i grew up in lancaster county, pa. for people to find this funny or odd seems so strange to me, im so used to yelling being stuck behind 2 buggies while another one is coming in the opposite lane 🤣🤣🤣 my grocery store growing up (and where my parents still shop) is entirely amish owned and has a huge buggy parking section.
they make good food. and good milk. but they can’t fricking drive!!!!!
the best is 2AM hearing them pass by your house on the road blaring black eyed peas and various voiced shouting the entire way.
ewcheyenneeliz t1_j7e4ty9 wrote
Reply to I’ll never get tired of seeing a horse & buggy at the grocery stores in Amish country. by TyeDyeAmish
i grew up in lancaster county, pa. for people to find this funny or odd seems so strange to me, im so used to yelling being stuck behind 2 buggies while another one is coming in the opposite lane 🤣🤣🤣 my grocery store growing up (and where my parents still shop) is entirely amish owned and has a huge buggy parking section.
they make good food. and good milk. but they can’t fricking drive!!!!!
the best is 2AM hearing them pass by your house on the road blaring black eyed peas and various voiced shouting the entire way.