteq70 wrote
Reply to comment by goldencookie__ in [Image] Don't be too hard on yourself. Take time for self care. by motivationswag
Good to know, thank you!
enduring_student t1_itomr1f wrote
Reply to [image] Monday reminder. by verbselflove
enduring_student t1_itomfru wrote
Reply to [Image] We all have to start somewhere by sarahcudapdx
I did this today! And good for me!
enduring_student t1_itomclv wrote
Reply to comment by 5oepstengel in [Image] We all have to start somewhere by sarahcudapdx
Oh yeah, good insight!
enduring_student t1_itom7rf wrote
Reply to Do people do wrong willingly? [Discussion] by [deleted]
For the most part I really agree with this. There are a few truly cruel people or cruel actions, but for the most part we are social, empathetic, aware, pleasure-seeking creatures - we want to be around other, we feel what they feel, and we know that - so to act cruelly to others is to hurt ourselves.
Most people just want to get along because, it the end, that's where a lot of happiness is.
enduring_student t1_itok5t4 wrote
Reply to comment by SirRipOliver in [Image] Stop Treating Yourself Like an After Thought. by poptartjake
And then the director shouted 'Cut! What the hell was that?!'
'I made it up, did you like it?'
'I loved it! Do it again!'
enduring_student t1_itojonp wrote
I am humbled, amazed, and excited that I am both of these things and so, so much more...
enduring_student t1_itohsc1 wrote
Reply to [Image] If you’re killing it right now, great! But if you’re having a tough time, hang in there. by conversingwithoceans
Right now I'm finding my feet on some things. It's good to have even vague little reminders that there are people who care out there when I'm ready for the company. Thanks for that reminder!
enduring_student t1_itohgg1 wrote
Reply to comment by ilikebigbutts in [Image] If you’re killing it right now, great! But if you’re having a tough time, hang in there. by conversingwithoceans
Well, you're talking about it now. And if you want to talk about it then you just made some progress on that. Sincerely trying = Good job bro!
enduring_student t1_ite8v0k wrote
This one spoke to me. Thanks!
I'd argue that quality is both and act and a habit, but it's still a solid quote.
enduring_student t1_it9xw43 wrote
Reply to [Image] Get out of your comfort zone 💫 by itsdandyhere
Both comfort zones and dreams are good, healthy things, so it's vital to know which is more good & healthy for you in a given situation and then choose wisely.
I suppose the unspoken truth behind this quote is to be sure to have healthy dreams so when you choose them it's a healthy choice.
enduring_student t1_it5on6d wrote
Reply to [image] You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago -Alan Watts by Lioness-
Dig it, thanks!
enduring_student t1_isvit9e wrote
Reply to [Image] Wisdom from a master drummer by hreystiat
Being humble is often a part of earning greatness, just like sucking at something is the first step to being good at something.
enduring_student t1_ispbyom wrote
Reply to [Image] This method of reorganizing my day helped me manage my ADHD. Hope it helps you too! by MaiGaia
I think this is great basic advice for people who struggle completing complicated tasks (like large lists). I'm going to try and take this advice, I've got a lot of stuff to do in the next week or so and I need to get. Things. Done.
Thank you for the gentle shove in a good direction.
enduring_student t1_ispbapz wrote
Reply to [image] Failure by ShibaHook
This is good. Thank you!
enduring_student t1_ispaj2a wrote
Reply to [IMAGE] The bad days by ThePinkParadox
Solid advice. While there is overlap, they aren't the same thing, and this is good to keep in mind.
enduring_student t1_isikl9m wrote
Reply to comment by phayke2 in [Image] Stop Shrinking to fit places you've Outgrown by itsdandyhere
You know, I think your idea of feeling like an alien, and having a hard time finding the right kinds of people, is interesting. Yeah, feeling alienated is normal when your life is changing. You simply haven't gotten to try out the new options available to you. And it's ok, because if it where easy you'd've already done it.
Maybe try something low-key to find other people to connect with. Maybe a hobby or two, or get into a fandom of a tv show or movie you like, and chatting online for a few weeks just to get the feel of your new normal with people, then chatting IRL. I know how hard it is to deliberately try to make friends and the let-down if it doesn't work is awful, so if you just aim to share interests you can get two birds with one stone: having a hobby to motivate you and put your new energy into, and getting used to interacting with non-depressed people. Maybe friends will happen too.
And at the very least, you are having a chat with a non-depressed person right now. I used to be depressed. I know that other side. I highly recommend the happier, more energy, give a fuck side.
enduring_student t1_iuv0jip wrote
Reply to [Image] I am what I choose to Become - C.G. Jung by Lioness-
Thank you, I really liked this. I'm going though a lot right now and this sort of thing helps remind me why I'm putting in the effort to work through my problems (sorting out the mess) rather than around them (stuffing it away somewhere) - because if I sort it out today tomorrow will be better.