
f3llyn t1_jeeh603 wrote

I dropped my LCD-X and they still work great. I've dropped lots of different headphones over the years, none of them broke from just 1 drop.

Literally 100% of the hifimans I've had the displeasure of briefly owning didn't require a drop to break, all I had to do was wear them.

You like them, I get it. But let's not pretend like outside of being dropped hifimans don't just break from regular use. And far more commonly than an other brand out there.


f3llyn t1_jeearwu wrote

> I spit on Hifiman's build quality, but to be honest, in this case it probably wasn't their fault.

It is 100% their fault. It's due to how the plug housing is soldered that causes it to break easily.

Most of their headphones have the same flaw. That's why we keep seeing the same threads about the same issues with the same fucking headphones.

Dropping them only likely exacerbated the problem.


f3llyn t1_jd17izh wrote

I think you are looking at the wrong things. They are not just adapters.

Get this cable -


And you can choose the interconnect you want..

Interconnects -


It's the most versatile cable as you can swap the interconnect to any termination you want without having to rebuy a whole new cable.

If you need a longer cable you will have to try to get one during the days they have custom cable sales open (2-3 times a week at various times).