
fattony182 t1_iwyhx6s wrote

Yeah he made massive mistake, that’s reflected in the massive losses incurred since his new role began.

Why would you leave a growing e-commerce company to join a soon to be bankrupt jpeg shop. Oh right, it’s so he can loot it and extract what little cash is left from the retail gamblers. Which is exactly what’s happened


fattony182 t1_ivgxa1j wrote

Completely agree. But the first jobs to go (and maybe only for a considerable amount of time) to these humanoid robots will be the lowest paid and easiest to replace of course. What if this is 10,20 or 30% of the population out of work?

Then it’s the 70-90~% still employed and maybe with higher wages than currently, vs the losers of this robot replacement. Will that be enough pressure to make meaningful change? That’s my concern, and partial prediction.