flannelheart t1_jdk56t8 wrote
Reply to comment by terrible_sloth in Any good wiper blades? by HumanTarget
Aha! That makes more sense and that's a great tip. Yeah, it was shipping from three different warehouses so that explains the $26. Thanks for the explanation!
flannelheart t1_jdjqau3 wrote
Reply to comment by Amp8424 in Any good wiper blades? by HumanTarget
What's he mean by you pay shipping once? Looks like they have great prices but shipping was $26 on wipers, an oil filter and an air filter.
flannelheart t1_jdjl45q wrote
Reply to comment by Captain_Bignose in Any good wiper blades? by HumanTarget
I've never ordered from rock auto. Like, you only pay shipping on your first order and it's free fir each order after that?
flannelheart t1_jczehiu wrote
Reply to comment by CRThaze in Favorite BIFL Clothing Brands? by ye110wsub
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and I love my Filson. Haven't had to use the warranty on clothes yet, but I had a backpack with a strap that was getting wonky and It was zero hassle getting it fixed for free.
flannelheart t1_j2xtelj wrote
Reply to comment by dejus in When faced with a choice conflict, individuals who consume alcohol may be nudged into selecting more expensive branded alcoholic beverages. by [deleted]
This right here. I've done a bit of distilling and the only difference in taste is if you leave more tails in there. If I'm drinking a vodka/soda, I'll use middle shelf but, White Trash Russians (vodka/Yoo Hoo)? Gimme that ground floor 'cause I'll never taste it.
flannelheart t1_j29vagh wrote
Reply to comment by Larechar in Building a work bench: wood screws or lag bolts? by CaptInsane
The bench is where you set the wood to get the worms out
flannelheart t1_izg2pht wrote
Reply to comment by sunnymanroll in Wool flannel options? by AvengedAxe77
I have a Filson NW Wool shirt that I love but I believe it's %100 wool.
flannelheart OP t1_ix9ouck wrote
Reply to comment by Neutrinoh in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
I emailed the company so we'll see 🤞🏼
flannelheart OP t1_ix9ko70 wrote
Reply to comment by Neutrinoh in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Oh, hell yeah! I did not see that when I went on their site. I'm going to start hunting. If you find where to get one in the states please let me know and I will do the same. Thank you!
flannelheart OP t1_ix0wks6 wrote
Reply to comment by Cinemaphreak in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Very useful info. Thank you so much!
flannelheart OP t1_iwoq12x wrote
Reply to comment by ZombiePixel4096 in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Oh, man! This is right up my alley...other than the fact that the slots aren't long enough for my usage. I am seriously eyeing their kettles, however! Really love their business model and design. Thanks for introducing me to them :)
flannelheart OP t1_iwoob43 wrote
Reply to comment by BoilerButtSlut in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
flannelheart OP t1_iwj5v6x wrote
Reply to comment by slade797 in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Nice! Appreciate it
flannelheart OP t1_iwi6qx6 wrote
Reply to comment by Cinemaphreak in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
That looks great! It Toasts evenly? That's my biggest beef with the Brevil-Ends are black and middle is barely tan
flannelheart OP t1_iwi4fdh wrote
Reply to comment by Smokey_Katt in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Cool! I'll look for one
flannelheart OP t1_iwhpkpg wrote
Reply to comment by Nouyame in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
You may be right. All reviews were good when I bought it. That being said, it was damn near a hundred bucks and I'm a little gun shy on pulling the trigger on another one.
flannelheart OP t1_iwhhgc9 wrote
Reply to comment by warlordcs in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Mostly space issues.
flannelheart OP t1_iwhdoxj wrote
Reply to comment by kosnarf in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
Would be great if it had another slot. I like me a fat sourdough sammich lol
flannelheart OP t1_iwhasxd wrote
Reply to comment by kosnarf in Suggestion for long, wide slice toaster by flannelheart
ATK's highest rated? Or BBB?
flannelheart t1_itrxmzs wrote
Reply to comment by slickestwood in Doctor is ‘not a crazy Apple person’ and recommends lifesaving Apple Watch to every patient by prehistoric_knight
Tim Cook chicken? Also Apple Watch
flannelheart t1_isuxe1w wrote
Reply to Older people who get five hours of sleep a night or less may face a far greater risk of developing two or more chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes, compared to people who sleep longer by Wagamaga
Why are older people getting five or less hours of sleep? I turn down multiple invites every year ‘cause they’re past my bedtime. Priorities
flannelheart t1_je6gcca wrote
Reply to comment by SuddenMacaroon8355 in Muck boots are amazing. by ExtraordinaryMagic
I'd like to emphasize the warm aspect. I get cold feet way too easy and the Muck Woody Max were the only thing to keep my feet warm in sub-zero weather. And comfortable!