fakepostman t1_jdy107m wrote
If you're reading this thread, I recommend Ship of Fools by Richard Russo
fakepostman t1_jbeogyg wrote
Reply to comment by Wild-Caterpillar76 in Consumers respond less positively to new products when their brand names use unconventional spellings of real words, like “Klear” instead of “Clear.” Findings showed that consumers saw these names as indicating the brand was less honest, down-to-earth and wholesome. by geoff199
Bokay residence lady of the house speaking
fakepostman t1_jdzy8ik wrote
Reply to comment by TheJester0330 in Allow Me To Make a Gentle Plea For More Space Horror by drak0bsidian
Good information! It's a good book but not a hundred bucks worth of recommendation :D