enemy_of_your_enema t1_j4rhr5i wrote
Reply to comment by jaredrun in Josh Shapiro's Nondisclosure Agreements Miss Chance for Transparency by Professional-Sand341
It's... right in the link? But here's the Spotlight PA article on the same subject.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j4qhtqw wrote
Reply to comment by penchick in The First half of January 2023 has been the 5th warmest in PA history. by Dazzling-Rooster2103
Yeah, plentiful fresh water and a lack of serious natural disasters (aside from a few localized landslides) means we're probably getting a lot of climate refugees from the sun belt in the coming decades.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j46e7n6 wrote
Reply to comment by StupiderIdjit in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
Retail prices are higher than pre-pandemic levels, but not 75% higher, according to the EIA. Also trending downward sharply. So gas companies are lowering prices.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j46bd2c wrote
Reply to comment by StupiderIdjit in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
Because if they lower their price more than their competitors, they get more business.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3wnbnu wrote
Reply to comment by Black_Fish1 in They have crossed the line. Wegmans and Walmart can keep em! by drunkmonkey176
Ok, sounds like we're all good here.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3t52yo wrote
Reply to comment by Black_Fish1 in They have crossed the line. Wegmans and Walmart can keep em! by drunkmonkey176
Are we not allowed to talk about it? Or should we just make our consumer choices in silence?
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3sv63g wrote
Reply to comment by Black_Fish1 in They have crossed the line. Wegmans and Walmart can keep em! by drunkmonkey176
Isn't complaining about high prices one of the things that makes the free market work?
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3sv2pv wrote
Reply to comment by Blexcr0id in They have crossed the line. Wegmans and Walmart can keep em! by drunkmonkey176
Last time I went to Giant Eagle, that was all they had. No Certified Humane eggs, just jumbo bleached white eggs in styrofoam.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j2udk2o wrote
Reply to I am 100% for this and want to see what everyone in Pennsylvania thinks ? Kill a parent drunk driving pay child support. by [deleted]
I really don't think that stiff penalties are a good way to reduce crime. Drink driving is just something we'll have to deal with until we rely less and less on cars.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j2iuex2 wrote
Reply to comment by vinnie5451 in You can make a difference in promoting democracy in Pennsylvania by hashtagbob60
Not equally with the electoral college and the Senate
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j2ev34w wrote
Reply to comment by Antique-Low3985 in It is 65 degrees by MaryOutside
Interesting data! It makes you wonder if the frequency of hot December days has changed over time. Let's get more data!
We'd need to include temperatures from a longer time period - well before 1926 - to see if these temperatures are actually unusual and look for a trend. And to make our conclusions stronger, we should expand our scope to include average temperatures from all over the world, not just Pittsburgh. When you do that, you get something like this.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j2cdou5 wrote
Reply to comment by imouttahereta in It is 65 degrees by MaryOutside
Nobody is panicking. And this isn't the first bomb cylcone/polar vortex or unseasonably warm weather in recent memory.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j2ccoeb wrote
Reply to comment by imouttahereta in It is 65 degrees by MaryOutside
Both unseasonably warm weather and bomb cyclones can be caused by climate change.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j248s6d wrote
Reply to comment by Russlethud in Best vegan options in the city? by Sunfish-Studio
Sounds like they could do with a few more open days.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j23voyk wrote
Reply to comment by Russlethud in Best vegan options in the city? by Sunfish-Studio
Such a bummer. I have very few opportunities to go out to eat, but had 2 in the last year. Unfortunately, one time Apteka was closed for "fall break" and the other was a Thursday. I don't understand how they can pay rent adequately if they are open so rarely. Please, let me eat your food, Apteka!
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j203dkg wrote
Reply to comment by imhoopjones in Best vegan options in the city? by Sunfish-Studio
Are they still open only 3 days a week? I love that place but I've had the hardest time actually eating there.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j1ojly7 wrote
Reply to TIL Why Dog Paws Smell Like Fritos. Even the cleanest, healthiest pooch has trillions of bacteria and fungi living on their skin. That yeasty, corn chip smell is actually a normal byproduct of harmless bacteria, usually Proteus or Pseudomonas, both of which are naturally present in our environment. by Rossknight65
What an unsatisfying answer. "Dogs' paws smell like Fritos because there is a bacteria on them that smells like Fritos."
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j1n9kr1 wrote
Reply to comment by Grimm2785 in So here I sit in the dark. Wearing flannel-lined jeans and a hoodie. And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF? by BeltfedOne
Technically First Energy doesn't own power generation since deregulation separated distribution and generation companies. They have spun off companies like First Energy Solutions that actually are generators.
The coal and nuke plants keep shutting down because they are aging, expensive and can't compete with cheaper gas and renewables in the wholesale markets.
We could solve this shortage problem by incentivizing people to install battery storage and solar and giving them a way to share their stored power with the grid in exchange for money.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j1a8i4k wrote
Reply to comment by geoffh2016 in Fern Hollow Bridge is OPEN! by MaynardWaltrip
There's apparently going to be a whole restoration project to get it cleaned up and accessible again.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j1a7t0c wrote
Reply to comment by James19991 in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
Lots of other people don't read articles either.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19stqb wrote
Reply to comment by James19991 in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
Ah, yes, a joke. A joke that is not only not funny, but also looks remarkably like what someone would say if they didn't read the article and didn't understand why this project was expedited.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19p5m3 wrote
Reply to comment by James19991 in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
Honest question - did you read the article? Because they explained why this bridge was able to be built so quickly.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19os1p wrote
Reply to comment by Sufficient_Way4007 in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
I'm assuming getting the President, Governor, State Senator, County Executive, Mayor, and PennDOT Director to all attend at the same time might be hard to coordinate precisely with the actual opening of the bridge to traffic.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_j19o9of wrote
Reply to comment by wantabeana in Officials cut the ribbon on the rebuilt Fern Hollow Bridge, less than a year after its collapse by enemy_of_your_enema
From the, ahem, article:
“The time savings was a lot on the front end,” she said, when the agency
and the contractor designed a bridge with “the material that was
available.” She added that Fern Hollow has “a higher factor of safety,”
than it strictly needs; in order to keep the process moving as quickly
as possible, they designed and built with “some conservative engineering
guesses … so we wouldn't have to go back.”
The speed of Fern Hollow’s restoration can not — and will not — become
PennDOT’s new normal, Moon-Sirianni stressed. It was an emergency.
“There’s a lot of folks that work very, very quickly when something is
an emergency,” she said, reeling off as examples PennDOT’s central
office, PennDOT’s bridge specialist and the Federal Highway
Administration. “You can only have so many emergencies.”
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j51el9l wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in Heating oil ‘erroneously’ delivered to Pa. home that doesn’t use oil ends up in nearby waterway (erguson Twp., Centre County) by Jumpy-Natural4868
It wasn't clear to me after reading the article if the homeowner or the company did it. This line suggests it could have been the homeowner. Why would the company leave their bucket and "oil contaminated household items?"
" Oil contaminated household items and a bucket of heating oil was outside the residence at 111 Minnesota Street,” DEP said."