fins4ever t1_jb21bf4 wrote
Honestly they don't need to make a federal case out of some idiots trespassing. Give them their fine and tell them to screw off. Making this kind of circus just gives them all the attention they want
fins4ever t1_jb211cr wrote
Reply to Best place to live in NH without a car by kellyatta
I mean Manchester is somewhat walkable, and it does at least have a bus system
fins4ever t1_j8e3ch9 wrote
Reply to Milford School Board votes to consider all-stall restrooms after public debate by NewEnglandBlueberry
This is sexist discrimination against boys
fins4ever t1_j85dhfu wrote
Reply to Police investigating security threat at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport by pewterpetunia
What in the world is going on
fins4ever t1_j7ffiro wrote
Yeah I went for a bike ride
fins4ever t1_j6n5jsn wrote
Reply to Extremly Unrealistic Fantasy MBTA Subway map. The Silver Line is converted into light rail. Let me know what your favorite part of the map is and what I missed. by Wide_right_yes
Ahh the Danvers t station makes me smile
fins4ever t1_j5mkdgx wrote
Reply to comment by THE_GREAT_PICKLE in Best breakfast spots in NH? by justboosted02
Phenomenal at any time of day, fantastic chicken
fins4ever t1_j5mk6ny wrote
Reply to Best breakfast spots in NH? by justboosted02
Chez Vachon in Rimmon Heights in Manchester is my fav
fins4ever t1_j5mjqto wrote
I'm 24, is that alright?
fins4ever t1_j5mi795 wrote
Average day in Manchester
fins4ever OP t1_iymoar3 wrote
Reply to comment by thoughtasiwas in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
Retail politics are important. The first four all have a specific group they are testing your appeal for, and for NH it's your ability to connect personally with voters. That is important. I don't think that should be trampled upon because we have committed the grievous sin of having a lot of white people live here
fins4ever OP t1_iykl4dd wrote
Reply to comment by NeedleworkerNo8029 in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
It gives us a lot of political access and power along with being a big economic boon
fins4ever OP t1_iykkx78 wrote
Reply to comment by Lusciousveggie in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
Yeah he really sucks at retail politics so he lost bad here, but black voters like him so he did well there
fins4ever OP t1_iykfd5m wrote
Reply to comment by DeerFlyHater in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
State pride and significant political power
fins4ever t1_ixlyhl3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
Alienation is a massive problem, but it's not usually addressed much. Honestly I think that's in part because it's so hard to quantify let alone to fix. How do you fix a society where people are completely atomized, without the historical grounding institutions such as the church or increasingly the family. People have no sense of belonging and this leads to a lack of purpose, and people with no purpose often lash out at the society which deprives them of purpose. All the more so when even the material standard of wealth we were sold as a worthy trade off for purpose is beginning to collapse around us. People could bear it better when they could shop their anxiety away but now prices soar and wages stagnate. How can a society built on consumption endure when the material wealth of the populace maintaining this consumption falters?
fins4ever t1_ixkjb0g wrote
Reply to comment by ifukkedurbich in Police advise people stay inside due to shooting by SolitudeNH
Yeah I have absolutely noticed this in Manchester. It's getting to where I might move
fins4ever t1_ixkirio wrote
I prefer the utterly wild messages from the detailing place down the street. "The latest varient is called communism" is perhaps the most classic
fins4ever t1_iwv3gdl wrote
fins4ever t1_iwr3qnt wrote
Reply to Another good article on NH Gerrymandering - I think all states should have independent commissions, not sure why some (like the Guv) are so opposed to it. by AMC4x4
Honestly it's something everyone likes to talk crap about but actually fixing it is not really something that can be done. I remember when they tried a "non partisan commission" in NC and it was just as partisan as any map from the state legislature
fins4ever t1_iwl4iyc wrote
Reply to Republicans' margin in N.H. House shrinks again, after recount flips 2nd seat to Dems by rockonritalin
Ah we're screwed anyhow
fins4ever t1_ivj9ud2 wrote
Reply to I-89 or I-91/93? by philly1750
I-93 up north is even more beautiful than 89
fins4ever t1_iveavwu wrote
Reply to Is this a threat?? I've gotta 20 similar mailings, but this one is the most aggressive. by freakon
"Go vote. This is a threat"
fins4ever t1_ivc42vx wrote
I keep getting them from Herschel Walker. I do not and have never lived in Georgia
fins4ever t1_jc4lwhh wrote
Reply to Threat on United Airlines plane shuts down Vermont airport by Thetimmybaby
Oh cool, this happened at MHT in NH a few weeks ago