Radon is a monatomic gas, but its decay products are solids. After a decay, what happens to the individual atoms of the daughter elements? Do they stay suspended in the atmosphere or slowly rain out? Submitted by foodtower t3_11rkkae on March 15, 2023 at 3:18 AM in askscience 138 comments 1,717
A new 30% federal tax credit on insulation means now is a great time to reduce your heating/cooling bill Submitted by foodtower t3_108izdt on January 10, 2023 at 7:48 PM in personalfinance No comments 5
TIL the first story to include space travel, aliens, and interplanetary warfare ("A True Story") was written in Ancient Greek in the second century AD, and was written as a satire of outlandish ancient stories. en.wikipedia.org Submitted by foodtower t3_zz8f8i on December 30, 2022 at 6:59 PM in todayilearned 30 comments 470
TIL the original 1881 "Pinocchio" was a dark story that included the puppet's execution by hanging for his bad behavior (which included murdering Jiminy Cricket) slate.com Submitted by foodtower t3_zxnp8g on December 28, 2022 at 10:50 PM in todayilearned 161 comments 1,801