enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja8alyl wrote
Reply to comment by isthatwhathappened in Woman dead after officer-involved shooting in Pittsburgh’s St. Clair neighborhood by byzvntine
Maybe because the police and an anonymous friend of a bystander are the only sources for the "she shot first" claim, and police sometimes lie after shootings, so they didn't want to present an unconfirmed statement as fact?
enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja87lbz wrote
Reply to comment by ElJamoquio in Someone keeps parking these stupid scooters in my driveway. Am I allowed to throw them out/move them/run them over? It makes it hard to leave my house by Hotsawce
I don't know why we'd be mad about these scooters stealing public space but not mad about people using cars to take up far, far more public space.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja87dgx wrote
Reply to comment by Jammylegs in Someone keeps parking these stupid scooters in my driveway. Am I allowed to throw them out/move them/run them over? It makes it hard to leave my house by Hotsawce
You really shouldn't throw lithium ion batteries in a trash can.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja7p3xl wrote
Reply to comment by Willow-girl in February averaged 12 degrees above normal and set 3 record highs by physicallyatherapist
That's not really how it works, at least in the office jobs I've had. There's always more work to be done, so we just end up doing more work the more productive we get.
And there's no need to sow division like you're doing. Office workers aren't your enemy.
enemy_of_your_enema OP t1_ja5o989 wrote
Reply to comment by isthatwhathappened in Reel mower sharpening service? by enemy_of_your_enema
That seems really wasteful. I'd rather not have to throw out a perfectly good blade.
Submitted by enemy_of_your_enema t3_11cs32r in pittsburgh
enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja4nzfp wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonchicklet1993 in February averaged 12 degrees above normal and set 3 record highs by physicallyatherapist
Well, rest and often starve.
How about take us forward to the future where we take advantage of our ridiculous levels of productivity to work less but maintain the same standard of living?
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9vbpwx wrote
Reply to comment by DroningBrightnessAV in anyone else's power go out for a couple seconds? power went down, heard a very strange revving sound then sort of explosion/bang from outside. internet is down. in swissvale. by DroningBrightnessAV
I guess I'm wondering why waiting a few minutes to find out why the power is out, which isn't really actionable info, is important.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9v1fei wrote
Reply to anyone else's power go out for a couple seconds? power went down, heard a very strange revving sound then sort of explosion/bang from outside. internet is down. in swissvale. by DroningBrightnessAV
What's the point of these posts? Isn't a brief power outage like this pretty normal? And wouldn't it be quicker to confirm it was an outage by going to DLC's website?
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9v0k3t wrote
Reply to is there a reason why the citizens of Pennsylvania allow utilities to be so high? by Cute_Platypus_5989
The "weather normalization fee" that Philly's gas company and some others charged generated a lot of negative press and an outcry from the PA Office of Consumer Advocate. It's currently under dispute at the PUC. Here's an article from last fall about it.
The companies at Walmart trying to "scam you into changing electric companies" are actually trying to get you to switch electric suppliers. It's usually not a scam, but sometimes it is. Your electric utility only distributes energy, not generates it. By default, the power you get from them they source from power plants at the lowest cost they can get reliable power. You can opt to get your power from another company if you want it to be all renewable or pick another price. You can certainly get cheaper power by shopping around. I've done it. But go to www.papowerswitch.com to see all your options and their terms rather than talking to some salesman at Walmart.
But the overall reason our utilities are too high is that we have old, inefficient housing stock and powerful utilities. Utilities are supposed to be regulated by the PUC, who balances their interests with ratepayer interests, but it's far easier for utilities to influence the PUC commissioners, the Governor who appoints them, and the legislators who confirm them, than it is for us to do that. In other words, regulatory capture.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9uz3m2 wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Mustard in is there a reason why the citizens of Pennsylvania allow utilities to be so high? by Cute_Platypus_5989
Not the gas tax, though.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9uumta wrote
Reply to comment by verdesquared4533 in The fall of Pittsburgh Bodegas by HarpPgh
Yes - with newer residential developments like Summerset at Frick Park, I don't get why they don't include a bodega and a coffee shop in the original design. Especially developments like this that advertise walkability but failed to include anything to walk to.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j9ut41w wrote
Reply to comment by Aggressive-Mud6856 in Tables turn on Allegheny County assessments, as new math favors owners over tax collectors, schools by RadioChris1
>And nobody wants to vote for that, as no-one wants to see their taxes go up.
I think people could vote for this if we knew it meant we'd get specific improvements in schools/public services as a result. That's exactly how the parks tax got passed a couple years ago.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j7l8dax wrote
Reply to comment by AFD_0 in Evacuation Ordered In Part Of Beaver County, PA Following Ohio Train Derailment: Gov. Josh Shapiro (VIDEOS; PHOTOS) by jillianpikora
It was definitely on the news. I heard it on WESA.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j7ght8c wrote
Reply to comment by boredlady819 in What's the deal with the pseudo intellectual / nonsense billboards along 28? by _General_Account_
It sounds like something you'd say about someone who just went into collections on their huge credit card debt. Like, she didn't really think all of this debt would come back to bite her and just kept spending until consequences caught up with her. I like it - a little quote that evokes a lot.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j784mk9 wrote
Reply to comment by NikolaSolonik in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
I felt the same way the first time I heard about Winchester Thurston, the private school. It's the snootiest sounding name, like it could be the school the evil rich kids go to in an 80's high school comedy.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j784gzg wrote
Reply to comment by Mobius_164 in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j730rqc wrote
Reply to comment by reddit_mouse in How should Punxsutawney Phil die? I’ve had it with that damn rodent! by reddit_mouse
If you always expect the opposite of what Phil says, you'd be in pretty good shape.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j6x1xxx wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in From Fox News - Groundhog Day 2023: Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, predicts 6 more weeks of winter by oldschoolskater
With such a warm winter, we're gonna be covered in ticks this year.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j6x1qmh wrote
Reply to From Fox News - Groundhog Day 2023: Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, predicts 6 more weeks of winter by oldschoolskater
Phil is wrong most of the time, so it's always safe to assume the opposite of whatever he says is true.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j6n1cbc wrote
Reply to comment by __she__wolf in Onion Maiden is shutting down at the end of March by timesuck
Sometimes meat eaters get offended by the existence of people who abstain from meat.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j6n108h wrote
Reply to comment by entrepenoori in Onion Maiden is shutting down at the end of March by timesuck
I worry that Apteka is also on their way out, as they are only open 3 nights a week.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j6n0ci8 wrote
Reply to comment by nopantsforfatties in Onion Maiden is shutting down at the end of March by timesuck
Onion Maiden is always crowded, though. I don't think this has anything to do with lack of business.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_j5vafzz wrote
Reply to comment by ScratchMoore in Is there a accepted norm here for tipping? by pghgreatest
Yeah, I agree. Only in extreme cases would I reduce a tip below 20%. I consider 20% simply the cost of that service, not a "bonus" I get to bestow upon lowly service workers based on how satisfied my royal person is. And that's the way wages work in service industry - wages are low because tips are expected. They rely on tips. So we absolutely should tip even if it's not table service.
And since the pandemic, which helped remind me how shitty service workers generally have it, I have tried to tip above 20% as a default.
enemy_of_your_enema t1_ja8ib1l wrote
Reply to comment by Snoo71538 in Someone keeps parking these stupid scooters in my driveway. Am I allowed to throw them out/move them/run them over? It makes it hard to leave my house by Hotsawce
I was responding to the part of the comment about "public space," not the driveway thing. Of course these things, just like other people's cars, should not be parked in someone's private driveway without permission.