essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j7lz60t wrote
Reply to My mom grew up in Middletown in the 1960's and I've always been curious about the bowling alley by squirrell1974
Honestly I think the only answer to this would come from your mom (or if you have uncles or cousins that were around back then).
The reality is that a lot of places have been given the old "disney paint job" since the 80s. For instance, in the 70s NYC was BAD. Like really bad. You might not get killed, but lesser crimes were rampant. Then people in power across the country realized that more profits could be made, things became more sanitized and more family friendly to attract more people. That was kind of a big movement in the 80s and 90s. Now this incident redates your mom's incident, but it could possibly be related.
I think you need to find an opportunity and ask her about it. Then report back to Reddit and let us know what she said because I know I can't be the only one curious about this.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j759lsv wrote
Reply to comment by Bigbird_Elephant in Dumbass by Funny_stuff554
Because of how far she's pulled up, it might be 4.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j71abuc wrote
Reply to comment by twilight-actual in Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial by Phoenix5869
I hate how this is exactly the first thing I thought of as well.
Instead of being excited for this news and hopeful for the future, these anti vaxx morons are the first thing that popped into my head.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6ov1iu wrote
Reply to comment by CiforDayZServer in Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
Look everybody, I found the incompetent parent who is too lazy to raise his kids properly and needs to pawn that off on the school system because lord knows teachers don't have enough other things to worry about.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6o8ytx wrote
Reply to comment by CiforDayZServer in Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
Maybe, just maybe if kids actually behaved because the parents weren't too lazy to do some adulting, this would be a non-issue.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6o0g3e wrote
Reply to comment by buttbuttgoosebutt in Flea markets in Ct / surrounding area by SubstantialMetal1701
Monger's Market is cool to look through, but you will not find any deals there. All that stuff is priced for New York City fashionistas with rich fathers.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6ngn8v wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
No one WANTS to take recess away from kids. But seeing as how parenting isn't being done at home, and schools have very limited ways to punish kids otherwise, it seems like a very reasonable way to handle this situation. As is almost always the case, be a goddamn fucken adult, and parent your crotch fruit.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6n9p1z wrote
Reply to Help with recess law by proudmaryjane
Maybe, just maybe, you should be more concerned as to why the kids are so out of control that the teachers and administration feels the need to take their recess away to begin with.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j6muzs4 wrote
Reply to Sunday morning from Milford by Doobie1775
I love how that looks like summertime and yet this morning there is a slight dusting of snow.
essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j7usor7 wrote
Reply to Former Fairfield official with history of animal abuse now accused of torturing cat, police say by urkiddingrite
Is he a Republican?
I bet he's a Republican.
Yup. Wouldn't you know it, he's a Republican.