
fastAFguy t1_j9ipb0s wrote

OP, you suck. Only thing wrong with this development is that it isn’t double the density with two 17 story buildings instead of just one. To call this one “vertical sprawl” is just ignorance and NIMBYism.

This development is a massive improvement over what’s currently there… I bet it will be a great community asset when built.

The fools that have been fighting this development should be barred from using any of the community benefits when built. Of course that legally can’t happen, but they’re so fucking hypocritical because they’ll be singing it’s praises in a few years. There small business incubator sounds especially interesting to me.


fastAFguy t1_j8xw7la wrote

Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s very common for Caribbean immigrants to ship non-perishable food and other supplies in barrels (drums) to their families back home in the Caribbean.

UPS and DHL are not options. 😂

OP is asking for a freight forwarding service. I personally go to NYC for better rates. Don’t know any in JC, unfortunately.