frankybling t1_j642rxo wrote
Reply to GI bug going around? by ladedadedadedade
just went through it in my house in the southern part of the area… very unpleasant but it only went on for a day or two.
Edit to add… stay hydrated.
frankybling t1_j615b7w wrote
Reply to comment by frankybling in A quick shower by ARareThing
My bad… I was thinking Bruins
frankybling t1_j6155qt wrote
Reply to comment by asmithey in A quick shower by ARareThing
March 17th?
frankybling t1_j60zex7 wrote
Reply to A quick shower by ARareThing
hockey playoffs aren’t until April I think? I have tickets to a regular season game on March 30 at the Garden.
frankybling t1_j5x690i wrote
Reply to comment by BigCrim8810 in One guess what a developer wants to turn the old Hotel Buckminster into by husky5050
I clicked on the link thinking the exact same thing… was not surprised and yet sort of disappointed
frankybling t1_j5x2dg5 wrote
Not even an eyebrow rise from me… at some point that bubble will pop but until then
frankybling t1_j5wu6l8 wrote
Reply to Boston or MA Gyms by [deleted]
I wish I could recommend anything other than fighter type training places… and really I don’t know if those places I would suggest are still around because I got hurt and stopped attending. I used to like the Boston Athletic Club but I think they’re gone. I also liked a place in Charlestown that taught specifically Krav Maga but they didn’t really have a name and I think they’re gone too… there’s a few boxing gyms in the area but nothing that does outdoor training. I’m sure someone knows of places around though.
frankybling t1_j5usfo0 wrote
Reply to Chicopee has a death rate from traffic violence that's 2-3 times higher than the rest of Massachusetts, and drivers there have killed 8 victims – most of them pedestrians – since September: by streetsblogmass
I feel like the words “traffic violence” is meant to (probably correctly) insight some reaction. On the face these were crashes that killed people violently… but saying “traffic violence” implies that these were intentional events… you can make the argument that the hit and run and the DUI deaths were intentional but that accounts for half. People need to pay attention while driving and since we’re in a world where automobiles and trucks exist they need to pay attention while walking and biking too. I walk a lot in my small neighborhood and people drive like idiots. If the intent is to write in a way to anger people into paying attention there might be a better way to convey the message I guess thats my point. I don’t believe in traffic accidents but I think calling it traffic violence is too extreme. Again just my opinion.
frankybling t1_j5ubs2y wrote
Reply to comment by supaflyrmg in Techno in Boston by PurposeIntelligent39
if I could still party like that… I would totally hit the DnB night… I just can’t
Edit- do you know if they stream Thursdays?
frankybling t1_j5u8ef2 wrote
Reply to TIL Jonny Greenwood pretended to play keyboards for months when he joined Radiohead. He was told "I can’t quite hear what you’re doing, but I think you’re adding a really interesting texture" by btb331
I think Greenwood’s attitude was that he wasn’t up to his standards of knowing how to play… which from my listening over the years is damned near perfection seeking. His version of not knowing how to play is way different than 98% (random made up number) of the rest of us “not knowing how to play”.
frankybling t1_j5u5jt5 wrote
Reply to comment by supaflyrmg in Techno in Boston by PurposeIntelligent39
It feels like it’s been going on for a lot longer than that… I remember going there 23 years ago for some great break beat nights. They had a DJ from Ireland and I can’t for the life of me remember his name but he had some incredible break beat stuff… he did a set one night that was all robot fighting themed and it was really fun. That was probably around 2000/2001?
frankybling t1_j5pd294 wrote
Reply to TIL that NBA Player Lou Williams was almost carjacked in 2011, until the thief recognized him and stopped because he was a Lou Williams fan. Lou Williams took him to McDonald's as thanks. by FiNN8778
Yo man are you hungry? I’ll buy you some food right over there… this is pretty good thinking.
frankybling t1_j5p9rfp wrote
Reply to Birth chart reader? by horvatitus
There’s a place in Quincy? I think it’s called The Russian Tea Room… my ex wife was into that stuff.
frankybling t1_j5nroc7 wrote
Reply to comment by Guilty_Scheme_6215 in Where to get MD 2020? by VR_Panda_Lover
aww crap… it’s sort of true though
frankybling t1_j5nfoq5 wrote
Reply to comment by frankybling in Where to get MD 2020? by VR_Panda_Lover
Important to add that it was an unhoused gentleman that purchased it for us for the equal exchange of he got one too
frankybling t1_j5nfkyo wrote
Reply to comment by JonnyJFunk in Where to get MD 2020? by VR_Panda_Lover
It was Night Train Express fortified wine… the express is the most important part. I plastered the outside of the McDonalds on Gallivan with that fine beverage one night in the early 90’s.
frankybling t1_j4ypbo2 wrote
Reply to Despite the geographic similarities, and their proximity to eachother, New York was never considered a part of New England. Why was this historically? What sets NY, especially Upstate (with scenic views, small towns) apart from NE? by Commercial-Life-9998
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam… it’s right there in the bridge to the song. Also, it’s the actual reason… the Dutch owned that area by charter until they didn’t. I think some of Vermont too?
frankybling t1_j4hpw7x wrote
Reply to comment by FTHomes in Just paid only $2.97/g GAS!! by FTHomes
You’re fortunate… the first fill of the season (November?) they killed us at $5.25/gallon for heating oil. It has come down since then but that was a pretty big sticker shock.
frankybling t1_j3xc2nb wrote
Reply to comment by Positive-Material in Let's be honest: it really should be Casey. by graemeknows
it was a shoot for a new Dunkin ad in fact
frankybling t1_j2i7ovk wrote
Reply to comment by Beccachicken in Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95
This is really good advice… if you approach them first they look at it differently than if someone reports you into the system. I can almost guarantee someone is going to wind up reporting you eventually. (ok so I’m being dire, but seriously it’s winter and you two need a roof not a car)
frankybling t1_j2fffcf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Any other Pittsburghers spending NYE in Boston for the Winter Classic? by BackscratcherMachine
isn’t the game on Monday?
frankybling t1_j2ff3fg wrote
Reply to Any Mexican restaurants that serve a "Speedy Gonzalez" or similar dishes? Not much a fan of Boston's many taqueria/burrito line Mexican spots. by MediocreResident0
I like El Serape in Quincy? (It’s in that weird part of Quincy though). They have superb molé and their beans are great!
Edit- by “weird part of Quincy” I mean I think it’s called East Weymouth Square but it’s actually Quincy.
frankybling t1_j26yvfm wrote
especially when I’m drinking
frankybling t1_j26yp8v wrote
not really
frankybling t1_j67pu8o wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in Wow, there is a public school in the city today with broken bathrooms flooding sewage into the halls. It’s still open. by anurodhp
nah, you have to be a reporter to get the name… OP stated that in their post.