fastAFguy t1_j9iph14 wrote
Reply to comment by Jctexan in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
Agreed, but more buildings should be more 17+ storey buildings.
fastAFguy t1_j9ipccm wrote
Reply to comment by Jctexan in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
Demand better as in two 2 30 floor buildings instead of just one at 17.
fastAFguy t1_j9ipb0s wrote
Reply to Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
OP, you suck. Only thing wrong with this development is that it isn’t double the density with two 17 story buildings instead of just one. To call this one “vertical sprawl” is just ignorance and NIMBYism.
This development is a massive improvement over what’s currently there… I bet it will be a great community asset when built.
The fools that have been fighting this development should be barred from using any of the community benefits when built. Of course that legally can’t happen, but they’re so fucking hypocritical because they’ll be singing it’s praises in a few years. There small business incubator sounds especially interesting to me.
fastAFguy t1_j9iotbg wrote
Reply to Game on! Jersey City school district OKs $1 million expansion of esports programs by JohnnyVanderbilt
Just wait till next year JCBOE budget. Why these fucks can’t get voted out, I don’t know.
fastAFguy t1_j8xw7la wrote
Reply to comment by GoHuskies1984 in Shipping Barrel to the Caribbean Islands by frommars6
Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s very common for Caribbean immigrants to ship non-perishable food and other supplies in barrels (drums) to their families back home in the Caribbean.
UPS and DHL are not options. 😂
OP is asking for a freight forwarding service. I personally go to NYC for better rates. Don’t know any in JC, unfortunately.
fastAFguy t1_j6lj6zu wrote
Reply to Solomon calls for audit of Jersey City, MUA, BOE, Hudson County, and schools of technology. by Brudesandwich
Solomon must be running for mayor.
fastAFguy t1_j6lcsxi wrote
Reply to What needed to be said >>> by keightdough
“This is Jersey City, not the suburbs.” Should be the new City Moto!!
fastAFguy t1_j5r0qb8 wrote
Reply to Amy Degise GIF mega-thread. by EyesOnImprovement
fastAFguy t1_j5r0oa6 wrote
Reply to comment by DevChatt in Amy Degise GIF mega-thread. by EyesOnImprovement
The cyclist is on Reddit and mentioned he is happy Amy is seeing justice and credits this video for holding her accountable.
fastAFguy t1_j5bg9pe wrote
Reply to comment by NewLoseIt in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
You the real MVP.
fastAFguy t1_j5awjnq wrote
fastAFguy t1_j5a5sfc wrote
Reply to comment by AlienVisionary in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
If someone opened up a decent bagel shop in Jersey City, and had this menu. 🔥🔥🔥
fastAFguy t1_j5a5l60 wrote
Reply to comment by ooloox33 in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
fastAFguy t1_j5a1q7o wrote
Reply to Why does the contrasting color (stone?) not go all the way up? Was this really the original design or did they cut costs half way up? by extraORD1NARYmachine
It would have been a little better if the vertical line of stones didn’t all stop at the same floor. The ones near the center should have gone higher.
fastAFguy t1_j4vvhcc wrote
Reply to NJ-bound side of Holland Tunnel to close overnight for nearly 3 years by Blecher_onthe_Hudson
Yassssssssss!!! Maybe PATH will improve overnight service as a result…
fastAFguy t1_j4hue3q wrote
Ok. Not Jersey City but try Fornos of Spain on Ferry St. in Newark.
fastAFguy t1_j4hu6lq wrote
Reply to comment by Pitiful_Ganache5588 in Moving away from JC - what restaurants do I need to try before I leave? by cmh888
fastAFguy t1_j4htwue wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in Moving away from JC - what restaurants do I need to try before I leave? by cmh888
Bad bot
fastAFguy t1_j4httng wrote
Reply to comment by ILoveHotDogsAndBacon in Moving away from JC - what restaurants do I need to try before I leave? by cmh888
fastAFguy t1_j4htmhs wrote
Reply to comment by FelixTaran in Moving away from JC - what restaurants do I need to try before I leave? by cmh888
fastAFguy t1_j448dxz wrote
Reply to comment by Sybertron in JC or Hoboken for a 26 yo single woman?? by ItemCareful1077
fastAFguy t1_j3litno wrote
Reply to comment by Plo8crusher in Haus25 Lease Takeover by wlk34rw9ifji2
I agree. But why not rent or buy a place for $2,500 a month that’s twice as big a unit in Haus25?
fastAFguy t1_j3dfuzi wrote
Reply to Haus25 Lease Takeover by wlk34rw9ifji2
There is a sucker born every minute. Imagine spending $3,615 a month for rent in Jersey City 😂😂
fastAFguy t1_j3btz36 wrote
Reply to comment by AmputatorBot in Movie shoot on JFK Blvd? Given the location I’m assuming it’s the new Mad Max movie. by mevinkurphy75
I prefer AMP.
fastAFguy t1_j9ipmhv wrote
Reply to comment by Jctexan in Why is planning allowing this building? Eli5 by Jctexan
You’re right. Should be 30 stories and more of em.