fishythepete t1_iv6exvm wrote
Reply to comment by purplepenny23 in Are there any apartment complexes that rent based on credit score rather than income verification? by ZeroKittyRose
I believe OP is referring to the practice of requiring applicants demonstrate income equal to a certain multiple of rent to be eligible to rent an apartment.
fishythepete t1_iv6dwkg wrote
Reply to Does anyone have experience with tuition waivers from unemployment? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Lmao yeah you hacked the system - free college and income with this one easy trick 😂.
Only those in DoL approved vocational training or adult education programs are exempt from the work search requirements.
There’s a list here.
fishythepete t1_iuz0tah wrote
Reply to comment by Accurate-Historian-7 in Political ads on YT and Internet by turdburglar2969
I was taking care of my 7 year old nephew and he was happy watching YouTube so I was rolling with it. Then I got to explain what an abortion is and why it’s bad people want to make it so women can’t get them. So yeah. Hard agree.
fishythepete t1_it8lo8y wrote
Reply to comment by Ristray in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by SwimmerNos
Right. So rent control is not the problem.
fishythepete t1_it8ll4u wrote
Reply to comment by SwimmerNos in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by SwimmerNos
No, I’m saying rent control cannot be the problem, because it doesn’t exist.
If you think lack of rent control is the problem, you need to take a minute and understand that rent control and limits on occupant numbers are solutions in the same vein - ie they’re not.
fishythepete t1_it6yuuw wrote
Reply to comment by SwimmerNos in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by SwimmerNos
This doesn’t displace students. It would be far more likely to displace locals as students demand more units housing.
>In all honesty to make a proposal of this nature is downright negligent and ignoring the real problem at hand which is rent control.
Providence doesn’t have rent control?
fishythepete t1_it28ce6 wrote
Reply to comment by RosaPalms in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by GhostOpera406
Correct. Unintended. Per the sponsor:
>“We need to do what we can to preserve housing for our residents and to maintain our neighborhoods,”
fishythepete t1_it20ioy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Proposal would ban more than 3 college students from living together in Providence by GhostOpera406
The proposed ordinance also has the lovely unintended consequence of increasing demand for housing, putting more upward pressure on rent.
fishythepete t1_isbgc7m wrote
Reply to comment by thisismynewacct in Two Florida men charged with attempted murder after two children shot during road rage incident by DragonWriterDB
>I mean they were, until they weren’t, which is too often the case.
This isn’t the case at all. The data here is a little stale, but the vast majority of firearm charges brought are unlawful possession charges - I.e. for the prosecuted individual possession itself is unlawful, so the charged individual is not (and likely never was) a lawful owner. Adding in possession of stolen firearms and illegal transfer of firearms is almost the entirety of firearm crime prosecutions.
Law abiding gun owners are overwhelmingly just that.
fishythepete t1_is26y3l wrote
Reply to comment by william1Bastard in Thoughts on last night’s debate? by jdmess401
What the fuck does that have to do with having high energy being a good leadership trait?
fishythepete t1_is221qs wrote
Reply to comment by william1Bastard in Thoughts on last night’s debate? by jdmess401
You must have responded to the wrong comment.
fishythepete t1_is1bq3s wrote
Reply to comment by WordofDog420 in Thoughts on last night’s debate? by jdmess401
Sort of. Effecting change as an executive is hard. You need to be able to get people on board with your plans.
fishythepete t1_iqo8kj8 wrote
Reply to comment by vodkanipples in doctor recommendation by vodkanipples
>Why isn't there one single response saying I have a great relationship with my doctor you should check them out (name, address)?
Probably because someone who has a great relationship with their doctor wouldn’t want to put their doctor through dealing w someone like you.
fishythepete t1_iv6ljz6 wrote
Reply to comment by AbigailFlippinfloppn in Does anyone have experience with tuition waivers from unemployment? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
That’s the actual hack. The job search requirement is pretty much a joke.