eric5014 t1_ix1fr1x wrote
I suspect this is not counting the total number of devices (how would you do that?) but counting internet traffic. When you visit a website their server can see what browser and OS you have, so websites can track the proportions of these over time.
The term "market share" is probably not a good one in this case, because that usually refers to what people are paying for. Part of the appeal of Linux (inc Android) is that it's free.
I'm on Linux, so I guess I'm in the 1%, though I have Windows as well. Oh, and three Linux servers and two Android devices.
eric5014 t1_iwnt11h wrote
Really well done!
It looks like goalkeepers more often play in their home country than an overseas league, compared to other players.
eric5014 t1_isix2ec wrote
It would be interesting seeing the gender breakdown varies by country. In Australia Riley is usually male, Jackie is usually female, Jaime is both but rare, Kerry is both, Pat is both (and more common), Robbie is male and some of the others I've never heard of.
eric5014 t1_irp4t74 wrote
Reply to comment by nemarholvan in [OC] Percent of human moves matching computer recommended moves in top chess tournaments by Evidently_21
Often in the opening, there are multiple moves that work fine. Particularly the first move or two, but even after that as you can develop pieces in a different order and there isn't an immediate threat needing a response.
In the middle & end there is more often one obvious next move.
I think these might account for much of that gap.
eric5014 t1_ix1lxpw wrote
Reply to comment by Disastrous-Focus1958 in [OC] Global operating systems usage market in 2022. by Disastrous-Focus1958
"Browser users" or "browser traffic" is what it's counting I think.
Another one of their graphs shows this as 40% desktop, 58% mobile, 2% tablet.
This fits with Android and iOS adding up to around 60% and the desktop OSs around 40%.