
t1_izvuwav wrote

One of the biggest injustices to this air disaster was the fact that there was people from the are that the plane went down on that claimed compensation even though they didn't witness the crash nor were affected by it. They claimed thousands when people like my uncle and my partners uncle who worked for the D&G fire department who were first responders to the scene that didn't claim a thing.

They were walking over fields full of body parts and had no idea until the next morning when the sun came up. My uncle said the only thing he could compare the horrific scene was when he was in Ireland during the troubles and he saw a kid drop a doll in the street and ran away to which the doll exploded.

My parents also saw the fireball come down and hit the ground. They rushed to my grandparents as they were panicking thinking the worst and then went over to help the fire crew. There's so many suicides this time of year because of this disaster but I can't help but be a little bitter at the fact that people claimed when they weren't affected in any way by it at all.