
enraged_hbo_max_user t1_j6fw0h0 wrote

I still think it’s crazy no one went to jail, if only for a few years, because of this. Wasn’t the manufacturer of the rocket telling them there’s no way they could launch in those temps, and NASA managers pressured them until they reversed themselves? If that isn’t criminal gross negligence (malfeasance? IANAL) then I don’t know what is.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_j6fpdq0 wrote

Reddit for the most part is amazing. If I were planning to move somewhere the first thing I would do is start looking at the new city’s sub.

I’ll leave you with the same simple advice I give all Pittsburgh renters: avoid Lobos Management and Mozart Management like the plague.


enraged_hbo_max_user OP t1_j641c6l wrote

I’m asking if I should initiate a challenge. I already dealt with them coming after me 3 years ago and my lawyer (the same one telling me to file an appeal now) did get it lowered by about half of what NASD was seeking.

I’m just concerned about either A. getting MY appeal tossed and being out whatever my lawyer charges or B. winning a reduction, but pissing off the NASD lawyer and thus guaranteeing he’s going to appeal again in a year.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb72de wrote

There’s this YouTube channel of this guy scamming scammers, he has hundreds of hours of content. Some of it is incredibly interesting. Gets old fast because it’s literally just him owning them over and over again, but it’s worth checking out when you’re feeling frustrated lol


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_ivb5lai wrote

Well it is definitely a scam. I’m just wondering what, if any, repercussions you would face if you just shrugged, took the money and ran, closed your Venmo account, and ignored all requests from them in the future.

Scammers are usually fine losing the carrot they’re dangling in front of their marks, but $250 seems larger than usual, which is why I’m wondering if you could/should just grab-and-go, so to speak.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_iu9vyqk wrote

Thanks to both you and u/VacantLot412.

Do they still get fully nude on stage? I remember being there once with some guys my company was a client of, they were from NYC and they were surprised the dancers on stage were fully nude. Which surprised me that THEY were surprised because I thought in NYC you could see/do anything you wanted lol