fractalflatulence t1_j6xfwxz wrote
fractalflatulence t1_j6xfncb wrote
Yes, exactly. They hate western liberalism and capitalism. our way of life. Big lol at you running to my post history and throwing a chinese buffett post in my face like it's at all relevant.
You can't disconnect China, the state, from the CCP.
There's a reason you can't buy a Huawei phone in the USA.
There's a reason why the Biden Administration cut China off from American Semiconductor technology.
There's a reason the CCP worked towards, and attained, a board seat at bytedance and doesn't allow our version of Tik Tok in China.
I suggest you set aside your naivety and work to understand the actual political ideologies and theories that drive the CCP.
Only after significant pressure from Washington did Beijing finally put an official "ban" on fentanyl and its analogs.
fractalflatulence t1_j6xehub wrote
fractalflatulence t1_j6xe35e wrote
fractalflatulence t1_j6xdxkf wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious_Laugh300 in Facts! by jeffcren
>Tik tok - impact TBD.
fractalflatulence t1_j6wtnq2 wrote
fractalflatulence t1_j6nyjcd wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in is there a gas station as chaotic as Wawa on A.A Blvd? by panopticon31
Mine too but I didnt interepret "chaotic" as having "issues"
the place is kinda a cluster fuck at peak hours because everyone wants that cheap kroger fuel points gasolina hombre.
I feel like 90% of the time I go there's always traffic jockying for pumps
fractalflatulence t1_j6kpdyz wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in is there a gas station as chaotic as Wawa on A.A Blvd? by panopticon31
my post was colored by the fact that it was super busy (per usual) just the day prior and I was waiting behind a unattended car at a pump with the nozzle in the car and then the owner of the car came walking from the other side of the plaza with a bag full of chick fil a. motherfucker parked at a busy gas station and went to buy food with their car at the pump.
getting a huge kick out of the people who care about this subject enough to toss 6 downvotes my way though LOL
fractalflatulence t1_j6hudt1 wrote
Reply to comment by AllTheRoadRunning in Community outreach group trying to stop violent crime on Richmond’s northside by CrassostreaVirginica
Is “FaceTime with positive role models” code for having a responsible father around?
Why are people afraid to talk about the destruction of the nuclear family in black communities?
fractalflatulence t1_j6htek5 wrote
Reply to comment by FromTheIsle in “People Moving From NOVA to Richmond Are Ruining Our City” Reports Guy Who Moved Here in 2018 by ThatChildNextDoor
That’s where we differ. I think we’ve been there and for a while, shit like infrastructure is just catching up to the demographics
Edit to add: the one element I forgot to mention and people usually do is air travel within the northeast corridor.
I can take the 6am flight from RIC and be in Boston or NYC for a breakfast meeting
The megalopolis is real
fractalflatulence t1_j6hsgr1 wrote
Reply to comment by FromTheIsle in “People Moving From NOVA to Richmond Are Ruining Our City” Reports Guy Who Moved Here in 2018 by ThatChildNextDoor
The cusp? That ship sailed like 10 years ago.
fractalflatulence t1_j6hrlk1 wrote
Reply to comment by BloodyRightNostril in “People Moving From NOVA to Richmond Are Ruining Our City” Reports Guy Who Moved Here in 2018 by ThatChildNextDoor
You totally know what that word means /s
fractalflatulence t1_j6f1ghe wrote
Reply to comment by applebeesinthetrap in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Serious question, did you hit your head?
I'm replying to the comment " **Cops are worthless** "
that has zero nuance..
fractalflatulence t1_j6ewg2m wrote
Reply to comment by applebeesinthetrap in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
There is no nuance in the statement. That’s the point.
Edit to add: How you don't see the irony in you defending a drastic underestimation of the value of policing on the grounds of an alleged overestimation of the value of policing is beyond me....
fractalflatulence t1_j6er345 wrote
Kroger Fuel at Willow Lawn
fractalflatulence t1_j6dkazh wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Definitely not a strawman. Sarcastic response to the implied meaning of the comment I replied to regarding cops and crime prevention
Next time articulate yourself intelligently and you won’t get a sarcastic reply.
Also, hard not to think you’re just backpedaling here since you posted elsewhere in the thread “why have them at all” and you appear to post in multiple anti-police subreddits
Imagine that…
But yes super funny that you’d double down that cops are worthless.
Kyle the college freshman, ladies and gentlemen.
Edit to add: how do you reconcile that the crime rate is down compared to when cops “walked the beat” so to speak?
fractalflatulence t1_j6dj4zz wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
They don’t prevent ALL crime. But they absolutely prevent crimes from occurring
There’s nuance that people like you deliberately ignore when you make statements like “police don’t prevent crime”.
This is why intelligent people don’t take comments like that, and the people making them, seriously.
I’m sure there’s some social reinforcement at play here for people like you making ideological arguments based on far reaching generalizations and convenient platitudes lacking in nuance.
I wonder what happens when the dopamine hit from posting basic-ass takes on Reddit fades away…
fractalflatulence t1_j6dhvuv wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Sure seems like you’re trying to gaslight me at this point
fractalflatulence t1_j6dfemm wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
You can assume whatever you want as long as you’re willing to get called out for your wrong assumptions.
My day is far from ruined but thanks for your faux-concern, slick.
Don’t confuse me chiding you with name calling as me being upset, although I’m sure that’s an effective ego-protective mechanism for you.
fractalflatulence t1_j6de6zs wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Or i made a sarcastic comment in reply to a different tired ass response anytime there’s a crime…”Cops are useless!”
Ask yourself why my comment upset you so much you had to assume I’m a Republican.
Fucking Reddit, full of smooth brains
fractalflatulence t1_j6dcxsd wrote
Reply to comment by pcptornado11 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Sounds like you’re assuming some shit about me so that it’s easier for you to stomach the obvious point I made about crime prevention in the context of the post I was replying to. I voted for “Brandon”
Hit the bricks.
fractalflatulence t1_j6daegz wrote
Reply to comment by ZephyrInfernum in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
If only there were some social workers in that alley at 2:45am on a Sunday morning this all could’ve been prevented!
fractalflatulence t1_j6d8j6t wrote
Reply to comment by jacksonwarg in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
10 friends murdered at the VMFA huh lol
fractalflatulence t1_j6d7ip0 wrote
Reply to Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
They were probably at city beach getting hyped before. Place attracts a bunch of nonsense on the weekend.
fractalflatulence t1_j6xh0f0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Facts! by jeffcren
You sound like every other ignorant person who lashes out when someone scrutinizes your posts the same way you felt entitled to do to someone else.