1971: Kites & Afro’s - Taking a break from between classes and demanding Black History courses at the college. I got my phoenix and dragon kites in Chinatown, where i learned about the Boxer Rebellion while going to Haines School. I loved to learn and felt entitled to as much knowledge as possible.
Submitted by floydwebb t3_114oppi in OldSchoolCool
Me, hiding inside my free jazz band, T'rass, Ladbroke Grove, London, Oct 1974. I was making art, I was being a mkonde carving. Cause I was trippin' like that. We rehearsed across the street from Bob Marley's flat in the Grove.
Submitted by floydwebb t3_10nu07h in OldSchoolCool
floydwebb OP t1_j8z4vav wrote
Reply to comment by TellEmToSuckOnALemon in 1971: Kites & Afro’s - Taking a break from between classes and demanding Black History courses at the college. I got my phoenix and dragon kites in Chinatown, where i learned about the Boxer Rebellion while going to Haines School. I loved to learn and felt entitled to as much knowledge as possible. by floydwebb
I understand. Big Murph would appreciate it.