
foreverurgirl t1_j3lk4c7 wrote

Thank you for mentioning that goods are delivered by vehicles to peoples homes…Not to mention having your trash removed by truck, groceries delivered to the store that some people walk to… we need infrastructure that supports cars and protects pedestrians. Some people also have jobs that require them to drive and the notion that there isn’t some work around via car sharing and public transit that we haven’t thought of is privileged and tone deaf.


foreverurgirl t1_j36hadp wrote

I think OP listed the cities they should visit in the perfect order. You just need some good walking shoes and can make a budget friendly trip of all of those places! I agree NYC first. Just compare ticket prices and lodging costs and plan your trips that way.

Good luck- keep us updated. This sounds fun.


foreverurgirl t1_j2f9kxf wrote

The complete cut off to EASY public transit and lack of walkable access points is racist. DC set the area up to be a throwaway space and cut it off from resources and the rest of the growth in the surrounding areas.

That school and vacant bus lot needs to develop because it will bring more park space and the park along the back of Mt Olivet needs attention. It isn’t a place for children or adults.

Anyone arguing or downvoting me needs to spend real time there because I lived there and I am so disappointed in empower dc messing with the new project. Like can you guys start by cleaning up the park there?


foreverurgirl t1_j2f6frk wrote

I don’t need to have a solution for that to point out having so many Sex offenders concentrated in one place is problematic- esp in a “shelter” that kicks people out to wander during the day. Why don’t we create smaller men’s shelters and more transitional housing for them and spread them throughout the community… like Bloomingdale- oh wait you can’t bc of all the schools there. Work force training that prioritizes high risk Sex offenders because surely the most downtrodden would benefit from the leg up? Why don’t you offer space in your home to these poor lost souls?

Why does this neighborhood and the people that live there- including me at one point and not in the Douglas project in the real neighborhood- have to live in fear because of the transit and geographic isolation provides one of the only areas so many Sex offenders can actually live if they don’t have family here.

All of the development was welcome until it wasn’t exactly what empower dc wanted and now the area is losing business and resources because of neglect.


foreverurgirl t1_j2e622d wrote

So the crummel school redevelopment- or lack of- has really stalled the neighborhoods come-up. The protests over the land use (of a large abandoned space that Douglas does not own) have prevented anything from moving forward there.

Everyone wants nice things that fights about redevelopment. Empower DC completely blocked anything from happening in the land site that connects ivy city to union market and the surrounding neighborhoods from the back.

Blame empower dc and the men’s only (aka sex offender) shelter they won’t close in the neighborhood, not Douglas development.


foreverurgirl t1_j2cc1bn wrote

How old are your kids? There are tons of splash pads and mini water areas for various ages in urban settings. You can go to eastern market or yards park on a weekend and poke around the neighborhoods, get food, and get the kids wet.

Re pools, you’ll find a lot of rooftop pool situations that are more geared towards happy hour but in a mild way that isn’t offensive to kids but just not splash central if that makes sense.


foreverurgirl t1_j2b2ynd wrote

Check eckington and noma near union market around tanner park. There are a ton of great restaurants and the Trader Joe’s at union market can’t be beat. There are a ton of new buildings- ask them for rent specials.


foreverurgirl t1_j23s82v wrote

PSA for DC pedestrians: see that little light on the cross walk that has a person walking? Wait for that picture to show up if you are crossing the street. Some people make turns and expect pedestrians to follow the rules also.
