
fijimermaidsg t1_j6dv2kd wrote

I made a comment about the Fallujah analogy, which I heard from a shop owner in the city who used to live in Pakistan ... and this was during 2018-19 when the city called for a "ceasefire". Only warzones need ceasefires right? We had a mass shooting last night at the "Murder Mall" including a mother and 2 kids who were caught in the gunfire.

BUT that's outside of the Green Zones which OP has mentioned although drug-related shootings have gotten more common in Hampden lately.


fijimermaidsg t1_j26oq0a wrote

Clay at Mt Vernon Tattoo is great at doing cover-ups - although it's not an artist's favorite assignment, it's bread n' butter. He did a massive cover up and fix for me.


fijimermaidsg t1_j1xyzgi wrote

Greenmount and 33rd St/Old Main Street has gotten better over the past 7+ years since I lived there. There is the YMCA... Red Emma's has joined the number of new businesses on the Old Main Street... the Pakistani grocer and halal butcher across from Enoch Pratt Library (you'd miss it if you didn't know it was there) is a great place for Indian cooking ingredients and things like almonds, spices.


fijimermaidsg t1_j10b7mf wrote

Goldberg's has bialys too, and flagels!! I love the fact that you can see 'em making the bagels. I like the plain ones best - they have that nice shiny crust that comes from boiling the bagels.

Isabella's Brick Oven has a great variety of pizzas + generous with toppings.


fijimermaidsg t1_j0cf6nd wrote

If you're moving from Capitol Hill to Bolton Hill, you'll find the prices in BH VERY attractive. I've lived in BH for six years now, would've loved to buy a nice 2BRM condo in Lion Park (was like 300k in 2019) ... great value here (as an avid property person and coming from one of the most expensive/insane property cities in the world). The only reason these gorgeous, historical buildings don't cost a million, is because of the fear surrounding Baltimore.

The thing about BH is that it literally varies from block to block - the central part of BH is very walkable, you could stroll to N Charles/Mt Vernon, just take the proper city precautions - I love being able to walk home after a concert at the Meyerhoff. TBH, unless you are actively looking for trouble, you should be ok


fijimermaidsg t1_iye60rd wrote

You have to take your daughter to Vaccaro's in Little Italy for their gelato and sweets. Patisserie Poupon is across the street from Ramshead (take the Metro underpass). You'll be in the Inner Harbor area so there's lots of stuff for kids - the Aquarium is great, Visionary Arts Museum... you'll be fine in the harbor area, it's very touristy.


fijimermaidsg t1_iwdk4lq wrote

I think the murder rates in Bmore are higher because the city has a relatively small population. And there's shows like The Wire and We Own This City (ok, that's a true story) that give Bmore the reputation. When people think of Seattle, they think of Starbucks and cafes? Traverse North Avenue -- people from out of town get freaked out by the abandoned rowhouses.


fijimermaidsg t1_iwcj23o wrote

Speaking of "boots on the ground" and warzones - have you been to parts of Baltimore like Pennsylvannia Avenue, Upton? Try cycling there... ok no don't... It all depends on where you live and Baltimore changes from block to block. Ride the subway from Lexington Market to Reisterstown... They've tried to gentrify Lexington Market but across the street, it's still an open air drug market.