fishythepete t1_jaori6o wrote
Reply to comment by Sarcofaygo in City to introduce Providence Community Electricity Program, offer electricity at lower rates than Rhode Island Energy by relbatnrut
Yes. Which is why comparing the summer rates from the program (9.3 c) to RI Energy’s winter rate (17.85) isn’t terribly meaningful.
fishythepete t1_jaofle5 wrote
Reply to comment by Stoicdadman in New proposed electricity rates by Yak54RC
How does that game work when the utility is not allowed to earn a profit on generation? Asking for a friend.
fishythepete t1_janvd64 wrote
Reply to comment by Revolutionary_Bit_38 in Providence Community Electricity by iandavid
Just because the filed for it doesn’t mean they’ll get it. If prices continue to drop could end up same or lower.
fishythepete t1_janusxh wrote
Reply to comment by relbatnrut in City to introduce Providence Community Electricity Program, offer electricity at lower rates than Rhode Island Energy by relbatnrut
Those are winter rates for RI Energy. The new program launches is in May, which is after Summer rates go into effect (April). Remains to be seen if this will be competitive. Since Providence is buying the energy from NextEra, which is RI Energy’s supplier, and considering RI Energy is not allowed to profit from supply, I don’t think you’re going to see even a cents worth of savings.
fishythepete t1_jansiy9 wrote
Reply to comment by buddhamanjpb in Rhode Island woman dies in police custody in Tennessee by Meatball_Grinder
Upvote to remove the down someone gave you.
>Qualified Immunity needs to be taken away and police need to be held accountable for their actions like the rest of the population.
I guess I just don’t see what about this situation is so egregious that the officers need to be held liable not only in their role as officers, but personally as well? If you are in a hospital, and a doctor grabbed you and said “I need your help quick - do XYZ!”, would you? I think a reasonably prudent person would and defer to a doctors medical expertise. Like it or not, that’s what the cops did here.
They’ll surely be sued, and the municipality will pay something, even though the hospital made the professional error. But they should be personally held liable too? Because they took a doctors opinion on a medical question? Eh.
fishythepete t1_janohtk wrote
Reply to comment by Swamp_yankee_ninja in Rhode Island woman dies in police custody in Tennessee by Meatball_Grinder
Huge medical malpractice lawsuit. I would guess 20-40x what they get from the municipality.
fishythepete t1_jannr7d wrote
Reply to comment by buddhamanjpb in Rhode Island woman dies in police custody in Tennessee by Meatball_Grinder
There are scenarios where qualified immunity is relevant and problematic, but offering protection to someone taking a doctor’s advice on a medical issue ain’t one. They were told by medical professionals that she was fine and faking it, and that they wanted her removed from the premises.
It’d be one thing if it was an all you can eat buffet trespassing her, but someone making a decision based on an expert’s qualified advice is meeting a much higher burden of care than what qualified immunity exists to protect.
fishythepete t1_janmy28 wrote
Reply to comment by agreensandcastle in Rhode Island woman dies in police custody in Tennessee by Meatball_Grinder
I’m sure there are some social workers who would ignore the doctors’ finding, but I expect they’re few and far between.
fishythepete t1_janmjvk wrote
Reply to comment by gravytrain2112 in Rhode Island woman dies in police custody in Tennessee by Meatball_Grinder
>Wouldn’t it have been faster to have someone reevaluate her then tell the officers with her able to hear it?
She was arrested at a hospital. At the request of the doctors there. Because she refused to leave.
So no. Probably not.
fishythepete t1_jaaegz1 wrote
Reply to Restaurant Perspective of RI Food Fights by RIffstaurant
Lots of threads on this from last year too.
fishythepete t1_j9q5axw wrote
Reply to comment by asteroid_b_612 in City approves 5-story College Hill apartments despite complaints about noisy students by cowperthwaite
Hey moron - there are now 50 fewer rich college kids you’re fighting for housing. You’re welcome.
fishythepete t1_j9lzni4 wrote
Reply to comment by the_falconator in Officer acquitted in off-duty shooting gets $123K in back pay by EmilyXoXo26
The only take that makes sense honestly.
fishythepete t1_j94jbck wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in RI Cannabis Whistleblowers Wanted by [deleted]
Yes, that’s exactly what this post is.
fishythepete t1_j93anql wrote
Reply to RI Cannabis Whistleblowers Wanted by [deleted]
Irradiation machines aren’t going to fix moldy cannabis, they provide an extra level of security against spoliation over and above that which the normal curing and drying process provide.
ETA: Sorry buddy, blocking me doesn’t make your conspiracy theories true. Wait til you hear about all the irradiated food you eat!!! And that something like 80% or weed sold in Canada is irradiated.
But you got Tegridy!
fishythepete t1_j8su8nk wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Brown grad, named to Forbes 30 Under 30, dies after completing marathon by bostonglobe
People misread you.
fishythepete t1_j8srpya wrote
Reply to comment by haze_snob in Cannabis by RhodyViaWIClamDigger
Yeah down with big Cannabis ????
fishythepete t1_j8sjzb4 wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Brown grad, named to Forbes 30 Under 30, dies after completing marathon by bostonglobe
I mean people die after marathons… frequently isn’t the right word, but it happens, usually for the reason given here.
fishythepete t1_j8rpksy wrote
Reply to comment by sailri in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
Yup. Only ones with something to lose are Amazon (Whole Foods) and BJs.
fishythepete t1_j8rhi8d wrote
Reply to comment by waninggib in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
Shocking that reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, but the comment was whether or not the demand existed (the area would benefit from a Costco) not whether or not a bunch of NIMBYs could block development.
fishythepete t1_j8rh0ej wrote
Reply to comment by waninggib in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
The article that says a bunch of residents are against it…?
Costco isn’t in the business of building stores where there isn’t demand for them. Your perception of the area’s need for another warehouse store is based on your feelings. Costco’s perception that the area needs one is based on facts. I know which one I’d put money on.
fishythepete t1_j8q89g5 wrote
Reply to comment by waninggib in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
Hmm… who do I think has put more thought and research into this..? The company making a multimillion dollar investment or a random on Reddit?
I have a BJs and a Costco membership, even though I hit Costco like 3-4x / year. If Costco was there, I imagine cranston would again have only one warehouse store after a couple years, and everyone there would be better off for it.
fishythepete t1_j8q6sov wrote
Reply to Anyone near Miriam hear that sound? by craftyxena73
Man I’m thinking about hitting 95 and trying to hunt it down once and for all. This is like “the boom” on every suburban Facebook page.
fishythepete t1_j8q67zf wrote
Reply to comment by waninggib in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
Yeah BJs is the Twin Oaks of warehouse stores.
fishythepete t1_j8q0axx wrote
Reply to comment by waninggib in Costco? by AHoneyNamedRenee
Nothing more Cranston than saying “hey build something here, but not some place too many people would want to go”. They’re saving the spot for the Twin Oaks of retail I guess.
ETA someone mentioned BJs is 10 mins away so sounds like they’ve got it covered.
fishythepete t1_jb7x4jr wrote
Reply to Bricks With Homophobic Anti-Leftist Messages Shatter Red Ink’s Windows by Alphabet_Mafia_69
I’m assuming the homophobic term was erased because the brick thrower realized that use of the term could turn this from a vandalism charge to a hate crime.
So they bought two bricks. Seriously - brand new bricks (actually, Holland concrete pavers sold by HD). And bought two, or else why erase the message and not just start over. And of course, the day is important, so they can’t just buy another brick tomorrow.
So they planned this out, poorly, had the clarity of mind to take action to reduce the severity of potential charges, planned it for a day that is very significant to the store and surely was at the front of their mind, and still went forward with the act? Pretty brazen - I hope the cops track down footage from the area and local HDs that sold 2 pavers and can piece this together.