
fIreballchamp t1_j1w55ng wrote

So then maybe Turkey should stop supplying Azerbaijan with weapons and training. This isn't about Russia not wanting to cause problems there. This is about a NATO country, Turkey arming their buddies and training them to carry on a geopolitical goal of theirs. Russia doesn't want there to be bigger problems. Peace won't come unless USA and Europe tell Turkey that enough is enough. The only other option is Russia steps in and starts another war.


fIreballchamp t1_j1vqo5g wrote

Look at a map. Azerbaijan needs access through Armenia to get to part of its country. There's a large enclave with a portion of Armenia blocking access.

Sometimes difficult decisions have to be made. Armenia keeps getting beaten up by Azerbaijan and Russia wants to stop this. If Armenia blocks access, Azerbaijan will attack Armenia, they will win and they will kill Armenians, destroy infrastructure and take the land. No one will do anything about it.
