
fphillips93 t1_izz82k9 wrote

Illinois politicians are the most corrupt of any other State, I swear. 😂 Growing up, we had so many nicknames for the general assembly folks and the governors. Rod Bag-of-Chips tried to sell Obama’s seat and my 8th grade History class was lit all year goofing, making fun of politicians. Don’t know how any of us passed our Constitution tests. Illinois politics exist to be made fun of. 🤣


fphillips93 t1_izz71or wrote

It doesn’t feel like that for me in Ozark, but it did in Springfield. The rude and the rat race feeling. I will say, though, that folks in Ozark seem to be, in my experiences so far, a little more racist than folks in Springfield. A girl I worked with said she and her kids have been ostracized since they moved from Springfield to Ozark this year and I agreed that I had felt the same way, that people tend to steer clear if you’re not pasty white. I don’t know. Everyone has different experiences everywhere. I’m glad the Field is working out for you and you’re happy!! That’s all that matters for real.


fphillips93 t1_izglfeg wrote

No, it’s definitely worse than I make it out to be. Like I said…. I don’t even go to gas stations in Springfield anymore because the homeless can’t seem to leave people alone. Don’t act like they aren’t sleeping by the dumpsters at every single Casey’s and K&G in that city. Don’t act like they don’t go in the bathrooms and OD and die all the time in those gas stations. They do. Don’t act like they aren’t stuffed up into the holes in the bridge over Glenstone. They are. You can open up KY3 and find all this information yourself and it’s ALL true.


fphillips93 t1_izdecwx wrote

Man, Idk. There’s been a lot of gun violence and shit happening on the South and East sides of town lately, too. The whole of Springfield is kind of devolving the last 3 years. There used to be zones. You knew you’d be accosted by harmless homeless meth heads at the gas stations on North side in 2018. You knew you could go to the West side for your meth, and to avoid that side of town unless you’re on meth. You knew the South side was the businesses, colleges, and apartments, the people with nicer cars and houses and lots of debt. The East side was industry and the more wealthy or actual middle class folks, east of Prince Ln/Chestnut. Now…. It all blends. The homeless are on National by Mercy with their signs and hands out. They are on the highways on the South side. They sleep wherever. Gun violence on South side and East side in the last 3 years. All that shit with those cops getting killed on East Chestnut with that dude driving all over the East side shooting for 3 weekends in a row and they could never catch up to him. It’s gotten pretty rough. Even if you try to ignore it or move away from that rough neighborhood, there’s ALWAYS a couple of shitty apples on the street, no matter where. I had to skip out. We moved to Ozark in May. Best damn decision ever. And Springfield is like Pedoville. It’s like a safe place for them.


fphillips93 t1_izdcq6x wrote

Move to a town outside of Springfield, but NEVER to Springfield itself. I moved to Ozark from Springfield in May 2022 and have not once regretted it. Property taxes in Ozark are higher, groceries and gas are a little more expensive than surrounding towns and cities, but I personally like the small community of 20,000 people better. One thing I severely dislike about the Springfield AREA is the lack of sidewalks in neighborhoods that should have them and lack of quality education. Drug use is very high because you have the bars and the clubs and the restaurants, where 3 weekends a month all 12 months, someone is shot to dead (sometimes several someones). I moved to Springfield from OKC in 2016. I hated Springfield. It was like a black abyss you can’t crawl out of. You’re literally accosted by the homeless population at gas stations for change, cigarettes you don’t smoke, lighters you don’t have, food they don’t really want, rides. I don’t even go to gas stations in the city anymore since I moved to Ozark. Driving in Springfield is freakin’ HORRENDOUS. No turn signals, they use the center turn lane as a merge lane and drive down it trying to cut into traffic (which then results in a crap ton of accidents in the area), no one has insurance or up to date tags on their vehicles. So if you get ran over walking, which happens DAILY in Springfield because the pedestrians and drivers don’t know how crosswalks and right-of-way works, you have no way to have your medical bills covered. Everyone knows someone severely affected by heroin or meth in Springfield. There is no access for these people to get help, if they wanted it. They get tossed in jail, let out in 2 hours, break into abandoned houses and squat in them until the landlord finds out or in winter, the homeless burn the house down from trying to stay warm. The social services are NOT helpful, so they victimize the community. Some are suffering from mental health disorders because of drug use and incest, some just want to be homeless and will NOT take help. Some are genuinely struggling to stay on their feet and will take a hamburger if you offer or a Penny if you offer, it doesn’t matter, as long as it helps them a little; they want to get back into “normal” life. The police are a bunch of pansy ass clowns. I don’t know where they were found, but they are goofy. They don’t know the laws. Routinely break the laws. It’s awful. The Sheriff’s department is a SQUEEEAKKK better but much to be desired. We just got a brand new jail! Whooo! Weed is officially legal TODAY!!! You can have like 3 grams on you! And the first dispo opens in February 2023. Lots of restaurants, bars, art studios, coffee shops, and apartments downtown. Some government buildings and a central little park with a bridge. It’s pretty. I like it. LOTS of public parks, but also LOTS of public park problems: drugs, guns, homeless, fights, all that good stuff. The people of Springfield are OK. Most I’ve met like to talk, especially at work. They will help the community but also judge the shit out of you. You have to be careful, as an outsider moving to the area, it seems. The medical community is monopolized by two corporations: Cox (the ONLY good one) and Mercy (they kill people and routinely commit Medicaid and Medicare fraud). Those are your options in Springfield. Sucks to suck, friend. The weather is stupid. It rains constantly. All. The. Fucking. Time. I’m from Illinois and I just can’t with all the rain here. It seems like it rains like 3 out of 5 days. Sometimes it will rain for 8 days straight. No Sun. All clouds and gloom for over a week. It’s great. The roads blow. Pot holes all over the mf place. The roads in Springfield don’t make sense. The speed limits should be higher, but then the crap drivers and the pedestrians that have a death wish, ya know…. Safety. Everyone uses a cell phone while driving. Driving is like an extreme EXTREME sport in Springfield. You NEVER know if you’ll make it to your designation and then home from minute to minute. People like to run over light poles on Thanksgiving and kill the power to the whole town, last 4 in a row. I don’t know why they hate the holiday so much, but whatever. There is never a shortage of drugs: weed, meth, heroin, fentanyl, pain pills, nerve pills, LSD, PCP, coke, crack, X, Molly. Springfield has it all. Don’t get involved if you aren’t already. Most of the public parks have trails of some kind. They are wonderful. If Springfield got one thing right, it was their public parks. They are full of wildlife, exotic and natural plant life, beautiful trails, rivers, smells, sights, fish, snakes, turtles. They almost all have play places, too, if that matters. The homes are old and run down. The landlords are mostly slum lords or crappy, greedy property management companies. Renting a property in Springfield is another of those extremely extreme sports in Springfield, like driving. Just be mindful and do your research. Casenet.Mo is a great resource for finding public information about people in the whole state of MIssouri, because of something called the Sunshine law. Most criminal records, even a dog at large ticket, is findable on that Web site for all people in MO. It’s a great tool to keep yourself safe and in the know about who you’re dealing with. I realize not everything will be in that information, but you will be able to see most things. There is a lot of violence in Springfield. The water tastes like dirt and chemicals and death. Don’t drink it. Ever. You’ll die. Don’t work an overnight job. Be inside your house by 11PM. Keep your doors and windows locked. Get your packages as soon as they hit your door step. Have video cameras out side, all around your home and property. Trust me and every one else in Springfield on this one. Murder is common. It could be your neighbor and you would have never expected it or saw it coming. Happens constantly. Your dog has to be on a leash or in a fence. ALWAYS. Don’t let it bark for more than 10 minutes outside (or inside, if you live in shared housing) or the neighbors will talk to you. If it keeps happening, your neighbor will post about you and your dog and your bag dog habits in the FB group for Springfield gossip and will call the cops for a noise violation. I see the question there allll the time. Sure lots of others do, too. It’s common. There is a lot of work. It’s gross, manual work. Not very lucrative, office-y work here. Not a lot of big, National businesses. Bass Pro is like the glory of the city. It’s mundane, in my opinion. Just a massive Walmart for hunters. And Johnny Morris owns half of the city (Bass Pro owner). The people worship him. Do your research thoroughly. Talk to people who have moved to the area from other parts of the States. The people who have lived here their whole lives are kinda like nose blind to the issues or get insulted when you say the truth. The truth is a big fat no-no in Springfield. The people WANT to be lied to. I cannot figure it out. Lots of pedophiles here. It’s like a haven for them. Scary.

Everyone has their own opinion of everywhere. So like I said, talk to lots of people. Im not a college student either, so they may also have a different opinion. Springfield has lots of colleges and a couple universities.


fphillips93 t1_iza0a03 wrote

We went to the library in Ozark to get our 2 year old some more books. I found a Cailou book for her, flipped through it like we do, just to check first. Didn’t see anything that immediately stood out as inappropriate for that age level, so we checked the book out and took it home. My wife got to reading the book to our toddler and realized Cailou tells his new baby sister that he hates her; she didn’t skip over this part or try to hide it from our toddler. She continued reading. And then… at the end of the book, she went back to that page. She explained to our toddler what hate means, how it’s an ugly word and shouldn’t really be used out of anger and all that.

It’s the job of the parents to teach our kids what they see on TV and read in books ISNT always real, the outcomes aren’t the same in real life, consequences. Banning that Cailou book in the library wouldn’t have helped anything. If anything, banning that book because that little boy says he hates a person would take away a teaching moment for parents and their kids. Parents HAVE to start parenting their own kids. Government involvement and restrictions are not heathy. Our kids deserve to have every angle of every story, even the worst ones. That’s true, unadulterated education.


fphillips93 t1_ixc53k7 wrote

Yah, we didn’t find out until much later what actually happened when we got my wife’s medical records. It’s a long fuckin’ story. We filed a complaint with the hospital and got an attorney and some more shit over all this shit. It’s all on-going. That OB and Mercy are shit.


fphillips93 t1_ixa99kb wrote

Albritton almost killed my wife and my daughter in 2020 with his fucking ego and tried to do it again in September this year with my son. Fuck Albritton. I wish he would have met pavement at Disney in August, in front of his wife and kids. He’s a punk ass bitch.


fphillips93 t1_ixa8sey wrote

GO TO COX!!!!!! Mercy is TERRIBLE.

Cox doesn’t feel like a prison. Mercy does. Cox has the doctors that listen to the patient and care. Mercy pushes their wants on you.

My wife and I JUST went through this in September. Had a Mercy OB the whoooooooole pregnancy and the OB and the hospital turned out to be Catholic Nazis “if you do not do what we say, we will do it anyways.” They stuck my wife 23 times trying to find a spot to put her spinal block in, after she told them after the 3rd stick to stop. They wouldn’t stop. I told them to go find someone more competent to do their job, and they went and got another guy who also couldn’t do the spinal block. He tried another 5 needles, for a total of 28 needles. They had her in the back operating room for over 2 hours, forcing her to continue to be stuck with needles. She was having a panic attack because they kept trying to force her to go under general anesthesia. They FINALLY let her go after she started screaming she wanted to see our daughter, who is 2 and was waiting in the delivery room for her. She came back, couldn’t breathe well, her BP was up, she was overwhelmed.
The OBGYN was Charles Albritton. He’s a shitty, egotistical OB and should have his license pulled. The anesthesiologist was Quico (we call him Quacko because he “does 2000 of these a year” but couldn’t get it after 23 needles).

For the love of your child, GO TO COX. Mercy does NOT give a rat’s ass about you and your child. Mercy is not family-oriented. Cox also didn’t give us a pacifier as soon as the baby was born like Mercy did. (We had our daughter at Mercy in Jan 2020, our son at Cox Sept 2022). Cox was willing to do whatever my wife wanted. She went in the ER in active labor at 41 weeks, 5 days. Cox was fast. We went in at 1PM and our son was pulled from my wife’s womb by 9:07PM. We even had to wait for the OB on staff to do an emergency surgery for twins. My wife was in active labor at Mercy in 2020 for 22 hours and Albritton almost killed my wife and daughter. She had an emergency C section with our daughter because Albritton fucked up.