
foreverurgirl t1_j1z02le wrote

It’s not even like the two incidents I described above. Even when conflict doesn’t spill on to me I have seen tons of fights, people yelling unhinged at other people, seen tons of drinking and drug sales. Metro used to be so clean and safe- or maybe I was younger and naive, but it is so rough now. If it was more visibly policed, at stations and on cars, I think it would help.


foreverurgirl t1_j1yva84 wrote

I have actually been masturbated at on the train twice… just responding to the above comment. I am not a pearl clutcher, but it is unnerving. I wasn’t going to comment that, but I am responding to the comment that included it.

I am a huge fan of walking when it’s close, but I don’t feel safe on the metro anymore. I used to love taking it- and I have always had a car here. It feels totally lawless at this point.

I have moments where I think- hey this will be easy I’ll take the metro, but then I always end up regretting it.

If we are taking about specifically while drinking, I feel safer with a direct pick up and drop off. Being in a car with a stranger feels kind of unsafe, but less unsafe than walking a distance after a few when I have to ability to take an Uber direct from point a to b.

I understand you specifically don’t prefer to drive, but other people do for reasons of safety and accessibility. Please understand that we also hate many unsafe and aggressive - from what I notice, commuter drivers. They make streets less safe for pedestrians and other drivers.